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  • South American block on Falkland registered vessels.
  • zokes
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    Forundred! 😀

    It transpires that he’s actually mostly Argentinian, despite happily living in someone else’s country all these years. Oh the irony…

    Oh, and Zokes; forgive me if I’m wrong, but din’t you live/still live in Australia or NZ or something?

    I think we posed a real threat… we never had any intention of going back to shore; we were only waiting for the right moment to act.”

    Yeah but they haddunt, had they? And had the peace thingy actually got to Thatchler in time (she probbly already had it anyway the evil witch), then the whole situation could well have bin de-escalated.

    And Bonzo wooduv required orders from his superiors before any action, so his comments are more or less irrelevant.

    Free Member


    Oh really? Hows that then?

    Answer the question re your living abroad please. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Thats right Freddie, the comments of the Captain of the ship itself are irrelevant, clearly you know more about the intentions of the Argentine navy that he did…

    Free Member

    If I recall even the Belgrano’s Captain said it was a fair cop! An exclusion zone historically for neutral shipping, and the UK Government ammended its rules of engagement to include ships outside the exclusion zone – which Argentina understood.

    Free Member

    He woon’t have acted without instructions from his superiors, no matter how ‘poised’ he was himself.

    is not that how military forces work? You tell me, Labby, you’re the frustrated wannabe fantasist. You probbly know loads about military stuff; heck, you probbly even pose for pics with guns and stuff you’ve killed…

    Free Member

    the question re your living abroad please

    I do live in Australia, because the Australian government headhunted me, then gave me and my wife a PR visa. That’s called sponsored migration, not colonialism, chum. At the same time, the country whose taxes paid for my education were just about to let me rot in the dole queue.

    My personal view of how the Aborigines have been treated since ‘settlement’ is that for the most part, it’s horrific at best. however, there’s not a huge amount of winding back the clock that can be done, seeing as for the past 200 years we’ve pretty much trashed the place.


    Free Member

    Ah, about time, Freddies getting frustrated at losing the argument and that people are posting that he’s been pwned (not me by the way) and he starts with the insults, quelle surprise!

    Tell me Freddie dahling, what exactly is the basis of the Argentine claim to South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands?

    Are you possibly able to point me towards the reason that Argentina only made their first claim as to sovereignty of these islands in the 1920’s, and refused to cooperate when Britain repeatedly offered to go to the international court of justice on the issue in 1947-55?

    Don’t forget, the war started after they initially occupied South Georgia, 1000 miles from the Falklands!

    Just wondering like, since you’re such an expert on the issue…

    Free Member

    I do live in Australia, because the Australian government headhunted me, then gave me and my wife a PR visa.

    Right, ok.

    So, in your own words, you’re

    happily living in someone else’s country

    So, you don’t consider your comments towards Ernie, who is in fact a UK taxpayer, and very proud of the country in which he lives, to be just a teeny bit hypocritical then? Not to mention really quite rude.

    This is Ernie’s country as much as it is mine mate. You may have turned your back on it, but we’re proud to be here.


    If it helps you sleep at night thinking this, then up to you I spose. Bit pathetic though.

    Free Member

    Just wondering like, since you’re such an expert on the issue…

    I think I’d actually be quite surprised if anyone was an expert on this…

    Free Member

    No, no, Freddies definitely the expert, coz he knows more than the Captain of the ship… 😉

    Free Member

    Boring troll rubbish.

    Free Member


    Because, rather than accept the facts in front of you on the thread’s topic, you’ve made a poor attempt at a sideways attack on whether or not I live in Oz. Living in Oz does not have a huge amount to do with this:

    South American block on Falkland registered vessels.

    I’ll happily discuss with you at length on another thread whether there should be a European presence in Oz, and how perhaps, we could make our continued existence here better for the traditional land owners. But this is a thread about the Falkland Islands, which despite also being in the Southern hemisphere, are a bloody long way from here too.

    Free Member

    I have absolutely no knowledge or even interest in the issue of South Georgia or the Sandwich islands, so I have no idea quite why Labby is even bringing them up, tbh. 😕

    Ah, about time, Freddies getting frustrated at losing the argument and that people are posting that he’s been pwned (not me by the way) and he starts with the insults, quelle surprise!

