OK, I said I'd do this this coming year so here it is.
Need to shift a few mince pie pounds? Did you last see your racing weight about the same time as we went metric? It's your chance to shine.
STW chubbers, here's the 'rules'
Weigh in tomorrow after the festivities and then email me your data - address in profile, please put STW in the title so I can find it easily. I need your weight (stones/lbs or kg, just specify what), and then a target for 1 month from now (27th Jan); 3 months (31st Mar) and then 6 months (30th Jun). Feel free to post up here as well if that motivates you, if you want to keep it private then don't.
Weigh ins then on a fortnightly basis, which allows for a bad week / week away / smoothing of data - trust me having done this before, every two weeks is fine. If you want to keep track yourself every week, up to you but I'll only track every two. I suggest weigh in on Friday am, and email results to me so I can then analyse at the weekend.
As we all have different targets and amounts to lose I'll track absolute loss and % loss plus progress to target. No prizes other than smugness, unless Mark or Chipps have some XS T-shirts they need rid of.
Did you last see your racing weight about the same time as we went metric?
2013 iirc was the last I saw of race weight.
2013 iirc was the last I saw of race weight.
You're lucky, mine was in the [i]previous[/i] century... 😳
2007 before all but dying on Aconcagua... 10 years, 2 kids, 2 mental breakdowns, far to much beer and pizza and crappy food/sugar later, i weigh exactly the same. only its all lard, not the ripped toned muscular chap that went to Argentina! i think i will be emailing tomorrow!
YGM (tomorrow).
I'm in, YGM tomorrow. Midday ride planned.
Might be less work for you if you just set up a spreadsheet on google docs.
Keep it simple though, when I did the fat club a few years back the number of columns got a bit mental.
I'm in!
I've gone all veganuary! Also no alcohol or refined crap/obvious carbs - pretty much iDave+ thingsWithFace-
One day in and it's killing me already 😆 😆
You'll be hearing from me tomorrow, OP...
I'm pretty sure that I've started badly....
I'm in. Will mail details later
i am just sat here looking at the fantastic sausage butty my wife has made me.
i need to lose some timber. but i have tried for years, lost five stone a few years ago, put 3 back on.
it just makes me miserable, so i am not gonna join you. i am just gonna ride and ride some more, and enjoy my sausage butty.
good luck........ 😀
Unlike Deborah Meaden I am in (YGM)
I'm keen for this 🙂
YGM - 88.7kg before this morning's bacon butty (Operation Tubgone begins Tuesday when I go back to work).
Target is a stone gone by June.
Tempted. Currently eating lindt balls in bed so lots of room for improvement.
Currently eating lindt balls in bed
Is that prison lingo? 😉
Yep I'm in. Biking to work and low carb diet should shift the muffin top.
Email sent - a shocking 15st 5lb on the scales this morning, nearly a stone and a half over what I was in November 2015. Most of that last 5lb gained in the last month.
I think getting to 15st should be quite achievable in the short term, 14st more difficult, but I want to get to at least 14st, maybe 13st 7lb by June. We'll see, I may have to adjust the end target, I'm 6ft and broad, and will probably put some muscle on, so 13.5 may not be achievable whilst still looking reasonably healthy.
Being the skinny-fat I already am would probably appeal to some of you, but don't ostracise me yet A 1 lb a week running target sounds pretty do-able, but without some external motivation I'm not likely to do it.
Cheers OP!
Hang on... you're John Virgo??
Hang on... AOL still exists??
Hang on... ton is Deborah Meaden??
Go I'll join in, 13.4 stone this morning and I'd like to be 12 stone on the button.
Cheers all; I see a few emails this morning so far, if you've 'joined' on here and not sent a mail yet, then pls do so, and can you make it clear what your username is on here as well?
To Rob's question
1/ yes, but not that one.
2/ Yes! Never seen the need to change it, just use it as a front end address.
3/ I know - it was a revelation to me too. Especially the video of her wrestling in her pants.
As for me - 15st dead this am, 95.3kg
Aiming for 14.9 by end of the month; 14.2 by end of March and then 13.7 by end of June
Thanks for doing this.
12 stone 10 today
12 stone 3 target for one month
12 stone target for three months
11 stone 10 target for six months
Email sent
Count me in.
15st 8lb this morning - heaviest ever 😯
Aiming for around 14st by end of June.
Email sent.
Aim to be 70KG by 6 months
I'm in, will weight a send an email over in a bit.
Probably going to be the heaviest one as ill be over 16st and I'm not even tall 😳
Starting a new job tuesday and planning on doing a lot more riding to work so hopefully I can shift some weight.
I was thinking of doing this, but I am too terrified to get on the scales and see what the damage is after 15/16 months of inactivity due to injury! All set to turn the tide now though, I was trying to get started the last couple of weeks but with Christmas things got a little caught up!
Good luck... I may or may not be brave 😉
Probably going to be the heaviest one as ill be over 16st and I'm not even tall
Dunno about that, I'm 16 on the nose. I am 6ft though.
