The only riding I do at night now is urban or an organised cyclocross session at a local sports centre. I went off road one night but a badger ran out in front of me. I hurtled over the handlebars, broke my pelvis, smashed my helmet up, might have been unconscious, smacked my ankle up & generally made a mess of myself.
Amazingly, I might have been found if I’d remained unconscious as a group of Mtbers came by along the old railway line where this happened. But after them, say 830pm onwards, I suspect no one would ever have passed me until day break.
This could have happened on a road ride too of course – or even in the day (replace badger with deer…) – but stupidly being alone and remote left me very much is danger had a not remained concious/regained consciousness.
So, lessons learnt. Learn from this idiot,me.