I’ve been a bit quiet on here, so though I’d join back in properly.
Well done to everyone still going (the total amount lost is huge!), and thanks as ever to Jon for keeping on top of it all. 😀
Had a slow and tough few weeks after doing some races, just managed 1/2 a lbs down at the last weigh in, which seemed to take a lot of work, and now I’ve put that 1/2 lbs back on!
Two weeks before Easter me and the mrs had a week off work – I rode a lot (several short 2/3 hour rides, did my first 100km ride in about 8 years, followed two days later by a 70km off road epic). I ate a bit more than usual to recover from the rides, but not massively. Lost nothing and did a knee in!
Last week was terrible for commuting – sore knee, sore back, sore attitude from being back at work, tired, started comfort eating a bit.
I think training for races and trying to increase the length and speed of my rides while dieting has pushed me a bit too far, so I decided I needed a break and to re-focus…
Easter weekend isn’t a great for weight loss anyway… various big meals, too much chocolate to ignore (for me anyway!) and some drinking too. I did try and restrain myself but as ever ate a lot of chocolate and sweets, so 1/2 a lbs on isn’t bad I guess, and hopefully it’ll come back off quick!
Was nice to have 4 days break from riding and weight loss, but need to get back on it now I’m rested. I’ve got 25 lbs to shift in about 10 weeks. 😯 If anyone can spare any motivation, please send it my way! 😀