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  • South American block on Falkland registered vessels.
  • ernie_lynch
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    big_n_daft – Member

    The situation is a political construct playing to the mob. They are using a lull in our expeditionary capability to force a political “solution” against the wishes of the population. If the majority of islanders wanted the change I really couldn’t see a British goernment opposing it.

    What “mob” are they playing up to – is the UN a mob ? are the other South American countries a mob ? is the Argentine population a mob ? Do you even know what you are talking about about, or did you just throw that in ’cause referring to an opposing viewpoint as a mob is something which you’ve learnt from Daily Mail headlines ?

    And if you think this issue has “suddenly” appeared again it shows just how ill-informed you are and how effective the media is at ignoring it.

    The UN has been dealing with the issue since at least 1960, and even immediately after the Falklands War the UN insisted that both sides enter meaningful sovereignty talks. Britain has consistently ignored the UN but the issue has never gone away, and it never will until it’s settled. Wakey wakey – the colonial days are over. There is no point hanging on to remnants of a former empire, it’s quite frankly pathetic.

    As for arguing that the Falkland Islanders want to remain British well of course they do – they’re British, but there is no free movement to the Falkland Island, anyone who is Argentine isn’t allowed to live there. Not exactly surprising then is it ? Besides, there’s no problem with them remaining British. However if it is important for them to live under British sovereignty then the obvious answer is that they should live in the British Isles, not 8,000 miles away from them ffs.

    And btw, anyone who believes the British government gives a monkeys what the Falkland Islanders want is living in cloud cuckoo land. The Falkland Islanders were stripped of their full UK citizenship just before the Falklands War. Not something which they asked for, I can assure you, and something which sent a signal to the then Argentine government that Britain was uninterested in them. Full UK citizenship was only restored after the Falklands War and the British government had fully recognised the political mileage that the war had offered them.

    And if the British government still persists to lay territorial claims on land 8,00 miles away, then it has far more to do with potential profits then the wishes of any people – the very basis of European colonialism and empire building. British governments are trying to live in the colonial past. Those days are long gone, eventually Britain will loose her South Atlantic colonies – hanging on to them is not a long-term option.

    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Member

    A minor problem of the population not wanting to change, as with the Falklands.

    Diego Garcia????

    Free Member

    The UN has been dealing with the issue since at least 1960, and even immediately after the Falklands War the UN insisted that both sides enter meaningful sovereignty talks. Britain has consistently ignored the UN but the issue has never gone away, and it never will until it’s settled. Wakey wakey – the colonial days are over. There is no point hanging on to remnants of a former empire, it’s quite frankly pathetic.

    I don’t understand why you are so keen to give the islands to a country that has no meaningful relationship with the population?

    any sovereignity negotiations are going to be quite short:
    Argies: we think we have the ownership of the islands, the pop should be Argie etc

    Brits: the islanders don’t want to be Argie

    where is the middle ground?

    Why can’t they go for independance? afterall lots of other new states are being created/ resurected out of history

    Free Member

    Do Argentina really want the Island? Or does the President know that it gives a popularity boost in the polls?

    I never cease to be amazed how people in Britain can be so ignorant of the answer to that question. I’ve never heard of an Argentine who didn’t think the Falkland Islands are Argentine, it is the only issue which I know of that unites all Argentines whatever their political persuasion – from left to right.

    Furthermore the Argentine President does not need a ‘poll boost’. A couple of weeks ago she won a landslide victory in an election with possibly the highest vote of any Argentine president ever. Try to keep up with current affairs before commenting 💡

    Free Member

    big and daft – if the wishes of the islanders are the only thing that counts why does this not apply to Diego Garcia?

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why you are so keen to give the islands to a country that has no meaningful relationship with the population?

    Me ? You don’t understand why I am so keen to give the islands to a country that has no meaningful relationship with the population ?

    What am I …. the UN Secretary General ?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    big and daft – if the wishes of the islanders are the only thing that counts why does this not apply to Diego Garcia?

