Due to the totally irreconcilable Brexit paradox at the centre of the Tory Party, she’s safe as houses
Seeing as everything is now viewed through the warped prism of Brexit, only 2 facts matter:
1) The vast majority of Tory MP’s were, and still are remainers, and consider Brexit to be utter madness
2) The membership of the Tory party, who will elect the next leader, are all ancient unhinged, deranged nationalistic racists, who honestly believe they can return the country to the days of empire.
Everything else is just white noise.
So if the MP’s push Theresa, then they hand the ancient unhinged, deranged nationalistic racists the decision on the future of the party, and the country, at the most critical of times in this nations post-war history
There are only two contenders as far as the headbangers are concerned: Boris and Mogg. Either would be an unmitigated ****ing disaster, that would see us waving two fingers to the EU, crashing out without a deal, and over the abyss into economic Armageddon!
That would finish the Tory Party for generations, if not destroy it permanently, and more importantly “Hand the keys to number ten to a Marxist” © Daily Mail
Like I said… safe as houses
The jobs hers for as long as she wants it. Though why anyone would……?