Home Forums Bike Forum Shimano alfine 8 speed shifter to Derailluer?

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  • Shimano alfine 8 speed shifter to Derailluer?
  • cbike
    Free Member

    Would an indexed shifter for an 8 speed alfine hub work with an 8 speed Cassette?

    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure it won’t, due to cable pull reasons. Happy to be told I’m wrong though.

    Free Member

    No, like Tom says, different pull. Shame as I’d like to be able to do it the other way. I’ve an old XT 8 speed shifter that’s way less ugly and clunky than the Alfine.

    Free Member

    No way.

    I’ve used friction on hub gears though!

    Free Member

    Thanks.  The bar endplug equivalent must exist though for triathlon bikes.

    Free Member

    Alfine is rapid rise so most shifters wouldn’t work even if the cable pull was correct

    Jtek do a bar end alfine shifter

    Full Member

    You can use a twist shift from an nexus for the 8sp – works fine and much neater / easier to use

    Free Member

    Alfine is rapid rise so most shifters wouldn’t work

    Um. No. That’s not how rapid rise works. Any shifter with the correct cable pull/no of ratios will work.

    even if the cable pull was correct

    Yeah. That’ll knacker it.

    Free Member

    The alfine 8 pulls cable for higher gears so maybe technically not rapid rise but standard shifters are backwards.

    Free Member

    And only the old alfines are reverse shifting, the current series of 8speed hubs go the normal way (like the 11speed ones)

    but as for the OP the answer is as above, no, cable pull is all wrong annoyingly.

    Free Member

    The alfine 8 pulls cable for higher gears so maybe technically not rapid rise but standard shifters are backwards.

    Which is exactly what rapid rise does. There’s no such thing as a rapid rise shifter.

    So it’d work fine. Except for the bloody cable pull…….

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