    I don’t know enough about it, it sounds like I would support the islanders from the little I do.

    Free Member

    FFS dependent territories are not an exception. The US, Australia, NZ, the Netherlands, Norway etc etc all have them. So it’s absolutely FA to do with historic colonial blah blah blah; as correctly pointed out those days are long gone.
    Anyway, this is all a bit pointless. There is no way on earth the FI are going argie any time soon.

    Free Member

    Furthermore the Argentine President does not need a ‘poll boost’. A couple of weeks ago she won a landslide victory in an election with possibly the highest vote of any Argentine president ever. Try to keep up with current affairs before commenting

    obviously the policy didn’t exist before the election 🙄

    Free Member

    obviously the policy didn’t exist before the election 🙄

    It’s the policy of every Argentine political party. There is no ‘political mileage’ to be had 🙄 🙄 🙄

    Furthermore there was never any doubt that Kirchner would win a landslide victory – she didn’t need a “boost”.

    Free Member

    It’s the policy of every Argentine political party. There is no ‘political mileage’ to be had

    policy is one thing, actually manoevering and actively doing something another (ask anyone who has read a governments election manefesto)

    anyway, I’m up for the independance of the Islands, are you?

    Free Member

    Furthermore the Argentine President does not need a ‘poll boost’. A couple of weeks ago she won a landslide victory in an election with possibly the highest vote of any Argentine president ever. Try to keep up with current affairs before commenting

    From memory the Falklands was one of her key pledges.

    Free Member

    From memory the Falklands was one of her key pledges.

    So tell me, from your memory, which candidate didn’t have the issue of Falklands sovereignty as a key pledge ?

    Although I appreciate that your memory isn’t that good – you had “forgotten” that the Falklands was an issue that unites all Argentines, hence your question whether they really want them.

    Free Member

    Expect to see lots more about this issue over the next few years as the Argentinean economy crumbles in about 18 months time…….
    when China’s demand for commodities tails off………. nothing else will take their populations eye off how bad things are than raking over the coals again……

    Free Member


    Funnily, she added basically be careful they’ll take what they want/come after you next etc.

    Err no luv. Blair’s gone now. He was the one that invades countries.

    Full Member

    loving tj’s selective stance on the right to self determination 😆

    some pretty general ignorance throughout the thread regarding empires and their beginings but that’s ok, i probably had the same knee jerk reactions before i actually bothered to learn about them. stuff like……….

    It is an anachronism of our military imperialism

    is just nonsense based on a guilt ridden explanation of how empires form. the british empire was created by a whole range of factors – economics, ecological takeover, religion, science and technology, even luck and accident. the idea that we created an empire solely by some great military invasion force that bludgeoned its way around the world is plain bollocks.

    Free Member

    loving tj’s selective stance on the right to self determination

    Indeed – he won’t be laughing when we give Scotland back to France, the western Isles back to Norway, and the Shetlands (with all their lovely oil) back to Denmark 😆

    I suppose the Americans should give Texas back to Mexico too TJ?

    Free Member

    El-TJ and Ernesto Chavez-Guavera are welcome to move to South America, I’d help contribute to the air fare..anyone else?

    Full Member

    The ironic thing is that the Falklands war never happened the Islands would probably be part of Argentina by now. Stripping the residents of the Islands was the first step. There is no way that any UK government will accede to the transfer of the FI to Argentina, at least not until anyone still alive at the time of the war has passed on. Argentina knows this, hence any comments raised by them is just politics being played.

    Free Member

    El-TJ and Ernesto Chavez-Guavera are welcome to move to South America, I’d help contribute to the air fare..anyone else?

    They would still have access to the internet there too. If you’re paying do you think you could stretch to an extra ticket?

    Free Member

    I’m going to extend a formal invitation to Junkyard to resume negotiations, in good faith, to resolve the ownership dispute over the contents of his wallet.

