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  • Should Theresa May resign?
  • dazh
    Full Member

    In an effort to prevent thread closure…

    May won’t resign (see above one chance only) and she’ll only be pushed out by clean break Brexiteers

    I agree that off her own back she won’t resign. She’s too stubborn and perhaps duty-bound. However as we’ve seen many times previously, it won’t be her choice. Thatcher went after proclaiming she’d hang on, Blair too. At some points events will overtake her. I also agree it’ll be brexiteer extremists that do it not remainers. What I’m interested in however is whether the tory remainers/DUP will then fall into line and support a no-deal brexit or abstain in the inevitable no confidence vote that will follow.

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    The Tories waited nearly a year before A50, plenty of time to figure things out for those in doubt. The Remain and Leave campaigns where quite clear about no single market and no customs union plus of course no freedom of movement / no ECJ

    Not really as they also claimed we could have tarriff free trade and all the benefits of EU membership but without immigration

    Free Member

    Brexiteers may de throne her but there are three issues
    1. surely even they realise they dont have enough support to win a vote to be leader
    2. the person who does the stabbing never wins in tory elections as Boris recently discovered.
    3. Very real risk of a labour govt if they try and that will be a much milder brexit if at all.

    Full Member

    Allegedly the EU helps “the country” ie GDP goes up but that doesn’t help for example an unemployed fisherman when the GDP growth is in London/South East.

    You’re aware that 70% Leave-voting Grimbsy has asked for special exemption and post-Brexit protection

    Full Member

    Jeebus, did anyone see her on the news tonight, with the see through dress she’s looking more and more like ‘mother’ from futurama, apart from the fact mother actually has a cause.

    Free Member

    @matty Certainly a poor dress choice, really glaringly terrible outfit. At least as blokes the biggest mistake we can make is a bad tie / shirt combo and this was black tie so hard to go wrong for a bloke

    @dissonance see Andrew Marr show for Gove and Johnson’s statements during the campaign, Osbourne and Cameron for Remain. Farage wasn’t part of the official Leave campaign, I didn’t pay much attention to what he said nor Leave.eu

    Free Member

    when you are the subject of ridicule on I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue then it’s time to go.

    Full Member

    Now the contents of Gove and Johnson’s letter has been made public, it’s clear to see that any PM with the slightest shred of authority would have sacked the pair of the arrogant, self-serving ****s for their sheer bloody affrontery

    Apparently Davis is on the verge of resigning over it, and her paralysis and abject failure to do precisely that

    Surely that’s then the end of her, and this sorry shambles of a government

    Full Member

    Apparently Davis is on the verge of resigning over it, and her paralysis and abject failure to do precisely that

    It’s not just May that the Brexiters constantly briefing against her are undermining, Davis’ credibility has been tarnished, the series of unforced errors & being outmanoeuvred by Brussels at every turn means they are all worried about failure to deliver the fantasy Brexit they promised damaging their careers.

    Rumours of Davis ready to quit have been emerging lately, he’s just gonna bail out as soon as he possibly can I reckon

    If he goes, will May just carry on regardless or will she escape too?

    Full Member

    Davis must be desperate for an alternative ‘reason’ to head for the hills rather than trying to resolve the cosmic joke that is the UK’s negotiating position.

    I think the penny has finally dropped that the NI question in particular is a Catch-22 which cannot be reconciled in the current political climate.

    The death throes of any government are never pretty to watch.

    Full Member

    If he goes, will May just carry on regardless or will she escape too?

    And when will she sack “no unemployment” Hammond??

    Full Member

    Everyone is looking at the brexit loons but it’s Hammond who is the real danger for May I think. If she sacks him, or even worse he resigns like Geoffrey Howe, he could call out the brexit shambles for what it is, and take a large group of the non-lunatics with him. The whole thing could collapse very quickly, and I still think that if the only option to stop a no deal brexit is to bring down the govt then they’ll be very tempted.

    Free Member

    its just a mess she is an incredibly weak PM with no authority moral or political
    Those two are contemptible

    We all want you to push your agenda forward with confidence and have your Government articulate the following..

    you cannot write that to your boss – and both were beaten by her and she should have torn them both a new one

    No one is really in charge are they and Dazh is correct and someone may well put country before party / their own agenda Its going to be a very rocky period the next 12 mths

    Full Member

    kimbers – Member

    Rumours of Davis ready to quit have been emerging lately, he’s just gonna bail out as soon as he possibly can I reckon

    He already said he’s retiring after brexit so it won’t make that much difference to him

    Full Member

    How many cabinet ministers is that now? They’ll be challenging the labour party soon. She’ll be taking inspiration from Jezza on how to hang on.

    Full Member

    Do you think she has Aspergers?She doesn’t really seem to have any feelings and even when she smiles she looks sad.
    She certainly isn’t all there.

    Free Member

    I think she is a mix of stiff upper lip and just incredibly uptight so she does not really do public displays of emotion – she may not do private ones for all i know.

    Still a shit PM even for a Tory

    Full Member

    So, he admits he lied about the pron.

    Free Member

    Is she still here?

