Breakfast – Sachet of OatsoSimple Golden Syrup, Powdered Milk, Dried Fruit and a spoon of Ready Brek. add 200ml Boiling water and stir and stand for 2 mins. Coffee (Nescafe 3in1) 375 cals
Lunch – Tesco value instant chicken noodles and pasta in a mug. Just add 400ml boiling water, Mini pack of Maryland cookies 510 cals
Dinner – Vesta meal, throw rice away and add in 5min spaghetti, just add boiling water and stand. Instant custard powder and dried fruit and nuts, Coffee, 1000 cals
Animal biscuits
Fruit Flakes
Mars Bar
Whisky Miniature
2700-3000 cals / 700 grams
Add to this Haribo and stuff as needed
Whole days food <£5
Like the crackers and squeezey cheese idea though