Home Forums Chat Forum Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
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    Full Member

    Not the big stuff, but frankly embarrassingly trivial crap that just makes your urine boil, then makes it boil twice over from the annoyance of actually being annoyed in the first place. Frankly irrational irritations.

    Right now there’s two empty pizza boxes stacked on top of the paper/carboard recycling bin. Like… why? What’s the logic here? You came so close, you actually made it as far as the bin, it’s not full. If you just couldn’t be arsed or you didn’t know how bins work or something🤷‍♂️ then you could have put them on the worktop above the bin so that the bin is still useable. But no, they’re slotted in betwixt bin and countertop so a) I have to move your shit out of the way to be able to open the bin to dispose of them and b) if I don’t notice and opened the bin then it all skitters off into the void down the back of it. Why? WHY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!

    And now I’m far more ‘kin livid at my own stupid petty self for even caring sufficiently to start this thread. At least the crap has made it into the kitchen rather than being abandoned on the coffee table waiting for the Dog Poo Fairy’s day off. Gnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Hulk Smash

    What’ve you got?

    Free Member

    Bottles placed next to the recycling bin..

    Mugs etc in sink when dishwasher is empty..

    Placing “things” in front of drawers cupboards that i need to get into…

    Being asked to fetch something from the garage (paint, step ladders etc) while i have my arm up the back of the bath fixing a leak..

    But ultimately the mega piss boiler is procrastination its a f**king art form in our house…i dont want to discuss the position of a plant in the garden, just tell me where you want the hole digging.

    I could write pages….

    Free Member

    Ooh and not using decorators caulk before painting…

    Not masking stuff off…

    Not filling holes/dinks before painting..

    Using a brush instead of a roller on huge walls..

    Yep decorating piss boiler

    Free Member

    Having to explain that the 17th century house we live in is…

    A. Not square
    B. Not level
    C. I am not a DIY magician.

    Free Member

    And that Pinterest is make believe…

    Full Member

    not using decorators caulk before painting…

    Wait. Before?

    Having to explain that the 17th century house we live in is…

    A. Not square

    Mate of mine famously once declared that he was off to B&Q to buy a Wrong Angle, because there wasn’t a right angle in the entire house. 😁

    Full Member

    Placing “things” in front of drawers cupboards that i need to get into…

    Ah, yes. “Is there a reason you’ve moved this?” Yes, it was in the bloody way.

    I absolutely 100% appreciate you doing the laundry so that I don’t have to and sincerely thank you, but it’s an abject pain in the cock when there’s baskets all over the kitchen floor and I’m trying to cook dinner for six people.

    Full Member

    When people put dirty washing up in the sink for later, or worse “just to soak”. It’s now another job to empty said sink and minging cold, dirty water before you can actually wash up

    Full Member

    Right now there’s two empty pizza boxes stacked on top of the paper/carboard recycling bin. Like… why?

    TBF (and it’s a slim one here) according to our local council’s recycling rules, we can’t put pizza boxes in the recycling bin because they are grease contaminated… they need to go in the regular landfill bin. (Which I assume was right next to the card recycling bin in your case…)

    Full Member

    Any radio that isn’t tuned in properly.

    i can keep my cool in pretty much any situation- unless there’s a radio somewhere in earshot with the signal repeatedly dropping out.

    Full Member

    Wait. Before?

    yep. i think caulk can be painting over but not to be used as a filler as it cant be sanded down?
    so, silicone for bathrooms/kitchens, caulk for the other rooms. i think.

    Free Member

    Bad driving

    Full Member

    People who don’t know the correct use of decorating caulk

    Free Member

    Putting empty butter and empty milk containers back in the fridge.
    Yep, technically they do contain butter/milk but in practice the milk would evaporate before it finished the journey to my cup and the butter needs nano-level tech to extract it.
    How dairy?

    Free Member

    A fantastic high level clean of every surafce in the kitchen with nuclear strength solutions that leaves the used kitchen roll and cleaner bottle sitting on the worktop “in case I do a bit more”.Writing nots on every scrap of paper possible and leaving them in random places to “remind me”. Of what? Where the bloody paper is?
    Drawing the landing window curtain. It faces a huge ok tree! Not closing the blind next to but at 90 degrees to the the first window that faces on to the road and millions ofdog walkers.

    Free Member

    Single panniers!

    Full Member

    I hope oldmanmtb2 feels better having got all that off his chest

    Guide leaders who despite all the “This Girl Can” talk are unable to out up a new tent for the first time without their husbands.

    Guide leaders who despite all the “This Girl Can” talk are unable to take down and repack a new tent for the first time without their husbands, because they didn’t take note how it had been folded when they got it out.

    Full Member

    I absolutely 100% appreciate you doing the laundry so that I don’t have to

    ….but putting some clothes in the machine, starting the thing off and then forgetting about them does not constitute doing the washing. It takes about 20 seconds, maybe 25 if the fabric conditioner lid is tight.

    Me finding the machine full when I need to put my bike stuff in it, and subsequently sorting out the dryer vs line items, hanging the line items up, drying the smalls, and then refolding them when done takes orders of magnitude more than your 20s contribution. So no, ‘we’ didn’t do the washing really did we?

