Cobblers – re-read where it was raced DH – in the Forest of Dean – so i assume on the mini-DH event ? Hardly going to get a 'proper' DH bike up to speed over a 30 second course are you ? 5 minutes in and it'd be a different story. Horses for courses and all that
I guess Mark the problem is they have not invented a HT to take your godly skills and mass, ego.
Like I said in my previous post in the right hands a HT is very fast DH, its lighter, more manoverable etc but ofc it needs to be in the hands of a very good rider…. the rest of us mortals need a a FS to compensate!
mark_b – Member
5 minutes in and it'd be a different story.
Please explain why it takes 5 mins for a FS to pawn a HT? most UK courses are only sub 5 min anyway… so basically what your saying is any 5 min decent and a HT will win? a FS should only be 10 seconds at most slower to get up speed… fail