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  • Should Theresa May resign?
  • yourguitarhero
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    Cos it sounds foreign

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    In a further warping of the order of things Guido is now the champion of exposing mysoginy….

    Tory Aides’ Spreadsheet Names 36 Sex Pest MPs

    May might be outlasting several of her MPs

    She’s just gotta hope any MPs that might have to step down have a similar number of lab/lib dem sleazebags

    That said DUP might not be getting their £bn bribe either

    Full Member

    The best bit about the GF link is the comment section – apparently it is all a remainer conspiracy!

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    Yeah the comments were an eye-opener, makes you realise that Gene Hunts didn’t all go extinct in the 80s

    As if May didn’t think her year could get any worse
    Those Brexit dinosaurs are gonna shit the bed if by- elections start happening

    I could see Sheffield going yellow again soon, but any Tory seats will be extra vulnerable

    events, dear boy!

    Free Member

    the tory press are not are not amused

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    the tories were morons to put her in the job in the 1st place

    The thing is she had a TERRIBLE record as home secretary, error after error after error. I wouldnt trust Theresa May to deliver a pizza, let alone Brexit that so many people thought that she was up to the job of PM in the first place is mind boggling,
    heres a small list of her record as home sec………….










    Telegraph Pulled Article Critical of Theresa May After Campaign Pressure




    (sorry includes DM & order-order link)

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    I am astonished she still is clinging on. Even if your lifes ambition is to be PM this must be horrible

    Full Member

    The tories are f*****. The only reason she’s clinging on is there’s no one to replace her who could win an election. They’ve given up and are now looking to winning the election after next and have made a cynical calculation that they’ll deliver a chaotic brexit, hand over the reigns to Corbyn to deal with the mess, then blame him when the election comes round again. The fact that the country will be screwed and millions will suffer as a result of tory election strategy is largely irrelevant.

    Free Member

    in the meantime Labour don’t want it either because of exactly that; they’d rather let the tories totally lose it, then they’ll have 2/3 terms to play a long game.

    Who’s vaguely qualified and would do almost anything to be in #10?

    What’s Nick Clegg doing now?

    Full Member

    Corbyn is desperate to take over a post-brexit Britain. He and McDonnell see it as a perfect opportunity to rip everything up and start again with a new socialist agenda. They’re revolutionaries (McDonnell more than Corbyn), and revolutionaries thrive on chaos. Brexit is a gift to them. The question is whether they can start to turn things around before the election after next comes round and avoid being blamed by the tories for whatever happens post-brexit.

    Full Member

    The Tories are still blaming everything on Labour’s World Financial Crisis but wouldn’t put it past them to blame Brexit on Labour aswell.

    Full Member

    So would the tory press prefer a labour leave or a tory remain?

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    I still find it incredible the liberal Democrats aren’t doing better during all this, the mainstream press certainly don’t help, but still…

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    I’ve never had any time for the Tories but she’s especially incapable and cannot connect with the people. She seems wooden and alien to me. She makes me think of Roald Dahls ‘The Witches’. Corbyn was criticised for being dull but look how he inspires passion in people now.

    She comes across as incredibly stubborn. They will have to cut her free from the railings of number ten when she’s finally voted out.

    Free Member

    Be careful what you ask for. If not May if will be Boris or Gove with an outside chance of Leadsom or even Patel. Rudd and Hammond are very unpopular with the membership. Davies has ruled himself out.

    Speaking to party members I know they think the Boris story around Iran is nonsense. Most believe the woman was there on a politically orinetated mission (as Boris inadvertently suggested) and its her own fault she’s in jail. It’s not the UK Government’s job to bail people out of a mess made of their own stupidity.

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    It’s not the UK Government’s job to bail people out of a mess made of their own stupidity

    That’s sort of what the foreign office is supposed to do.

    Full Member

    Funnily enough that seems to be the governments attitude to Brexit too! They certainly don’t seem to be trying to bail us out of own stupidity…

    Full Member

    Yes that’s a fair assessment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s case. A person who works for an established charity, travelling with a baby is on a politically orientated mission.

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    deleted, I’m not spending today of all days arguing on line with a troll like you

    Free Member

    Be careful what you ask for. If not May if will be

    Not a tory. She goes the government is finished.
    As for bojo and Iran despite what people say or think he is an idiot who just made some bodies position much worse for no good reason. It’s the job of out leading diplomat the learn how to deal with tricky situations without saying the wrong thing.

    Free Member

    its certainly not the foreign secretary role to dob her in resulting in more jail time- He is meant to be a master of diplomacy and that case is impossible to make for this bumbling racist **** wit.

    TBH what he did was indefensible [ even if it was true and it is not] and will most likely lead to her doing more jail time
    Boris did not inadvertently state anything he said he misspoke/other misinterpreted hm so he did not mean to say it so you cannot defend him that way. Even he accepts what he said was not the truth …Lordy those tory members dont half like clutching at illogical straws.

