Home Forums Bike Forum Steezyprintz… actually pretty good 3d printed bike stuff!

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  • Steezyprintz… actually pretty good 3d printed bike stuff!
  • DrP
    Full Member

    A facebook advert got it right, blasting an advert in my face…!
    This company actually looks to make pretty useful stuff!
    I’ve ordered the chain keeper and the truing tool, asit looks like the perfect tool for MTB trips away!

    I’m not affiliated with them or anything, but they look rather useful! Not too pricey either


    Full Member

    Hmm. Looks like a nicely made thing.

    For me, when I’m truing wheels on holiday, if I can’t detect a wobble with my eyeballs or a finger nail I’m leaving it.

    Full Member

    I bought both, have used neither in anger but they seem to be well made and decent solutions to portable tools. Turned up quickly too.

    Full Member

    I don’t actually have a wheel truing stand – i use a biro taped to a frame!! This is MUCH better!!


    Free Member

    Wheel truing doobrie looks ace! Ordered. Got to be better than my current Blu Tac and cocktail stick truing method.
    Thanks OP!

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