    Not the same you would need to be asserting the wallet was yours

    A minor problem of the population not wanting to change, as with the Falklands.

    Plantation of a pro UK population does not over time make it anything other than conquest…imagine Israel does this to Palestine – would it become OK because the population dropped in want to be Israeli- obviously they would kick the Palestinians out like we did to the Argentineans before respecting a populations wishes

    If the majority of islanders wanted the change I really couldn’t see a British goernment opposing it.

    Did you read the link about why the islanders opinion is irrelevant in terms of international law? Your point is correct but then again we only let Brits live there so we don’t really need to worry on that front do we.

    Regardless of colonialism and your views on it, the Falklands’ population considers itself to be British. And that should be where it ends

    As above why can people not see that it was taken by force and a Uk pop planted there- length of time does not make this right

    Do Argentina really want the Island?

    Rather like asking if you want to get laid or change your frame fork combo– it s in their constitution and the keep petitioning for its return what do you think Sherlock? 🙄

    I don’t understand why you are so keen to give the islands to a country that has no meaningful relationship with the population?

    We put the population there – it is is an invasion I cannot believe how many posters seem to ignore this fact- perhaps Northern Ireland makes it easy for us to ignore plantations and then suddenly respect their wishes to choose us [ once we have the majority and we ignore the all Ireland vote obviously and partition the country to ensure we respect the wishes of the people – well the people who choose us obviously not the actual population who dont choose us]– which is after all why we put them there.

    Free Member

    Plantation of a pro UK population does not over time make it anything other than conquest

    Junkyard – I would refer you to my point above regards Mexico – would you assert that they have a legal claim over Texas, New Mexico, California, Nevada and Arizona?

    Surely under your interpretation of the law the entire Southern half of the US is merely a conquest, and despite a long history of planation of a “pro US population” it should revert to Mexican sovereignty?

    The problem with the Argentinian claim is just as “colonial” as the British one – Their only claim to the Falklands is as a historical remnant of the Spanish colony that preceded their own existence as a nation.

    Free Member

    I dont know anything baout mexico or texas so I am unable to comment…Sorry this is STW what was I thinking off ignorance is no bar to posting SORRY 😳

    No its nothing like that dont be daft 😉
    Will google later and get back to you

    Your overall point is correct that to attempt to rewrite borders based on historical boundaries would be doomed to failure/very complicated as we would just argue over what date to use ..FFS we would need to have all the Aussieds back as well [shudders]

    Free Member

    perhaps Northern Ireland makes it easy for us to ignore plantations and then suddenly respect their wishes to choose us [ once we have the majority and we ignore the all Ireland vote obviously and partition the country to ensure we respect the wishes of the people – well the people who choose us obviously not the actual population who dont choose us]– which is after all why we put them there.

    This is a completely different situation, there is a significant proportion of residents of the territory opposed to British rule. There is no opposition to British rule from the residents of the Falklands Islands. It is a bad example, and should not be part of this discussion. It has its own issues, which are very sepperate.

    Free Member

    there is a significant proportion of residents of the territory opposed to British rule.

    I believe the words for 75% is a significant majority but yes the Falklands was a much more succesful planataion than Ireland.
    Does that now make it right because we removed the argies and wont let them return ?
    They are not the same but nor are they nothing like each other…..the fact/point is the UK does not always respect the wishes of the island in deciding “ownership” as a partition clearly shows and we do plant pro UK population to make sure they freely choose us

    Free Member

    Does that now make it right because we removed the argies Spanish and wont let the argies have a peice of land which they have no rightful claim to ?

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member

    loving tj’s selective stance on the right to self determination


    Free Member

    I dont know anything baout mexico or texas so I am unable to comment…Sorry this is STW what was I thinking off ignorance is no bar to posting SORRY

    you don’t remember the Alamo? 😉

    Free Member

    You made some good points in your earlier post, and I am interested particularly in how governments use the Falklands Islands situation. It is a complex and interesting debate, and we should consider why so many countries are siding with Argentina on this issue.
    However, your continued insistence on including Northern Ireland in this debate prevents me from contributing further.