Aiming for 97kg by Jan 31st, 90 in 3 months and 85 by the time the National Champs rolls around in June
Bring it!
[img] ?oh=13fdf06fdc433fc1e0d8d5a7a09105a4&oe=58E36059[/img]
Target is a stone gone by June.
Nothing if not ambitious eh! 😆
Tempted. Currently eating lindt balls in bed so lots of room for improvement.
Know how you feel... sort of. Without the innuendo but at least...
Today's weigh in here... 13st5 or 85kg in new money. Which is mildly depressing! Nearly had to go out and buy new jeans recently as I'm starting to have to breathe in a lot to get into a 34" waist! At 5ft10 and of slim build my "racing weight" would be around 10 1/2 stone or 67kg, but realistically I don't expect to get there. I'd settle for seeing the other side of 12st, and be very happy if I got down to 11 1/2 without losing any muscle.
Aiming for sub 12st by beginning of April, so roughly 7lb per month weight loss. GF's birthday on 8th Jan though, and she won't be happy if I don't indulge in food and booze with her though, so my resolution is going to have to start a week later than most...
Nothing if not ambitious eh!
Well, at 6'1" I'm not that tubby anyway, and I want to lose the stone a good bit before June (ideally by March), but the main target is to keep it off. Slow and steady weight loss is (I reckon) the key to keeping it that way.
According to my scales im 16st but they don't appear to be working properly as it stopped on 5st when i first stood on them...
I'm in. Post Christmas weight has popped up as 106.6 kg, or 16 stone 10.5 pounds in old money.
I'm aiming for 85 kg this year, then we'll see how it goes from there, as that would be my 'most svelte' for nigh on a couple of decades.
I'd like to join in but don't have scales! If it can wait till Tuesday I'll break the scales when I go back to work.
that's fine, ping me your start and targets Tuesday, I'll add you then.
Today is 'clear out the bad' day Chez Pondo, will approach scales tomorrow if I'm brave.
Probably going to be the heaviest one as ill be over 16st
Got you covered, bro. 🙂
Funny isn't it, I'm a 34" waist at nearly 15st 5lb but I'm 6ft and well built. Seems funny that someone 2 stone lighter has the same waist size.
Rode today, got some pb's despite the bulk so fitness can't be so bad, did the Pearce XC at Hopton. Currently in A&E waiting to see if there's any of my dropper remote still in my leg.
I might bring myself to consider the terrifying idea of scales tomorrow. Feel like a right porker at the moment
Yesterday I went out for the first ride in about 7 weeks. During which time all I've done is sit in front of a Mac and eat rubbish!! I really enjoyed getting out again, despite my terrible (lack of) fitness. So I've another one planned for tomorrow morning.
Will break the scales before-hand and send you the details. I really need to shift some timber
Email sent. I'm 2.5 stone heavier than when my first son was born, averaging 6lb a year on.
It really has to come off now. Email sent, including spelling my own username incorrectly... Thanks for doing it.
I think I might be beyond the point where I can get away with sucking my gut in.
A bit annoying I am fatter now than when I was drinking 2 years ago.
May send in an email.
I like "chub club", but "slimmingtrackworld" would have been a cool name too.
Despite increasing my riding in recent years I'm struggling to ride as fast, so I think it's time to try to lose a few kilos.
I'll be going for the sensible, slow approach - a bit more riding with intervals and cutting down on chocolate, cakes & boozes.
5ft 8in and 78kg now - not actually sure what a sensible six-month target would be, any suggestions?
10kg in 6 months seems doable.
Less than a lb a week in old money.
Don't forget, if you are doing exercise...especially resistance stuff, then you'll be changing composition so before and after pics sometimes help to gauge progress rather than just scales.
I'm aiming to lose 8-10kg this year. 3kg in the next 6 weeks hopefully, a further 3 by the end of April.
Currently 86kg, 6'1"
Have just spent an hour compiling a spreadsheet with figures. Just working out best way to share, may do a google doc if people agree?
So far 19 of us, combined we weigh 3782lbs = 270 stones. Or nearly 1 3/4 tonnes. And we're aiming to lose 449lbs = 32 stones, so 12% or our weight.
There are a few 'missing' names -people who said they might or would, but haven't emailed me yet:
Gozarch (space saved for Tuesday when access to scales)
Capt Kronos?
Flying Ox (you said count me in but no email yet?)
I'm in, will send email when I get back and get a weight.
I'm in, fo shizzle - just going nowhere near scales till tomorrow morning!
Sorry, been a shitty day here will try and email before midnight!
no worries, just reminding.
Jamie - Memberbefore and after pics sometimes help to gauge progress rather than just scales.
Photoshop doesn't count in this instance.
I'm in. Will email tomorrow
Photoshop doesn't count in this instance
That's where I have been going wrong then.
Will email you in a bit, Jon.
Once this gets going it would be helpful to hear what seems to be working for people.
As chakaping mentioned above, I'm also planning to take the "slow but steady route". Never been good at cold turkey - no will power! But slowly cutting down on intake and increasing output will hopefully work for me.