    Full Member

    “Loud pipes save lives” rhetoric from motorbikerists who put race pipes on a road bike then cane it through the mountains here in Schwarzwald…. and this is from me, a motorbikerist of many years…

    Facebook posts about overtaking cyclists posted by the police. Why leave the comments open? Its information from the police, about the law and 500 road tax, rlj’s and insurance comments later…

    Full Member

    Finding an unemptied washing machine or dishwasher. It’s a labour saving device not a labour negating device. The action of putting things into such devices is but half of the story. Normally the easy half.

    Full Member

    Utensil in the wrong part of the drawer so when holding a hot pan and reaching for said utensil the heat gets transmitted more and more through the oven glove. If the item was where it should be my hand wouldn’t have melted.

    Full Member

    The word betwixt!

    Full Member

    People often telling me I shouldn’t wear headphones when cycling,without having any idea about:-
    1/ my chosen route
    2/ when I choose to have them switched on
    3/ what volume I choose
    4/ how my level of risk assessment works
    5/ how long I have been doing this shit

    Full Member

    Username changed to first name. (did I miss this change?)

    Full Member

    Toothpaste squezed from the middle.

    Anyone cooking outdoors without a bin/collecting the litter carefully (see:DofE expeds).

    The recent fashion for grey decor. Everywhere. We live in a cloudy often damp country – why would any person decide ‘know what this country and my house needs? More battleship grey.’

    Many of SRAM’s design decisions.

    Free Member

    Putting random bits of waste metal or plastic in the recycling bin when we’ve lived in a place with strictly limited recycling for over 10 years and the offender has been told at least 100 times already that they only recycle plastic bottles and metal cans/tins. Anything else leads to the collection being spoiled and ending up at the incinerator plus I’m the one that ends up up to my waist in the recycling bin fishing out all the random crap. Arrrrrgh!!

    Free Member

    15mm axles. We had lovely, strong, stiff, not heavy 20 x 110 axles. But that’s too much let’s make them 15 x 100. Hmmm, not quite enough let’s go to 15 x 110. OK, but still not enough, let’s add torque caps to increase the diameter. I suspect the next move will be be to increase the bore to 17.5mm and see how that goes. I know standards need to change and evolve but this was a massive waste of time and money.

    Full Member

    Facebook posts about overtaking cyclists posted by the police. Why leave the comments open? Its information from the police, about the law and 500 road tax, rlj’s and insurance comments later…

    I’m hoping it’s so the next “war on drivers” involves legislation to make being an ignorant arsehole on social media posts a £100 fine and 3 points.

    Inclined to agree with all the vomments re washing machines and dishwashers.

    Can I add – having 4 different washing liquids and two different fabric softeners cluttering up the cupboard

    Full Member

    All of the above plus;

    abandoning shoes in front of the shoe rack in the narrow hall. I am not talking about one pair, but every single pair !

    Leaving all the cooking ingredient stuff out when cooking. If I am frying something I take the oil out of the cupboard, put some in the pan and then put it back leaving some space on the work surface etc.

    Wind Chimes…

    Full Member

    Being required to have an opiniin about things I’m stone cold indifferent to, with particular regard to buying plants from the garden centre.

    Full Member

    The parents that constantly heap disproportionate praise on their offspring for every little thing.

    Full Member

    Hidey tidy. Yes the kitchen is tidier and we can now use that 15cm piece of worktop but after the next post your unopened mail will be there and now I can’t find my headphones, keys, thingy because you can’t remember if it went behind the sofa in the cupboard or under the cat.

    Free Member

    E-bikers telling me you get the same/more of a workout as on a normal bike whilst they wear a coat in 20 degrees heat

    Full Member

    E-scooters. I hate almost everything about them, from their use on footways and against the flow of traffic, to their being left everywhere with no attempt at being even remotely civilised about it. Most of all though, I hate the waste that they exemplify. Just use and discard.

    I do love to cycle in town though, maybe that is why I hate them so much.

    Free Member

    People not using indicators when driving, or using them when they’re already halfway through turning

    Free Member

    I’ve adopted my GREEN, AMBER and RED approach in your head to every issue, gripe and irritant (spoken, phiysical whatever) that presents itself.

    I’ve found nearly everything is a Amber moment. No point moaning about it because you cant do anything about it.

    Green = positive and worth sharing to to everyone.

    Amber = Yes it happening for you, but what can you do, usually nothing. Move on.

    Red = Do something for a positive change or step in and actually do it. Like chucking Colstons statue (not me BTW) in the river rather than bitching about it in Amber.

    Free Member

    Not switching the hairdryer off at the socket after use. I have tried all sorts of strategies to encourage this without success.

    Full Member

    502 Bad Gateway

    Free Member

    This forum having no Like Button or Avatar option.

    Or the ability to upload image attachments…. I’d pay for that :-)

    Full Member

    Having to deal with other peoples untrained dogs when it’s off it’s lead. I appreciate that you want it to gambol about and sniff and be free, and you don’t like the way that it tugs at your arm when it’s on it’s lead, but please take the the time to train it so that 1. it doesn’t tug, and 2. obeys your commands. I will do everything in my power to avoid your dog when it decides just at the last minute that it wants to cross the track under my front tyre, but I won’t put myself in harm’s way.

    You decided that the dog should be off it’s lead, you take responsibility for what happens to it when you do.

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