Home Forums Chat Forum So….the dog bit my Daughter on the face..!!

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  • So….the dog bit my Daughter on the face..!!
  • neninja
    Free Member

    I got bitten in the face by a friends dog when I was at his house playing when I was about 7. It wasn’t the first time the dog had bitten someone – it had bitten his sister on the arm previously. I bent over to stroke the dog and it went for me – missed my eye by about 1cm and I had 10 stitches.

    The dog was at the vets being put down that afternoon. I was more upset about the dog getting put down than the bite.

    If I had a dog now (not had one for years) and it bit one of my kids it would be at the vets equally quickly.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a scar on my leg from that dog, and the dog probably had a fractured skull. I don’t think the dog will be biting any more people.

    I hope you remember the time you were pure man every time you see that scar. It must bring back some powerful and dominant memories for you.

    Free Member

    Seriously – for a 12 year old Dachsund who has known nothing else but near constant human company and sleeping on a sofa?

    The Dogs Trust sanctuary is for dogs that have never known and do not enjoy family life/human contact. In Mr Bitey the daschund’s case, they’d try to rehome him in a child-free home, making his prior history clear. They class any dog that has shown aggression towards humans for whatever reason as an ‘amber’ dog.

    For example, we looked a border collie called Robbie – he’d bitten a child’s face (the owner’s grandchild had come to live with them and the dog wasn’t very good with children…). He would make a great pet, but he’d have to have the right home.

    Free Member

    Worjs for me so the fecker won’t start again.

    Well… one day you’ll probably punch a full sized german shepherd or something and it’ll eat you. People like you just won’t learn so I’m not going to try and lecture you.

    Free Member

    A dog called Cabbage? I dread to think what the kid’s called!

    The dog needs to go, end of. At the age of 12 it’s probably kinder to put it down rather than sending it to a sanctuary IMO, how long will a small dog like that realistically live? It’s had a good innings and will be miserable without you so why put it through such a massive change.

    FWIW I don’t see much wrong with giving a dog an occasional kick if it does something wrong, especially if it displays undue aggression.
    I wouldn’t use it as a main training strategy but if a/my dog bit me it would certainly get a boot in the ribs.

    Free Member

    I don’t see much wrong with giving a dog an occasional kick

    Yes, as long as people understand the difference between an occasional kick and kicking the hell out of it – which is just disgusting and totally wrong in every sense of the word.

    At the age of 12 it’s probably kinder to put it down

    This. Take it to the vet for a 2nd opinion maybe, but 12 is old for a small dog, and being re homed traumatises them immensely. It sounds soppy as **** I know, but it can kill an old dog, they get so stressed and upset about being separated from their family – especially if they’ve already been re-homed.

    Full Member

    He’s not a small dog. There are 3 sizes of dachshund, toy, mini and standard, he is a standard and his height is just below my knee and I’m 6ft. My wife also has opinion and it’s her dog really, she owned it before they both moved in with me. She thinks that any life is better than none, I’m not sure I agree so anywhere we do give it we shall be asking some direct questions about it’s day to day life and any restrictions. It’s a terrible poisition to be in and it’s very sad because we love him so much.

    Free Member

    It’s a terrible poisition to be in and it’s very sad because we love him so much.

    And because you love him so much you have to do what’s best for him. I think the right think is to remove him from the environment that is going to, potentially, get him into more bother in the future.
    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Bear in mind


    4 people before.

    To get some perspective, there were 4 incidents in 12 years…… 4

    b. Hora is a moron and should be ignored, as that he even inhales and exhales without assistance is a miracle.

    and finally …..

    Last time a dog bit me, it was an uncontrollable yappy jack russell. The owner was in a state of panic, as they didn’t know how to handle their prized family pet.

    A few second later the dog was knocked out by a hard right foot. Now the owner was more hysterical as their dog instantly went from yappy to silent.

    I’ve got a scar on my leg from that dog, and the dog probably had a fractured skull. I don’t think the dog will be biting any more people.

    Do you normally stand naked in front of the mirror touching yourself when you recall that story?

    You sad, sad little man.

    Free Member

    Mate had a border collie from birth.Followed him everywhere, nicest most sociable dog you would meet. when it was 5 he had kids. it snapped at one of the kids once, nipped them. he kept the dog and told it off. 8 months later whilst at work the dog ripped a sheet of his sons face off like bacon, no joke. end result, plastic surgery, scarred kid, dead dog….

    Free Member

    Horrible situation to be in but the above story says it all really.

    Best of luck with it!

    Full Member

    Rich, I don’t think that’s fair on Hora at all.
    He handled the situation with Bingo very well indeed.

    Full Member

    Rich, I don’t think that’s fair on Hora at all.
    He handled the situation with Bingo very well indeed.


    He may come across as a little, errm, eccentric but I’ve never doubted his heart’s in the right place and he did the right thing with and by that dog.

    Full Member

    I kicked my best friend’s dog about 7 years ago,it was biting my 18 month old daughters hand at the time,should I have told it off instead?

    Free Member

    I kicked my best friend’s dog about 7 years ago,it was biting my 18 month old daughters hand at the time,should I have told it off instead?

    good god no, that’s cruelty and you should be reported to the rspca for even thinking that. all your daughters fault and she should have been put down immediately. at the very least.

