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  • Shop your neighbour?
  • Pieface
    Full Member

    The people that live over the road are secondary school teachers and have had people round and in their house most of the autumn. On Xmas day they had about 3 different households round and one of their sisters stay a few nights. Last night there was a car parked outside their house that isn’t theirs.

    Our relationship with them is indifferent however this behaviour winds us up and fear that this is the start of more rule breaking. At what point do you turn them in? ASAP or live and let live?

    There are several other neighbours that could have reported it so wouldn’t be a dead giveaway (I assume that a reporters identity is confidential)?

    Free Member

    Live and let live, step away from the curtains…

    What do snitches get? Yep

    Mind your own bloody business

    Free Member

    Yep, live and let live. Just put them on your own “dont stop for a chat” list to keep yourself safe and get on with your day

    Free Member

    Canny be true, teachers are the glue that binds society.

    Full Member

    What do snitches get?

    Cash usually.

    Free Member

    What do snitches get? Yep

    Immunity from prosecution?

    Full Member

    This was done to death on here during the first lockdown. It’s a dilemma. In principle I don’t like a culture where we are encouraged to spy on and report our neighbours, it feels petty, divisive and small minded. It encourages us all to barricade ourselves in and fear others.

    On the other hand I have an immunocompromised wife and parents who will be lucky to survive the virus if they catch it, so get very angry when I see blatant rule breaking.

    I think my view would be don’t go actively looking for selfish idiots. But if they are taking the piss blatantly, in your face and doing it regularly not a one off, then I’d pick up the phone.

    Free Member

    Maybe they’ve already had Covid.. and are friends with other teachers who’ve already had it.. so just sort of getting on with life a bit more. You could always pop round and ask.

    Full Member

    Maybe they’ve already had Covid.. and are friends with other teachers who’ve already had it.. so just sort of getting on with life a bit more. You could always pop round and ask.

    We’d all love to just sort of get on with life a bit more wouldn’t we? Every single one of us I’d guess.

    Having Covid once doesn’t it seems give you lasting immunity.

    Selfish, entitled behaviour.

    Full Member


    Thats kind of what I figured

    Free Member

    Don’t want to live in a community of people taking that much notice of what I’m up too. Your circumstances may be different to theirs maybe one of them is poorly, maybe the visitors are medical and are helping or supporting them. Maybe they have a support bubble. Too many things you don’t know about to go telling tails.

    Free Member

    Feel free to grass your neighbors in but don’t come back here crying when they’ve bricked your house or car.

    Free Member

    They could be chemistry teachers running a meth lab.
    Do they have a large campervan?

    Free Member

    Covid will pass and most of us will still be living on the same streets.

    Free Member

    For “most of he autumn” they’ll have been working in close proximity to hundreds of disease ridden kids. This was perfectly safe according to the Government. This may have affected their decision making.

    Free Member

    I think the time for live and let live has passed. As the virus runs out of control and the government seem incapable of impressing the seriousness of the situation on the public people are going to have to start calling other people out on their behaviour to make everyone safer.

    Letting people who live near you do what they want brings the risk closer to your own home. If you aren’t comfortable confronting them about it phone the police next time they have someone over, then they’ll get the message.

    Free Member

    If it is the same person visiting (bubble) or the occasional very minor transgression then let it go. Anything more and I’d say that you have a responsibility to stop it as they are endangering others, stalling societal/economic recovery, etc.

    Whether you do this by police or going round is up to you. No it isn’t how I would like society to be but neither are your neighbours behaving in a responsible manner.

    Anybody who suggests “live and let live” or similar has obviously failed to grasp the seriousness of the situation or hasn’t been directly affected. From personal experience, close friends in the NHS are on their knees in tears due to overload and neighbours parents have died. More broadly in my area children are missing education, further damaging life chances, pre-scool kids aren’t getting socialised so may have problems later in life, older folk or vulnerable are suffering from mental health issues due to loneliness.

    Stick to the rules, it is the only way that we are going to get out of this mess any time soon.

    Full Member

    Report it.
    As above, if there’s a reasonable explanation then there won’t be any consequences.

    You got the right to take action on their behalf when they stopped acting like decent members of society and put their own temporary convenience above the good of the rest of us.


    Full Member

    I think my view would be don’t go actively looking for selfish idiots. But if they are taking the piss blatantly, in your face and doing it regularly not a one off, then I’d pick up the phone.

    Very much my view. I don’t know the circumstances of all my neighbours, but if someone appeared to be blatantly taking the piss then I’d see if the Police wanted to check exactly what was happening and why.

