Home Forums Bike Forum Show me your BMX race bikes please!

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  • Show me your BMX race bikes please!
  • Singlespeed_Shep
    Free Member

    Really fancy a PK Ripper

    there’s one in the classifieds 😉

    Really like that Brew

    Free Member

    Wish I had some pics of my race bikes when I was a teenager. Had a Curtis Pro and a PK Ripper!

    Free Member

    Yep, that Brew looks great 😛

    My first proper BMX was a Curtis Pro – bought the frame heavily reduced back in the late 90s (when lightweight stuff was resigned to the bargain bucket) and build it up with a right mish-mash of odd parts ranging from heavy-ass but oh-so-cool at the time midschool Gusset bits and pieces to lightweight oldschool bargains 🙄 – loved it though.

    Still no racebike for me . . . yet. Swapped my order from the GT complete to the lovely DK frame, which despite being despatched a week ago is now stuck in parcel limbo 😕 . Never mind, the white pedals look great on my Blood 8)

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