Home Forums Bike Forum Specialized Command Dropper not rising

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  • Specialized Command Dropper not rising
  • jimmy
    Full Member

    Wonder if anyone’s got any experience of command droppers. I bought one 2nd hand but new so can’t be warrantied. Unfortunately hasn’t worked “out the box” – it won’t return from a low position, at least never fully and rarely at all. Sometimes it goes to about 1/3 the way up if I’ve just put air in – but that seems to be the problem that air isn’t being retained. The troubleshooting manual says this requires a new seal unit so before I suck it up and get it repaired, is there anything else to try?

    Full Member

    Specialized UK are quite reasonable with repairs. Daft question but are you pumping it up when its fully extended or when its down. It needs to be fully extended to pressurise. We run all ours at 25psi

    Full Member

    Is the clamp too tight – this can affect the ability of the post to rise. Or as above air pressure.

    Free Member

    Are you sure is air not being retained, checked pressure, or is the post sticking, does it move freely by hand?

    A strip/clean/re-grease is easy enough on a command post. I’d try that first, especially if no warranty. Just follow the online guides for servicing.

    Free Member

    First port of call is the air valve, replacement might cure it if it’s down to leakage.

    Full Member

    Tracey – this might be a very non-daft and apt question:

    Daft question but are you pumping it up when its fully extended or when its down. It needs to be fully extended to pressurise

    I was doing exactly the opposite :-/

    Will try later – thank you in advance!

    Others noted but clamp wasn’t too tight (tested without)

    Full Member

    Some silicon fork/shock lube on the shaft and work it by hand. If the O ring below the dust deal gets dry on both of mine they tend to slow down/stick.

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