    I wouldn’t go round and check for myself because that opens you up for potential reprisals.

    Anyone who thinks this a slippery slope to Stasi style informing really needs to get a sense of perspective.

    I’m sure we’ve breached the regulations at some point though we try to be careful. If the Police come round to talk to me about that, well that’s another possible consequence of my actions, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I think the time for live and let live has passed.

    I find this as depressing as people openly breaking the rules.

    I’d like to live in a country where everyone followed the rules but I don’t want to live in a country where people shop their neighbours.

    The end does not justify the means.

    Full Member

    How do you report it?

    It’s not a 999 call

    Free Member

    How do you report it?

    Dont we have Covid Marshalls?

    Full Member

    Das Leben der Anderen.

    Full Member

    You can report it here.


    Idiots like that are helping spread the infection.

    Free Member

    I’d rather talk to them myself than grass on anyone. In fact I’d never grass anyone to the cops regardless.

    As bad as dashcam grasses. This covid shit has a lot to answer for. Imagine when it’s done and you’re known as the street grass.

    Free Member

    Maybe they’ve already had Covid.. and are friends with other teachers who’ve already had it.. so just sort of getting on with life a bit more. You could always pop round and ask.

    Christ are people still this ignorant?

    Just because you have had it before doesn’t mean you can’t get it again or pass it on to others. Same even when vaccinated.

    I see loads of people still flaunting rules on Strava. I think Strava needs a ‘grassing up’ button. I see Welsh people running in England and vice versa, and groups of people still doing activity together

    Imagine when it’s done and you’re known as the street grass

    Look at it the other way, I have an increasing list of people who are selfish pricks and I will not have anything to do with them in the future. To me people who help save lives are good and people blatantly going against the rules are idiots and should be shamed, not the other way round!

    Free Member

    This covid shit has a lot to answer for. Imagine when it’s done and you’re known as the street grass.

    Where do you live? Compton?

    Full Member

    If it is the same person visiting (bubble) or the occasional very minor transgression then let it go. Anything more and I’d say that you have a responsibility to stop it as they are endangering others, stalling societal/economic recovery, etc.

    This is the right answer IMO

    In fact I’d never grass anyone to the cops regardless.

    Selling meth to primary school kids? Getting into a car steaming drunk?

    Free Member

    Teachers who were thrown under the bus by Gavin Williamson Frank Spencer may feel that there’s very little point in keeping strict personal controls seeing as they’ve been exposed thousands of times a week over the last 4 months.
    You could always just say that you’ve noticed quite a few visitors recently and would hate for one of the other neighbours to shop them to the Covid Marshalls.

    Full Member

    We’re being told time and again that the virus is out of control, lockdown not working etc, yet worrying too many people are totally fine with this state of affairs? I’m guessing mainly those who haven’t been affected personally or financially by Covid so they still don’t consider it a big deal?

    What do snitches get? Yep

    anyone else think that saying this makes a person sound like a total wannabe Kray ****? Or just me? 😂

    Presumably you wouldn’t involve the police either if your bike/car got stolen or you were burgled/assaulted? 🙄


    see above

    Full Member

    Teachers who were thrown under the bus by Gavin Williamson Frank Spencer may feel that there’s very little point in keeping strict personal controls seeing as they’ve been exposed thousands of times a week over the last 4 months.

    I am certainly in that sort of position and it does make it hard to be strict outside of work when work is such a big risk – but I did have a word with myself because of course I am actually a big risk to others. Others are very little additional risk to me

    anyone else think that saying this makes a person sound like a total wannabe Kray ****? Or just me? 😂

    Presumably you wouldn’t involve the police either if your bike/car got stolen or you were burgled/assaulted? 🙄

    It wasn’t entirely serious

    But, stuff getting stolen is completely different. If I knew who had stolen it, then I would go and retrieve it.

    If I didn’t and reported it to the police, that’s not grassing

    Free Member

    Peru had the strictest lockdown of any country and was the hardest hit country.

    Free Member

    @Andy_Sweet well said.

    Full Member

    You can report it here.


    Idiots like that are helping spread the infection.

    The people who are seeing the effects of this virus every time they punch in at work have the right perspective.

    ‘Street grass’

    Someone has watched a bit too much of The Wire.

    Full Member

    anyone else think that saying this makes a person sound like a total wannabe Kray ****?

    No, more like a someone still in infant school.

    No, more like a someone still in infant school.

    Oh how I’d love to be as mature and miserable as you….

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