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  • Should Theresa May resign?
  • mikewsmith
    Free Member

    Have you tired to do business in France, or worse still set one up ?

    How does that make the European bad?your taking about France there not the Eu what was the example meant to show?

    Free Member

    there is no subject he cannot do a non sequitur on?

    The EU is full of ego-tists wanting to be “in charge” of stuff,

    didnt we just vote to bring back control? what does that make us mr principles?

    what govt does not want to be in charge of stuff…is it this one 😉

    Free Member

    Strange, wasn’t it in fact them copying u

    Then why the F are we leaving???


    Tory Boi….the gift that keeps on giving..

    Full Member

    the amount of unnecessary rules and regulations are staggering

    Not allowing the cladding of buildings with flammable materials? That type of thing?[/url]

    Free Member

    Have you tired to do business in France, or worse still set one up ?

    Yup, an SARL with up to 9 employees. Compared with friends with businesses in the UK we suffered a lot less with duff cheques (because writing them is illegal), and a lot less with people setting up a business, raking in money and then beankrupting it leaving lots of suffering creditors then repeat.

    Some bureaucracy is there to protect honest business people and stop the rogues. Britain could learn something.

    Junior set himself up in business recently, it’s a lot easier than it was. Minimal paperwork unless he earns more than he’s likely to earn for the foreseeable future.

    Full Member

    Philip Hammond’s leadership campaign seems to be going pretty well

    Full Member

    Campaign slogan….Vote for me! Have you seen the rest of them?

    Free Member

    ~We are a low tax, small state, low wage economy with huge inequality and much dissatisfaction

    you forgot low-productivity…

    Full Member

    binners – Member
    Campaign slogan….Vote for me! Have you seen the rest of them?

    Worked for May in her leadership contest

    as for whos next, Hammond makes the most sensible noises

    Johnson knows that hes marmite

    Davis, well after his clueless repetition of empty soundbite before the brexit select comittee and his inspired encouraging of May to push for an early GE, hes hardly the sensible choice (to illustrate my point Farage backs him)
    If the negotiations are seen to go well hes in with a shout, thats a big if, i suppose the divorce bill will be the first indication, but that wont be for another couple of months Id have thought

    would 50-60bn be too much for our lovely press and the backbenchers polishing Mays guillotine?

    Free Member

    I’d expect the next few months to be a lot of distancing from anything bad, shitty or unpopular aiming to swoop in for the great save

    Free Member

    TurnerGuy – Member

    you forgot low-productivity…

    Yes, but that’s actually true, so why add it to the list?

    (ok some folk are dissatisfied, granted. Btw, only testing to see if a little marker has appeared after a surprise pressie – gosh it has, how kind)

    Free Member

    I see the STW Tory supporters tag-team has just quadrupled. 😀

    Free Member

    I see the STW Tory supporters tag-team has just quadrupled.

    At least the Conservative party can take heart that their support base is increasing somewhere 😀

    Free Member

    oldracwr I want to get out of their little sphere. I have always worked in globally facing business and soent 11 years at what is probably the worlds most diverse financial institution. The EU has become a superstate project obsessed with “size” and it has got almost everything from money to security completely wrong – no thanks.

    Free Member

    I see the STW Tory supporters tag-team has just quadrupled.

    What was it 90% of the respondents on whonare you voting thread said Labour. Clearly not representative of the membership just indicative of the culture here. Most of a different view choose not to contribute

    Free Member

    feel free to follow their lead 😉

    Full Member

    I still work for a world leading manufacturing company based in the UK so I have a quite different perspective to Jamba funnily enough.
    My colleagues worldwide think (and I agree) that the country I was so proud of has become a laughing stock. But what do we know. We only make stuff (and sell it very successfully worldwide – not just into Europe).
    Buggering up trading relations with one of your biggest partners doesn’t seem clever to me. But not being a global financier, I clearly don’t understand.

    Free Member

    So Jamba, tell us how we will be better off without any EU red tape & pesky bosses telling us what to do when we are going to have to replace said tape & bosses with tape & bosses of our own so we can sell stuff to someone we already sell to??

    Full Member

    I am not in high finance like you city slickers but I do know that some of my customers are foreign.
    If they are not here they are not spending money in my shop.
    My takings go down and so does the tax the government takes from me.

