Home Forums Bike Forum Southampton Bike Park – Dig Day and Bike Jumble on Sunday

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  • Southampton Bike Park – Dig Day and Bike Jumble on Sunday
  • WorldClassAccident
    Free Member

    Umm, what the title says

    Probably starting about 11am at the bike park. There will probably be a small (£1 ?) charge for a bike swap stall. The stall will be an area of ground where you can show your stuff.

    All money help pay towardss the running of the bike park.

    Dig Day too so you may want to bring some muscles.

    Free Member

    This sunday? the 6th? away again 🙁

    Have fun…

    Free Member

    Out of interest what is a bike jumble? Tried to google but didn’t get far!

    Free Member

    Daft question – where is the bike park?

    (On the IoW)

    Edit: Got it. http://southamptonbikepark.wordpress.com/

    Free Member

    Bike Jumble = Bike Swap = Way to shift your unwanted bits and buy stuff you need cheap.

    Location = Southampton Sports Centre

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