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  • Stealing from work are you?
  • Tiger6791
    Full Member


    I own the company

    Free Member

    wish our loo roll was worth stealing.

    It’s better for polishing bike components than wiping your ring with! 😯

    Free Member

    I used to work for someone who swindled the entire company from the previous owner. He used to work as the company accountant, but kept two sets of books, one which had the real records which said the company was doing well, and a false set which said the company was going bust. He persuaded the owner that since the company was “going bust”, to sell him the company and get out whilst he could, keeping all the clients and making a fortune. I’m sure he sold his soul to the devil at some point in his life. Lots and lots of other dodgy stuff going on, none of which suprised me in that industry.

    Free Member

    Is saying you’ll pay for something then just forgetting to mention it when other people forget to charge you stealing? If so, i’ve had framed pictures, lots of print(I work in a printers) and various other bits and bobs..

    Only thing i’ve actually stole is a mouse, but that was just laying about doing nothing anyhow so and i needed a new one, why not i said..

    The copy of photoshop etc lying in my drawer is coming with me when i find a new job aswell.

    I just view it as supplimenting your income.

    Free Member

    didn’t a bearded reviewer sort of hang on to a bike permanently ? does that count ?

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