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  • Squirrels – After death revenge
  • WorldClassAccident
    Free Member

    We have had foxy doxy wandering in and out the garden for the last few weeks, including on the garage roof.

    Clearly thrilled with out wildlife management it has just dug out a flowerpot and left us a squirrel

    The whole bloody point of killing them was to stop the flower beds and pots being dug up!

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    awaits the “what foxy killing device” thread

    Free Member

    Shed roof wants mowing

    Full Member

    The whole bloody point of killing them was to stop the flower beds and pots being dug up!

    what are you going to kill next?

    Full Member

    what are you going to kill next?


    Full Member

    To screw with your flowerpots. Try and kill the fox just so we can see what nature fills that vacuum with 👍🏼

    Free Member


    We feed a fox for a few years now. Not too much, as he/she seems to be keeping the rats down very efficiently.

    A few holes in the turf moss is a small price to pay.

    Full Member

    Please,please don’t go full baseball bat Maugham,it will not end well. 😉

    Free Member

    Actually quite pleased to see the fox taking the bodies. It confirms my original plan that a bolt through the head and then letting the bodies drop to be scavenged was better than indiscriminate poison.

    Okay, we lot one flower pot but the squirrels would systematically work their way around the garden digging out each on in turn and leaving nothing but mess and dead flowers.

    Free Member

    Is that a real fox? Looks like it was stuffed and put in a glass case about 120 years ago!!

    Full Member

    Southampton, so it’s a proper ‘urban’ fox. Got a knife and a bag of weed in a stupid little bag. Calls itself a roadfox.

    Free Member

    As I first spotted it when sat in the office. I think it jumped up there after the pigeons.

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    Free Member

    Guess what. I think the squirrel must have come back to life and scampered back to it’s family. What other explanation can be for the body no longer being in the flower pot?

    Full Member

    Mrs WCA didn’t like looking at dead squirrel so threw it in the bin?
    Velociraptors? Be careful when you’re in the loo!

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