    Au contraire, Labby. I actually find Zoke’s vitriol quite amusing, he seems genuinely hostile towards people.

    And you’ve posted pics of yourself with guns and dead things on this forum, so I’m only stating facts.

    Sorry if you’re offended by that though.

    Oh, and it’s quite amusing to note how many tags about me have suddenly appeared. I’m quite flattered.


    you’ve made a poor attempt at a sideways attack on whether or not I live in Oz. Living in Oz does not have a huge amount to do with this

    No; I’ve challenged your hypocritical (and somewhat xenophobic) attitude towards Ernie, for living in the UK. When you yourself live in a country other than the one you yourself were born in.

    Zokes; chill baby. It’s Christmas!

    C’mon; pucker up:

    Free Member

    Zoke’s vitriol

    Que? I’m sat in my garden with a cup of tea at 10 am in 30C. I couldn’t be vitriolic if I tried.

    However, winding up some self-important, perennially banned, internet troll is perhaps providing a slight hint of amusement.

    It certainly takes less brainpower than writing grant proposals, which is probably what I should be doing right now….

    Free Member

    whilst some two-bit sham of a treaty was being put together to buy a bit of time

    A “two-bit sham of a treaty” ! 😀

    Despite being called the Peruvian Peace Plan it was only promoted by Peru, it was actually written by Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State Alexander Haig. So then, the Americans were helping the Argies to buy time and defeat Britain !…… Maggie must’ve been very cross indeed with her best buddy Ronnie !

    Actually Argentina only initially agreed to the PPP, the sinking of the Belgrano worked a treat despite it being in violation of Security Council Resolution 502 which required “an immediate cessation of hostilities”, and all prospects of a peaceful settlement were scuppered.

    And as we know Maggie went on to win a general election, which she had been certain to lose, on a tide of tabloid-fuelled patriotic fervour and jingoism. Which gave her the opportunity to carry on screwing the British people for several more years. Until her party sacked her.

    On the plus side, and it’s a biggy, the defeat of the Junta guaranteed its imminent and rapid collapse. An indispensable process in the eventual collapse of all the Washington backed and trained military dictatorships in Latin America.

    Today Latin America has finally freed itself of total US dominance, political interference, and hegemony. Never since the arrival of the first European colonists has Latin America been freer than it is today. And I would like to feel that Maggie played a small part in that, and gawd bless’er, unwittingly she did.

    Free Member

    I have absolutely no knowledge or even interest in the issue of South Georgia or the Sandwich islands, so I have no idea quite why Labby is even bringing them up, tbh.

    So you’re not even aware that the Argentine claim to the Falklands, their pleading to the UN and even their own constitution includes not only the Falklands, but South Georgia and the South Sandwich islands?

    The Argentine Nation ratifies its legitimate and non-prescribing sovereignty over the Malvinas, Georgias del Sur and Sandwich del Sur Islands and over the corresponding maritime and insular zones, as they are an integral part of the National territory. The recovery of these territories and the full exercise of sovereignty…

    Pah, some expert you turned out to be Fred 🙁

    Edit – Ah, yipee, Ernie’s back – Ernie, can you please tell me a little about the foundation of the Argentine claim to South Georgia and the S.Sandwiches, since you’re clearly an expert on the sovereignty issue?

    Thanks in advance Ernie 🙂

    Free Member

    Pah, some expert you turned out to be Fred

    I only came on here to express my view that the sinking of the Belgrano was unnecessary and senseless slaughter. Not to discuss the intricacies of the claims to territories by two opposing nations. Sorry if that peed on your chips somewhat.

    Free Member

    And, funnily enough, you even got Pwned on that as well eh Freddie 😆

    Free Member

    I only came on here to express my view that the sinking of the Belgrano was unnecessary and senseless slaughter

    Which turned out to be an incorrectly held view.


    Free Member

    Erm nope but thanks for listening.

    Free Member

    Surely comparing the Falklands situation to Hong Kong is nonsense. HK was leased from China; the lease expired so Britain had no option but to hand it back (regardless of what the HK population may or may not have wanted). The legal situation with The Falklands is quite different.

