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  • Should Theresa May resign?
  • dazh
    Full Member

    Marr was highly enjoyable this morning. Fallon didn’t have a leg to stand on and he knew it. He does though seem to have a masochistic love of being monstered on live tv.

    Corbyn displayed a new authority and confidence I’ve never seen before. He’s looking quite prime ministerial in fact 🙂

    Free Member

    i think the only way he could do it and pull it off would be to go for referendum 2.

    I think he has the ego to take the job and the lack of moral fortitude to then kill Brexit dead as well by saying well i tried but we could not get a good deal and this deal is better than no deal or some such

    Despite all the Brexit must be honoured I do not think it would win if there was a ref now on the issue and it was won on a pack of lies that we all know wont be happening

    Full Member

    Marr was highly enjoyable this morning. Fallon didn’t have a leg to stand on and he knew it. He does though seem to have a masochistic love of being monstered on live tv.

    Corbyn displayed a new authority and confidence I’ve never seen before. He’s looking quite prime ministerial in fact


    He was incredibly relaxed and ready for the next phase


    Full Member

    I spoken to a few conservative supporters since Thursday. They still hold the view like some on here it was just a protest vote and once they get the right leader it’ll be business as usual.

    I think they’ve underestimated who swung this election.

    Full Member

    IDS on Peinaar (Radio 4) at the mo:
    The electorate were too stupid to understand the policies, it was just a protest vote, nothing needs to change.
    Arrogant man.

    Sounds like he’s now left the studio before Mark Steele gets stuck into him… coward.

    Full Member

    Seeing a few similar comments reported over that last couple of days. Not sure telling a more youthful voting body that they’re too stupid to understand things will go down well…

    Full Member

    Boris now backing Theresa ‘100%’.

    So, let her get her hands dirty with the DUP then dump her once agreement in place?
    Tis the Tory way…..

    Free Member

    i’ve never been so intrigued by politics.

    The more soap opera it gets, the more people will start following it. This would be pretty good for democracy IMO. And probably good for Corbyn. See the post-election Suvation poll.

    Full Member

    Tories will be running scared of another election, desperate to hang on. But the more they hang on, the worse the eventual outcome will be for them.

    Full Member

    ot sure telling a more youthful voting body that they’re too stupid to understand things will go down well…

    Indeed. Too stupid to understand why they should maintain the status quo where they have nothing but debt, zero hours contracts and insecurity.

    If you don’t have anything to lose, why not vote for a change.

    Full Member

    I seem to remember EXACTLY the same argument being bandied about when all the working class heroes voted for Bresit last year.

    Full Member

    Yep. And the brexiteers exploited it. Now it’s come back and bitten them.

    Free Member

    There are a lot of very smart, highly motivated kids in this country and it’s very heartening to see them starting to realise they can control their own destiny.

    They should have all the same opportunities that the boomers and gen xs had.

    Free Member

    Imagine if Corbyn had done the things that TM has done. The RW press would be going nuts.

    Free Member

    same way as if Hilary had got fewer votes that Trump and had links to russia who helped her win they would be going ape.

    Its not really a surprise to see that self interest is the defining principle of the right wing and everything else [ including honesty and the country] is a long way after that.

    Free Member

    They should have all the same opportunities that the boomers and gen xs had.

    Times have changed and the country is in a mess. I fear the best the youth can hope for now is to deliver those same opportunities to their children or grandchildren… Not sure that any party saying this is a vote winner. No magic money tree, no instant change just a hard grind for years.

    Trouble is it not like the recent past with a devastating war that caused the hardship we managed to do it to ourselves

    Free Member

    no instant change just a hard grind for years

    Most people know this I reckon – but we would welcome hard grind for the benefit of each other, if it could be portrayed this way.

    Free Member

    i think if we are all init together then we acyually all have to be in it together

    It personally fills me with shame that my kids will face a harder time than I did

    problem is my parents generation are tied to the fact that they paid for what they are getting and thy deserved it when the reality is they rode the property bubble, got free education, free employment and then earning relate pensions that they did not pay enough to cover and they passed the bill on to us to pay more and get less

    The elderly/pensioners then wrapped it all up in an EU exit to make sure we were all royally **** by those who had received the most whilst making sure their pensions were still triple locked

    Still lets remember what we need is for the rich – the uber rich in particular to stop being enabled to avoid tax

    Full Member

    People don’t mind working hard and making sacrifices if there is a positive outcome at the end of it.

    Taking the hit just to see the benefits passed on to the corporate sector and the most well off eventually sticks in the throat.

    I think the electorate, especially the younger element are realising that they’ve been had.

    You can fool some people some of the time etc…..

    Free Member

    I agree most people understand it will take time but it is not a vote winner to say they.

