ime (of having 24 spoke 26″ crests and 32 spoke 29er crests…..
the 24 spokes are so incredibly flexy under power and steering (and have a low weight limit anyway) that i would not like to be on them loaded – I keep them for race days only – mostly because they are ultra unfashionable and worth pittance ill probably rebuild the hubs one day 😀
my 29er crests even with fully loaded bike have not budged – even when i banjoed the axle the rim stayed true.
I also believe alot of that is down to using DT double butted spokes on my 29er wheels rather than the SP sapims that hope use. But the higher spoke count also helps.
If your loading the bike up i would stick to 32 spokes.
Oh and why not just get A.N.other brand of wheels ? IIRC theres nothing particularly special about cotic wheels and Cy is usually open to sending out a bike without a certain componant for a relevent reduction – he did mine without brakes as they had none in stock.