    To get some perspective, there were 4 incidents in 12 years…… 4

    so how many times would you let a dog attack someone before you did something about it? (apart from say ooooh he’s never done that before)

    Free Member

    Last time a dog bit me, it was an uncontrollable yappy jack russell. The owner was in a state of panic, as they didn’t know how to handle their prized family pet.

    A few second later the dog was knocked out by a hard right foot. Now the owner was more hysterical as their dog instantly went from yappy to silent.

    I’ve got a scar on my leg from that dog, and the dog probably had a fractured skull. I don’t think the dog will be biting any more people.

    Coward. I’d love to meet you and bite your leg. We’d see how long you’d last.

    Full Member

    glitchy bump

    Full Member

    glitchy bump 2, the sequel.

    [edit] well that one worked.

    Free Member

    Proof that a sequel can be better than the original?

    Full Member

    Hugor,if a dog bites you,how are you supposed to stop it,seeing as the owner was present and couldn’t?

    Free Member

    I love dogs but if one was attacking my little boy there is nothing I wouldn’t do to stop it.

    Free Member

    My point entirely….

    To all the haters, next time shall I sit the dog down and give it a stern talking to (only when it’s finished biting me – it would be cruel to stop it…) ?

    Free Member

    hugor – Member


    Coward. I’d love to meet you and bite your leg. We’d see how long you’d last.

    Do you have rabies?

    Free Member

    No idea if it has already been posted (can’t face trawling through all the posts) but in the news today a Jack Russell has been put down for killing a one week old baby.

    So very sad.

    Free Member

    Incredibly sad events in telford. My thoughts are with the family.

    Free Member

    nukeproofriding – Member

    Worjs for me so the fecker won’t start again.
    Well… one day you’ll probably punch a full sized german shepherd or something and it’ll eat you. People like you just won’t learn so I’m not going to try and lecture you. [/quote]

    NPR – You could try kicking him repeatedly?

    Free Member

    My sister has about three miniature dachshunds, and they are all noisy bitey little rats. She calls them names like Pooky and no matter what they do, it is never their fault (biting etc.). Typical baby substitutes. My mother has a standard one that just bites, again it is never its fault. She feeds it cheese sandwiches on a plate, FFS. My experience of dachshunds is that they are the most nasty dogs you can get.

    I love dogs but when I get one (border collie) it will be trained.

    Not that I’ll ever have kids but if I did and my dog but him/her then the dog would be history.

    Free Member

    To all the haters, next time shall I sit the dog down and give it a stern talking to (only when it’s finished biting me – it would be cruel to stop it…) ?

    Seems like an exaggerated response and a sign of underlying antisocial behavior looking for any excuse to unleash excessive aggression on an obviously weaker opponent.
    Ie a coward bully in its purest form.
    A Jack Russell is hardly a threat to a grown adult man.
    You a policeman by any chance compensating for your small stature at school?

    Free Member

    But it’s okay for something that is hardly a threat to be allowed to bite people with impunity? I don’t advocate beating the shit out of dogs, but even dog owners have to accept there should be a middle ground where you can hit a dog (not to cause permanent damage) that is biting you/a loved one because pushing them away rarely works.

    Full Member

    So how much damage is it allowed to do before you can take action?

    Full Member

    Sorry atlaz,that was for Hugor.

    Free Member

    A Jack Russell is hardly a threat to a grown adult man.

    Seen this?
    Any comments?

    Free Member

    You can take action but kicking an animal to death is completely antisocial.
    Would you punch your wife or child to death if they hit you or would you perhaps react a bit more restrained.

    Seen this?
    Any comments?

    Yes that was a week old child not a STW poster with aggression and inferiority complexes.

    Free Member

    so that makes it ok?
    you really need to see someone and get yourself fixed.

    Free Member

    Who said anything about kicking it to death?

    Full Member

    😆 @hugor

    Hysterical much?!

    If a dog bites you and you kick it to get it off you and stop the biting then that’s fine by me (And most sane people).

    If the dog isn’t a threat and you chase it down and kick it to death and then wee in it’s shoes, that’s not okay. Okay?

    Free Member

    If a dog bites you and you kick it to get it off you and stop the biting then that’s fine

    indeed. but if a dog is really going for it then i strongly advise getting the **** out of there.

    anyone claiming to have ‘kicked the shit out of a dog to teach it a lesson’ has clearly either been picking on small dogs, or dogs that were close to rolling over anyway.

    Free Member

    Seems like an exaggerated response and a sign of underlying antisocial behavior looking for any excuse to unleash excessive aggression on an obviously weaker opponent.
    Ie a coward bully in its purest form.
    A Jack Russell is hardly a threat to a grown adult man.
    You a policeman by any chance compensating for your small stature at school?

    so, a dog is biting you. you can’t kick it, or punch it. The owners don’t seem to be able to do much.

    Please impart some wisdom on us oh wise one, how do you stop the dog from biting you?

    Do you stick a finger up it’s bum?
    tell it to stop?
    just sit there until it stops?

    Free Member

    So has the dog been killed yet?

    If not, get it down the kebab house!

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