    Free Member

    It is a complex and interesting debate, and we should consider why so many countries are siding with Argentina on this issue

    it’s the Mark Twain strategy, “buy land they don’t make it anymore”

    the south american economies are doing well due to natural resources which everyone wants access to, I imagine there are sweetheart deals being negotiated to ensure support for their land grab

    Free Member

    Does that now make it right because we removed the argies and wont let them return

    But we didn’t – we only expelled 26 soldiers, nine of whom were already under arrest for a murder, and all of whom had been in the islands for less than three months – of a total population of 33 civilian resudents, four civilians left of their own free will, and the remainder, plus 12 “gaucho’s” remained. The Gaucho’s later commented that they were happy to remain, and were pleased that they had been paid for work done in silver by the British rather than worthless paper money as given by the Argentinians…

    33 civilians – That was the sum total of the Argentinian colony in the islands in 1832, and only four left… thats the sum total of Argentina’s claim to 3000 people and 4,500 square miles of British Territory

    Full Member

    Can this not be settled with a friendly game rather than warmongering.

    Choose something we invented so must be good at like Football?

    Free Member

    These STW x Falklands threads are always a treat.

    TJ, ernie and that other one clearly have such contempt for their own country, I really do wonder how they manage to keep on living.

    It’s quite sad that their enduring obsession with ‘Fatcher’ and the 80’s means that rather than accepting that they were on the wrong side of history and have never knowingly been right about anything, they’d prefer to wish death on British service personnel and the subjugation of the FI to a country with no legitimate claim on them and no support from the FI population.

    Ultimately, none of it matters. The Argentines are in no position to invade, the FI are vastly better defended than before and the ‘Bloc’ is just South American realpolitik being played out. There is precisely bugger all chance of some pan-South American armada embarking and risking their lives for the sake of Argentina.

    The biggest risk to the FI comes from the British Government, especially now that every major party is rammed to the gills with effete careerist bed-wetters.

    Free Member

    I think we should all move back to Africa and resurrect the Neanderthals, personally. Clearly that would solve all the issues, or perhaps we should devolve back to apes?

    Falklanders consider themselves British. That should be all that matters in this discussion. You can keep your straw men of various other downtrodden ‘colonial relics’, I believe the thread was about the Falklands.

    Choose something we invented so must be good at like Football?

    How about cricket?

    Free Member

    Why do the Argentinians even want the Falklands? What benefit is it to them?

    I am afraid history happens and things move on. Should Russia give the part of Finland that it nicked off them? Should Sweden give its southern counties back to Denmark (The old capital of Denmark is Lund where I live in Sweden) Should Russia really have an enclave in Kaliningrad. There are many exceptions in history things do move on though. Even Gibraltar, the UK has actually have ran it longer than the Spanish now.

    1462 Spanish forces took Gibraltar from the Moors 242 years

    1704 The British captured it. 308 years

    And there are plenty of Moslem extremists that would like to retake Spain for themselves.

    Things move on but there is no right or wrong as everywhere has some kind of mis-justice.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch are you an argie? seem very informed

    Free Member

    Bravo – love my country. I do dislike the imperial remnents tho.

    So – why not the chagosians then? why do they not get the right to self determination?

    they’d prefer to wish death on British service personnel

    thats a disgraceful slur. Really – even for you thats rich

    Free Member

    Bravo – love my country

    which country?

    Free Member

    Bravo Bravohotel8er

    Sock it to ’em

    Free Member

    TJ, ernie and that other one clearly have such contempt for their own country

    Really? Can you explain this please, it’s just that I really don’t see that; in fact what I see is quite the opposite.

    And as I, as you all know, am always right, that must therefore mean you are in fact wrong.

    Sorry, but that’s just how it is I’m afraid. You can’t argue with Science. 😐

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