I didn’t really follow the Sick thread. Please enlighten me.
Guessing they were arseholes that took money but didn’t deliver? (in a nutshell)
Clueless muppets start bike brand and fail spectacularly leaving lots of people out of pocket including manufacturers.
The whole thing was made much worse by their attitudes. They got a shocking amount of publicity for a couple of poseurs who had never produced anything. Quotes like “If you insult us on the internet we will fight you” etc, etc. The media lapped it up and fed their considerable ego.
Then there was the periodic press releases where they had an opportunity to clear the air but passed the buck and blamed the ‘haters’. The even came on here to tell everyone not to buy their bikes.
Absolute self-pitying cry babies. The whole thing was a circus from start to finish.
What have I missed out?