Dropping some wheels I’d sold off at Post Office so the box is reasonably large; couple of young kids with Gran are hovering around outside at the door so I said ‘excuse me’ and entered the Post Office – I then heard Gran accuse me from outside of pushing her grand-daughter out the way… and I bit…
Stepped back out and clearly explained that (a) I’d very clearly said ‘excuse me’, that (b) the girl saw me coming, saw that I had a large box in my hands and she has in fact got eyes herself, and that (c) I most certainly did not push her. Gran carries on repeating that I’d pushed her daughter out of the way so I suggested (perhaps I started using my ‘teacher voice’ now…) that perhaps she might like to teach the children to open their eyes and and take some responsibility for their own (in)actions rather than growing up blaming everyone else.
Voice inside Post Office (one of the PO staff – no glass walls in front of the counter) yells at me ‘not in front of the customers’ and now Mum (who’d been inside) marches out and tells me that’s her Mum and (this is the best/worst bit…) that ‘My Mum us dying you know and you’ve upset all my family now’…
I just walked past, joined the queue, apologised to the customers inside (again told ‘not in front of customers’) and seethed inwardly.
Why. Me.
(No upper case, no swearing – so guess this rant is doomed already.)