Ha, ha haaaaaaaa….. it’d be a great place to go on holiday if it wasn’t for all the dead brown people
Take away the bumbling Eton phraseology, and the accent and he’s basically Bernard Manning
WTF is anyone still excusing this with “oh its just Boris being Boris” as Damien Green effectively did this morning. How are people falling still for this ludicrous routine?
The problem is that while he’s clearly just provoking her into being sacked, so he can become a martyr to ‘his’ Brexit cause, it not only illustrates her weakness but also calls out her judgement, as anyone with anything between their ears was incredulous that she’d appointed him as foreign secretary in the first place.
It was an act of short-term, panicked expediency, and a single shred of political nouse would have told her that it/he would rapidly bite her on the arse
So in the meantime, we can all look forward to this obnoxious, racist buffoon being the voice of Britain abroad, and look forward to more of the same