Car drivers…just generally – the ones:
Using mobile phone in their hand/lap/talking into it à la @Cougar’s example, despite it being connected to the car audio as the entire neighbourhood could hear it
Driving across the centre line whilst avoiding no obstruction
Chancing it at every roundabout
Turning into streets on the wrong side of the road
Who think they have a divine right to join the carriageway at a slip road junction
Who overtake artics then hit the brakes
Who take a last second, double left manoeuvre to get onto the off-slip-road from the outside lane to get to McDs
Who park so far from the kerb only a 1970s mini can get into the street
And special mention goes to today’s Throbnut Award winner, who overtook the cyclist, who’d stopped at the zebra crossing, narrowly avoiding the parent with pram. Hopefully something will come of the fact at least 7 people got the reg number and intend to report them.
(Rage emoji)
Reet, back to listening to the sea…