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  • Strava stalking etiquette
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    I just looked at who was in front of me on a local segment, and googled a few of them. One guy keeps cropping up so I posted a comment on one of his rides which is pretty close to one of mine.

    Bad form or should I have remained anonymous? 🙂

    Free Member

    nah, before I got a wondows phone (effectivley banishing me from strava) I’d taunt people if I got their KoM, one guy obviously lived locally and was knocking off all my table places so i challenged him to a duel on a segment we made for it. I quite often look at other riders pages to get an idea of interesting routes that I wouldn’t have thought of

    Full Member

    <steps away quietly>

    Free Member

    This guy lives around the corner from me, and seems a rather interesting chap with a photography business, so I’m secretly angling for a new riding buddy 🙂

    Free Member

    I had KOM on a flat short stretch of road, maybe 500m.

    commuting home one night on the stretch, taking it easy, a guy came flying past me, clip on aero bars and everything. hmm, I thought, I wonder if I’ll get an email. sure enough 30 mins later got the email, so posted on his ride “are aero bars allowed in Strava?” we had a laugh about it, but still haven’t got that KOM back 👿

    Full Member

    angling for new riding buddy = fine.

    Challenging for some sort of American Grafitti showdown = possibly taking it all too seriously.

    Full Member

    He’ll be in a good position to respond when you take the next step and send him a picture of yourself half-naked.

    Free Member

    This guy lives around the corner from me, and seems a rather interesting chap with a photography business, so I’m secretly angling for a new riding buddy

    <Goes off to write a fictitious ‘ I have a photography business and I’m being stalked on Strava’ thread…..>

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