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EDIT: Nice bun, MW
This is endurokid signing out of STW with a very red face!!!! 😳
It’s turned into a STW breakgiffing contest, 😯 in a minute Jamie’s going to make it spin on its bar end and do the splits with its wheels.. and dress it in a shiney purple track suit…
Breakgiffing, eh? I like that.
Shame I don’t usually do animooted. Maybe I better fix that 😉
Looks nice in orange, ha!
Good work guys!!!!
If that was my bike I’d use the Lennon one as wallpaper!
LOL great thread, Jamie’s in the lead!
I just go for the cheap shot. Euro should be up there for some lovely comp work.
Awesome thread, please keep it going
Here’s another failed attempt at posting a pic!
At what?
what you really need is a newsreader riding it!
Excuse the shitty workmanship [coursework beckons] but…
I literally cried and nearly did a wee reading this!*
*it may not be that funny, but I’m not well 😀
I was hoping for a few more, well, any pictures of Coverts, but I guess after this they don’t want to be associated with me! 😯
Skillz, innit?
VERY good 456mocha 😆
Damn. Too slow. 456mocha got there first.
EDIT: eer – looks a little silly now because of the above, heh.
Ecky – he’s a very small man but at least he’s got the valves lined-up
Tis the season….
Ha! Good one 🙂
Shit – they even took the pole and hat!
But fitted a swimming pool….
If only it was sunny….
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