    Full Member

    When we moved back to France à few weeks ago, I was expecting à world of pain for admin stuff but if you follow the instructions and take your time it is fine.

    Free Member

    I have always worked in globally facing business and soent 11 years at what is probably the worlds most diverse financial institution

    Yet none of this diversity rubbed off on you. That’s a bit sad really. Can’t understand someone who boasts of experiencing such diversity could end up so bigoted.

    Full Member

    Jamba gives the impression that he knows a thing or two up there in whatever financial institution he works in.

    Free Member

    Jamba at work….

    Full Member

    You sure? Isn’t that David Davis and Liam Fox?

    Full Member

    Where’s Wewwity?

    Free Member

    Boris in candid “no-wig” moment shocker…

    Full Member

    What was it 90% of the respondents on whonare you voting thread said Labour. Clearly not representative of the membership just indicative of the culture here. Most of a different view choose not to contribute


    Free Member

    Still no agreement with the DUP, just seen a news account who think they are arguing about when they can fly flags. FFS flags

    We really are plumbing new depths when the marching season is what is keeping the government in power.

    Full Member

    Scottish gov just released Arlene Foster’s letter (that she claims didnt exist) asking Scotland not to let gay NI couples marry in Scotland

    the tories want to empower these bigots when theyve just taken a hammering from the youth vote- it is beyond stupid

    especially when Davidson has so much power in the Tory party

    The present Tory leadership are the most clueless in decades

    what are the odds on the queens speech not getting passed

    Free Member

    Haven’t been following the Orange surge. They’re not really doing flags are they? 😀

    Full Member

    Democratic Unionist Party sources have urged the Conservatives to give a “greater focus” to negotiations between the parties.
    A senior DUP source said the party could not be “taken for granted” – adding that if the PM could not reach a deal, “what does that mean for bigger negotiations she is involved in?”
    The Conservatives are hoping the DUP will sustain their minority government.
    But no deal has been reached after 10 days of talks between the parties.

    they know May is desperate and theyve seen how weak she is, theyll be milking this for every bit of petty, divisive one-upmanship they can manage

    Full Member

    Surely talking to the lib Dems would be easier?
    She could offer soft brexit or a second vote.
    Then everything that ever goes wrong will all be Cable’s fault.

    Free Member

    I dont think the lib dems will fall for that trick twice

    Full Member

    If the lib dems were really committed to staying in Europe they could ‘take one for the team’ and make a second referendum a condition in the Queens speech.

    PS Yes I am joking and I know that won’t happen 🙂 Although it would be hilarious watching the spectacle of rabid brexiteering tories voting down their own party.

    In related news did I imagine a news headline today where Michael Heseltine was warning that 2% of tory voters die off each year?

    EDIT – found it – http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/conservative-voters-dying-off-lord-michael-heseltine-tory-part-elderly-support-base-pensioners-a7798386.html
    Not quite 2% when you read beyond the headline!

    Free Member

    The libdems won’t go anywhere near the tories – and that, i think, will be reinforced if vince becomes leader.
    As for eu bureaucracy, compliance with OJEU regs has been a public sector job creation scheme. Then there are the myriad legal specialists selling advice and training courses which build cost into any public sector tender/procurement.
    Regulated businesses are similarly afflicted.
    I would be surprised if the current or future govs implemented any significant changes or simplified any of this.
    The sight of david davis trying to act big and talk up the uk’s position yesterday was risible.
    He is a perfect example of the ‘peter principle’ – being promoted beyond the level of his (in)competence.

    Free Member

    As for eu bureaucracy, compliance with OJEU regs has been a public sector job creation scheme.

    So you are imagining having fewer regs after Brexit?

    Full Member

    The libdems won’t go anywhere near the tories – and that, i think, will be reinforced if vince becomes leader.

    Mind you, if you want any chance to scupper Brexit, now is the time, not after it’s concluded.

    Free Member

    @molgrips – no, I don’t anticipate fewer regs post brexit; I made that clear in my post.
    I was and remain very pro EU membership; brexit will, i fear, be bad for uk.

    Free Member

    DUP confirmed they will vote for the Queens Speech with or without a deal. They are 100% committed to not having a Corbyn / McDonnell IRA/Sinn Fein sympathising government. They also support the May vision of Brexit (as frankly does Corbyn and the Labour Manifesto)

    Full Member

    Well they are bunch of ****s then.

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