Dude, the time isn’t ‘coming’, it’s gone.
Same happened to me over 20 years ago in late 20s. Realised that my sharkie was actually looking like a comb-over/ephemeral nest of fluff. Half the male side of the family have MPB.
Clippers. Set to zero. No need to totally shave it all off, which is ironically a high-maintenance option. Just super-short. If you get bored and want to have folicular fun grow beards, taches, etc. Or leave the ‘island’ when clipping. You’ll have a small nohawk. Or go Terry Nutkin if you’re really brave. Anything is better than attempting to disguise it. The anti-bald stigma of yesteryore is just not nearly so strong these days, so enjoy.
Bald is brave. You’ll be free of hair-anxiety. Feels great in the pool too. No snagging. No grease. No dandruff. No barber-bills. No fashion worries. Clip, oil and go.
Edit: in-before anyone else 😉