To be fair, if you spend multiple poor weather nights in a Laser Comp with a down bag, you’re going to be getting wetter as time goes on. That’s the downside of multi day backpacking in our maritime climate.
Wet during the day and unable to dry during the night. I’ve tried the ‘wear it in the sleeping bag till it dries’ approach and after a couple of nights, it’s grim (especially in winter).
These days, if it’s realy pissing down all day/all night, a couple of nights/3 days is my max before a YH/B&B/5* hotel 🙂
I bet Fatty Mears spends 250 nights tarping just like Bear spends nights sleeping in camel corpses 😉
BTW, that Thermalite thing will be plastic bag like. When young and poor, I used to bivvy in one of those silly orange plastic bags. You could count on being cold/soaked/miserable. If it’s anything like my Thermalight bivvy bag, it’ll weigh ~120g. My Goretex BB weighs ~250g. Well duhhhh! (i.e. reach your own conclusion) 🙂