Cornish, Kentish, Cockerny, Welsh, Glaswegian Dwarf, Irish Black and Tan, and another dwarf who was married to a soldier and lived in the tower of London. The two dwarves were conflated as being the same person on the family tree for a while, not because they were dwarves but because the were both exceptionally foul tempered.
Spent some time on the Kent marshes with my dad this year, we were down there for a family funeral, travelling a few miles from Stroud to the coast you go back a generation every 1/4 of a mile or so. Near Cliffe he told me about an ancestor who was a coast guard who had a rail bogie with sail on it. If the wind was favourable he’d sail to work along the railway line. Anyone unfortunate enough to be labouring in the fields when he finished his shift would be roped into pushing him back home again.