    No party will (or perhaps can) assign a budget outside of the final year of their term. So unless a coherent effort is made from the get go anything that is attempted seems to be tinkering over a couple of years.

    Look at the insistence that the EU UK situation can be unraveled in two years when a basic trade deal normally takes 2-5 times as long. Then we spend the first few months of the time dicking around not getting on with the job.

    There are enough votes on all sides that like the idea of an instant change for the better that they vote for the sound bites. Telling people you will reduce their debt and make services better will always be popular. If you follow it with the caveat that once implemented this won’t be the case for 10 years and you will have to work like stink for less to make it happen those votes float away.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Oh dear – he is planning a bid then?

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t the Conservatives be better off at this stage just letting Corbyn have a go at running the country?

    Wait for Labour to be destroyed by the poisoned chalice of Brexit, and then come in again with a fresh young leader(*) who can appeal to all those new young voters, who by then will be a little bit disillusioned by Corbyn’s inevitable failures and mistakes?

    (*) i.e. not BoJo or that awful Gove man.

    Free Member

    its one of those and it was a good election to loose

    The numbers are just not there for Corbyn so the choices were this or another election for the tories

    I am not sure which is the least worst option for them tbh

    I assume they think a “period of stability*” is the best option

    * which means enough time to get a new leader with different policies and then an election

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t the Conservatives be better off at this stage just letting Corbyn have a go at running the country?

    it’s not in their makeup to concede power, what if he canceled brexit, the daily fail would implode 🙂

    Full Member

    Sometimes the only way to win is not to play.

    Free Member

    ok Joshua 😉 how about a nice game of chess

    Full Member

    Front page of the Telegraph is hilarious today, they’ve got their 8 tl;drs from their political commentators, everyone else is doom and gloom, Rees-Mogg says “This is a tacit approval of May’s brexit strategy” and IDS says “She’s the best person to deliver stability” 😆

    Free Member

    Great to hear on the World at One the 1922 Committee give full support to Maybot..

    Which means she’ll be out before the end of June.

    Full Member

    if corbyn’s policies had really chimed with the electorate he’d be measuring up no. 10 for curtains right now.

    I think it’s worth reflecting on where he has come from in terms of campaigning in no time at all.

    It’s a staggering underdog story.

    To actually win might take a wee bit longer.

    Full Member

    I think it’s reflecting on where he has come from in terms of campaigning in no time at all.

    It’s a staggering underdog story.

    To actually win might take a wee bit longer

    Aye this is basically the first Rocky movie.

    JC playing Rocky, plucked from obscurity, viewed as a bum, with the champ, Apollo Creed played by May, expected to blast JC out with ease.

    All JC wanted to do was go the distance with the champ, which he did, but now he can taste victory and he’s going for the win in Rocky II, somewhere in the next few months.

    Personally I can’t wait to see BoJo as Clubber Lang and Rees Mogg as Ivan Drago

    Free Member

    JC’s sunday jog 😉

    Full Member

    JC playing Rocky, plucked from obscurity, viewed as a bum, with the champ, Apollo Creed played by May, expected to blast JC out with ease.


    Great sign off from JC this morning – “Look at me I’ve got youth on my side!”.

    Who’s the drunk Burt Young?

    Full Member

    Wasn’t the other comment from the 1922 committee ( I paraphrase ) ‘accept may and the dup or we’ll have another election’?
    Like a teacher – ‘it’s not my time you’re wasting’ 😆

    Free Member

    Cabinet Nonshuffle going on at the moment. Have we ever had a weaker PM ?

    Full Member

    OK, if we’re doing music now…Theresa May on Friday morning.

    The final act happens quite soon I suspect.

    Full Member

    Indeed. Too stupid to understand why they should maintain the status quo where they have nothing but debt, zero hours contracts and insecurity.

    All of those are because of the EU, obvs.

    If you don’t have anything to lose, why not vote for a change.

    Totally agreed. But there’s plenty of other ways to change rather than “I don’t like my house, let’s set it on fire.”

    I’d have thought that the first party leader to actually address people’s concerns and provide sound solutions to put our own house in order would smash an election. I don’t really understand why it’s not being shouted from the rooftops.

    Free Member

    Corbyn’s £11bn student loan “gibe away” was cruicial imo. It’s a policy which benefits the middle class and will leave todays students having via their taxes to support a huge national debt but hey ho they are not worried about that right now.

    Full Member

    I’m of age to have benefitted from not having to pay fees and receiving a grant for my degree education. I haven’t pulled up the ladder since, I firmly believe and always have, that if a country wants educated people it should pay for them. There is a caveat which is we don’t need 50% of the population educated to degree level merely to occupy desk space in call centres.

    Full Member

    Oh look Gove is back as environment secretary. Let’s watch him **** that uo too.

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