    Free Member

    I’ll say something for her – it must take a serious amount of determination to drag yourself out of bed to go and face this omnishambles every day.

    Free Member

    Do you think she has Aspergers?
    …..She certainly isn’t all there.

    As someone with Aspergers I would say she does. She is not comfortable socially, doesn’t display emotion and looks like she has to force herself to fit into the situations, following a script to help.

    Take a bit of objection to suggesting someone with Aspergers is not all there but I won’t get emotional about it.

    Full Member

    Apologies all round to those that live with Aspergers.
    Except Enola May ,she can **** off.

    Free Member

    do Aspergers sufferers swing from one extreme to another ? John Major – Joseph Stalin 😯
    (I don’t think for one minute the iron lady act is “Honest”, we’re are not going to see a Geoffrey Howe moment from Damian.)

    Full Member

    tomd – 
    I’ll say something for her – it must take a serious amount of determination to drag yourself out of bed to go and face this omnishambles every day.

    +1. If I was an MP, I’d make that bloody awful infantile mooing noise they make when they agree with something.

    Free Member

    I think it’s called braying, not mooing.

    Free Member

    She wil probably fight on until the bitter end. Delivering a Brexshit solution is her only shot at delivering any kind of political legacy. If despite all the crap going on around her, she can deliver here, then history “may” treat her differently – perhaps she is made of former stuff than many around her?

    Personally I have no idea how she sleeps at night.

    Full Member

    Personally I have no idea how she sleeps at night.

    Maybe she just doesn’t give a shit?

    Free Member

    Personally I have no idea how she sleeps at night

    Maybe she thinks it is all going fine

    Full Member

    Delivering a Brexshit solution is her only shot at delivering any kind of political legacy

    Is she after a legacy on par with Blair’s?

    Full Member

    Due to the totally irreconcilable Brexit paradox at the centre of the Tory Party, she’s safe as houses

    Seeing as everything is now viewed through the warped prism of Brexit, only 2 facts matter:

    1) The vast majority of Tory MP’s were, and still are remainers, and consider Brexit to be utter madness

    2) The membership of the Tory party, who will elect the next leader, are all ancient unhinged, deranged nationalistic racists, who honestly believe they can return the country to the days of empire.

    Everything else is just white noise.

    So if the MP’s push Theresa, then they hand the ancient unhinged, deranged nationalistic racists the decision on the future of the party, and the country, at the most critical of times in this nations post-war history

    There are only two contenders as far as the headbangers are concerned: Boris and Mogg. Either would be an unmitigated ****ing disaster, that would see us waving two fingers to the EU, crashing out without a deal, and over the abyss into economic Armageddon!

    That would finish the Tory Party for generations, if not destroy it permanently, and more importantly “Hand the keys to number ten to a Marxist” © Daily Mail

    Like I said… safe as houses

    The jobs hers for as long as she wants it. Though why anyone would……?

    Full Member

    The jobs hers for as long as she wants it. Though why anyone would……?

    I suspect THMs ‘grown ups’ are behind the scenes telling her that she is all that stands between the nutters or the communists gaining power, and they’ll be keeping her very well insulated from most of the flak. She doesn’t seem like the type, like Blair and Cameron, to crave approval or adulation so why would she not continue? She’s probably secretly enjoying watching the nutters becoming ever more unhinged. It’s the biggest trolling exercise in history.

    Free Member

    It at times like this that the grown ups show their true value – even if many deny that they exist

    Why is Mogg considered a leadership contender? What positions of responsibility has he held? He amuses the media but apart from that he is a marginal player at the moment – just a rent a quote

    Free Member

    Mainly because a substantial proportion of the membership of the Tory party would think him an ideal candidate

    So the thing that would stop him would be that under the leadership rules the MPs decide who to put up for election by the party, but if the blue rinsers are clamouring for his inclusion would they be brave enough?

    Full Member

    Why is Mogg considered a leadership contender? What positions of responsibility has he held?

    You’re starting from an assumption that we’re dealing with rational people here

    We’re not

    This is the Tory party membership we’re talking about. Have you seen them? 😯

    Free Member

    TBH she doesn’t look like she does very much recently.

    Free Member

    Binners, in this order


    Too early for Patel and more so for JRM

    Full Member

    Binners, in this order


    Ugh. Well let’s hope Mrs Ming can hold on until the next election then.

    Free Member

    Off-topic a bit, but I was listening to a podcast chatting about Labour’s succession plan. JC is no spring chicken, of course. This is something they need to think about imo as failing to plan for succession often ends badly! The leading name was Thornberry, then a few others from the left who were perceived as too junior at the mo. What was striking was the lack of any names from the right of the party, I guess, given the election system, they wouldn’t have a hope at present!

    Free Member

    For the Tories, Hunt’s name is being bandied around too. All a bit tainted, aren’t they?! Hammond, despite seeming a bit dull, would be my choice.

    Free Member

    Which seems to be the way most internal party elections go when they end up in a public vote – the Tory leadership electorate is far more right wing than the majority of those who vote Tory. See also Roy Moore getting put forward by the Republican primary etc.

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