Bear in mind
To get some perspective, there were 4 incidents in 12 years…… 4
b. Hora is a moron and should be ignored, as that he even inhales and exhales without assistance is a miracle.
and finally …..
Last time a dog bit me, it was an uncontrollable yappy jack russell. The owner was in a state of panic, as they didn’t know how to handle their prized family pet.
A few second later the dog was knocked out by a hard right foot. Now the owner was more hysterical as their dog instantly went from yappy to silent.
I’ve got a scar on my leg from that dog, and the dog probably had a fractured skull. I don’t think the dog will be biting any more people.
Do you normally stand naked in front of the mirror touching yourself when you recall that story?
You sad, sad little man.