How long? B*gg*red if I know. That said I’ve been with the same lass since I was 22 and I’m 37 now (15 year on Paddy’s night you know) so I’m probably one of the lucky ones.
I’ve seen people in a duff relationship for ages, walk out of it and find someone spot on for them ten minutes later and I’ve seen people falter and stagnate.
I personally I never forget anyone – they’re part of what makes me who I am today (and on that basis they’ve proably got a price on their head, but not by me). I’m just glad to be where I am.
Life is a journey, and like all journeys its about where you’ve been, where you’re going and who you’re traveling with.
Gus – I liked you third post. Though the second I’d take issue with on principle.
CG – people evolve but you can evolve together.
(pissed hippy bit noew over back to middle class idiot pontification – you hadn’t noticed the difference?)