    The sort of people who will defend that really are the scum of the earth.[ not aimed at jamby for the mods benefits as he did not state his opinion]A woman is in prison about to do more time FFS even by tory standards not GAS is heartless in the extreme. Our foreign secretary got more time for a British citizen in a foreign jail by being wrong. How can anyone defend that – even i am shocked by their lack of compassion

    As for may I was struck by how its sort of like Brown and Blair

    Dave is Blair – destroyed by his own hubris – media presentable and smug to within an inch of his life

    May is Brown the ministers daughter with no emotion and limited, if any, talent for the job.

    She is only there because no one else wants it and she is the weakest PM i have ever seen. Brown lacked warmth she lack warmth , control and skill.

    Full Member

    At least Brown had some intellect and was vaguely competent.

    I really don’t understand why May is clinging on – this must be torture for her

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    and she is the weakest PM i have ever seen

    The Major Govt was uncannily like this, a mix of pro and anti euro MPs openly fighting like rats in a sack, with sex scandals thrown in occasionally.

    It staggered on for 5 years…

    Full Member

    The Major government looked competent compared to this shower.

    I have been a political geek for 40+ years. I have never seen anything like this before. Not the end of Callaghan. not Major. Nothing to compare to this shambles

    Free Member

    I think she should resign now. She is having to pick replacement ministers along factional lines within her party FFS.

    With any luck this is going to end the Tories.

    Free Member

    The Major Govt was uncannily like this

    excellent call and also PM because of who he was not rather than who he was

    Boris as Heseltine obvs.

    Full Member

    At least Major managed some kind of majority in an election. Briefly. This shower don’t even have that to fall back on.

    Truly a government of none of the talents.

    Full Member

    Christ she’s even lost the CBI. Can it get any worse?

    Full Member

    Yeah was funny that nadhim zahawi, kept trying to steer the subject onto May’s wonderfully received CBI speech on all the junkets defending Patel, when all the reporting had said Corbyn was much better received !?!

    The Tory’s association with Brexit has blown their credibility out off the water

    Free Member

    Speaking to party members I know they think the Boris story around Iran is nonsense.

    If Tory members say so, it must be true.

    Free Member

    Speaking to party members I know they think the Boris story around Iran is nonsense. Most believe the woman was there on a politically orinetated mission (as Boris inadvertently suggested) and its her own fault she’s in jail. It’s not the UK Government’s job to bail people out of a mess made of their own stupidity.

    What a beautiful person you are.

    Even if it turns out she was ‘training journalists’ I’m pretty sure it’s not the job of the British foreign secretary to make the situation of a U.K. national in a foreign jail worse.

    Jamby, your posts are just desperate now, mate.

    Free Member

    I can’t help but feel how terrified the poor woman in Egypt facing trial for having prescription painkillers feels, knowing that at any moment Boris might be rushing to fight her corner.

    Full Member

    I want her gone, the Tories out of office and Labour in office.

    That’s petty much the only chance the NHS and other social structures have left.

    Tories are Darwinist at best. Can’t abide what they stand for.

    Free Member

    Tories won’t engineer / allow another early election. The last one was called by May and those two advisor idiots who drew up the campaign and the terrible manifesto. Too much Brexit uncertainty to go to the polls again now before ‘22

    If May pulls off her vision of a transition to custom free trade deal and/or WTO Brexit she’ll be safe. Her risk is a messy soft Brexit, the Tory membership will crucify her for that

    Full Member

    No chance at all of any custom deal. WTO “no deal” will not get thru parliament nor will it keep the DUP on side. Enough torys have a bit of brains and courage to stop it knowing how suicidal it will be for the UK. The tories won’t “engineer” it – in the event of crashing out ( or attempting to do so) the government will simply collapse for want of a majority

    10 tories have already put their name to an amendment that would mean a “no deal” scenario will be voted down on the floor of parliament

    Full Member

    Jamba it’s her cliff edge brexit that will bring her down. At some point the remainer tories will put country before party. If corbyn as PM is the price of avoiding a WTO brexit they’ll take it.

    And if she does hang on, the longer she does, the worse it will be. Every new crisis sends more voters to other parties. Just like with major, they’ll be punished by the electorate. If waiting a couple of years means corbyn will have a solid majority, then that’s worth it.

    Free Member

    Sadiq Khan on Marr -I respect the vote but still want membership of the SM and CU

    When will politicians get a grip of the basics? We have chose to end our membership and we are negotiating our future access. It’s not hard to get the basics right.

    Free Member

    Have to put up with Gove next 😯

    Full Member

    If May pulls off her vision of a transition to custom free trade deal and/or WTO Brexit she’ll be safe. Her risk is a messy soft Brexit, the Tory membership will crucify her for that

    In the link in the EU thread, Honda pretty much say that if we default to WTO, their business model in the U.K. doesn’t work. So there’s instantly 5000+ jobs gone plus all the tax revenues etc.

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