    Free Member

    Erm nope

    Trouble reading, then?

    Free Member

    Zokes; give it a rest son, eh? Email me if you’ve got something to say, keep it off the forum and from bothering others. Email in profile.


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    Free Member

    ….since you’re clearly an expert on the sovereignty issue?

    😳 Aww-shucks thanks Z-11, but I ain’t an expert on anything ….. apart from maybe swinging a hammer.

    I think you might be confusing my “expertise” with the fact that you know bugger-all, don’t put me on pedestal mate.

    Free Member

    Come come Ernie, don’t undersell yourself, you’re a clever chap and I couldn’t bear to see you portray yourself as nothing more than a hammer swinger through some form of inverse snobbery. why, Marx himself stressed upon us the importance of education and intellectualism for the Workers.

    you’ve been very careful to point out the validity of the Argentinian claim to the Falklands, so how about the rest of their claim in the region?

    Free Member

    I think you might be confusing my “expertise” with the fact that you know bugger-all, don’t put me on pedestal mate.


    Free Member

    I only came on here to express my view that the sinking of the Belgrano was unnecessary and senseless slaughter.

    as the whole war was, the ultimate responsibility of the junta is clear. If the Argies had not invaded no-one would have died in the conflict as it wouldn’t have happened. A lot of brave people lost their lives for Argie politics

    Free Member

    Jesus wept…it like strutting stags rutting with petty insults and perfectly reasonable but opposing views…I am sure if you keep at it either your force of argument or snidey insults will win the day…really dont give up I can sense a break through any second…

    Full Member

    Its also worth adding that we could (at the time of the invasion) freely discuss this issue, be a member of a trade union, be a student, journalist without taking a one way helicopter trip to a prison or a very hard landing after being thrown out of the door never to be seen again. The whole issue was just brought up as an attempt to deflect the public away from the mass murder happening on their doorsteps.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    Jesus wept…it like strutting stags rutting with petty insults and perfectly reasonable but opposing views…I am sure if you keep at it either your force of argument or snidey insults will win the day…really dont give up I can sense a break through any second…

    No sense in joining in and prolonging it then? Oh….

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    Free Member

    The whole issue was just brought up as an attempt to deflect the public away from the mass murder happening on their doorsteps.

    Well firstly the Junta had been torturing and murdering people for 6 years before the Falklands War and was probably running out of people to kill, and secondly, focusing people’s minds on what they were doing was very much part of the strategy.

    In common with other US backed Juntas involved in Operation Condor, fear was a vital weapon, so the “we’re gonna come and get you” message was very important. When a Ford Falcon was seen driving around without number plates people knew exactly who the occupants were – the AAA death squad.

    In the film “Missing” (in which Jack Lemmon won an Oscar) you see just how important it was for the Chilean Junta to frighten people and instil terror. All the Juntas involved in Operation Condor received their training in the United States’s Army ‘School of the Americas’ and had very simular tactics.

    A favourite of the Argentine Junta was to publish long lists of names of people in newspapers which “they would like to interview”. If your name appeared on the list you got the hell out of Argentina as quickly as you could. Which was an excellent result for the Junta as they got rid of you without having to make the effort of finding and killing you.

    Two of my cousins had to flee Argentina for that reason, although a third was imprisoned and tortured (such is the irony of civil wars that I also had an uncle who was a cavalry colonel). And it didn’t have to be for any reason other than “suspected liberal views”.

    All the US backed Latin American military dictatorships overthrew elected governments, “unpopular with the people” was a default setting. They did however need core support, and which they enthusiastically received from the more affluent sections of society. However in Argentina by 1982, a constantly declining economy had caused that support to ebb away.

    The badly planned invasion of the Falklands was a desperate panic measure by a discredited Junta to rally support for themselves. And it worked – many who had been bitterly opposed to the Junta were overjoyed that what they considered to be an integral part of Argentina, and the last remaining European colony in Latin America, had been finally liberated.

    However it only worked for a few weeks …….. Thatcher had an election to win and she wasn’t going to let this golden opportunity slip her by. Specially as she had up until then been certain to lose it. Thank you Maggie 8)

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