Fire lighting on wilderness sights [sic] is little more than vandalism
It’s not as clear cut as that though. IMO A driftwood fire on a beach or a slab of rock next to a river or lake is OK. What’s problematic are situations like then following….
15 DoE/bushcraft students digging a little square of turf up for a fire and then putting the turf back afterwards. two weeks later there’s lots of little turfless pits in the ground and clumps of unrooted turf all over the shop where some creature’s dug them all up looking for tasty beetles or worms etc.
Big campfires in popular camping spots where there’s not enough dead wood to meet demand. Then people start being stupid and hacking branches of trees, etc.
Fires in sensitive places and on dry moorland, etc.
If you use a bit of common sense and discretion then there’s no reason why you can’t, on occasion, have a campfire in this country.
For the purposes of illustration….
An intrepid backwoodsman enjoying a responsible campfire on a slab of rock using old wood collected from the banks of an uplands river….
And, when it all goes wrong. A wreckless moorland barbeque, probably caused by someone who saw an episode of Ray Mears on their TV and thought they’d give that bushcraft lark a go 😉 ……