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  • Rushup edge resurfacing
  • christhetall
    Free Member

    Noooo, don’t put them up here like that it’s bringing tears to my eyes

    Yep, already wish I hadn’t asked – very depressing.

    When I heard they were working on Rushup edge I assumed it would be on the boggy bits at the top – still questionable as to whether it would be required, but at least there was a problem there with the track getting wider. But this section – I cant see any problem at all, for anyone.

    Full Member

    Complaining only to the rights of way people is a waste of a complaint. they will fob you off as described above.
    Make sure you copy your complaints to the following:
    The local newspapers, tv and radio
    The leader of the council
    The local MP
    The local access forum.
    If the RoW people start getting publicly criticised it mig make things a bit more uncomfortable.

    Free Member

    I don’t work for a council but I work with them sometimes.

    Ask for lots of FOI requests.
    Keep complaining, don’t ever give up. Keep telling other people about it who can make a difference. Speak to the local MP who will cause them no end of hassle if enough people contact them.

    Free Member

    i’m would not be surprised if there were a few councillors, or pressure-groups who’d love to know that DCC were spending their council tax ruining the Peak District, instead of keeping libraries / whatever open.

    Free Member

    If watching The Wire has taught me anything, there will be a someone at the DCC who has a family member who works in aggregates.

    All in the game, yo.

    Full Member

    If watching The Wire has taught me anything, there will be a someone at the DCC who has a family member who works in aggregates.

    Highly likely in the NP bit of Derbyshire where the only industry beyond tourism is…. aggregates.

    Free Member

    What we could probably do with is someone eloquent, possibly from PDMTB, to write a letter about the work and then get everyone who agrees with them on STW to sign it and present it to the council.

    (or someone to stand on a street corner in Ilkeston showing members of the public what their council are wasting their council tax on)

    Full Member

    What we could probably do with is someone eloquent, possibly from PDMTB, to write a letter about the work and then get everyone who agrees with them on STW to sign it and present it to the council.

    (or someone to stand on a street corner in Ilkeston showing members of the public what their council are wasting their council tax on)

    I’ve just been thinking this. I’m sure that the vast majority of walkers (Or anyone really) who visit the area would be equally disgusted at this and it’d be good to have their signatures too. I’ve a feeling they’d look at a letter signed 100% by mountain bikers and think “Meh”.

    Any person would be fuming if they knew that their council tax was being spent on ditching (Expensive) rocks in the middle of the Peak rather than fixing pot holes, or being put towards local services.

    Full Member

    When I heard they were working on Rushup edge I assumed it would be on the boggy bits at the top

    It’s always struck me that the track on the north side of the fence should be the BW

    Free Member

    I will be writing a complaint to DCC. In the meantime, I’m expressing my frustration by swearing profusely to myself!

    Free Member

    mintimperial – Member

    All the pics are here for those without FB accounts to look at (rogerthecat I hope it’s ok for me to host these, but just shout if you want me to take them down again!).

    Copy and share as much as you like.

    @munrobiker – one of our members has been approached by the Sheffield Star so watch this space.

    Membership on the FB group and via the website is going bananas at the moment, the more we have the bigger the voice we have.

    Hammer the social media channels – @derbyshirecc is the handle to use if you want to grab DCC’s attention.

    Free Member

    As a walker, fell runner and mtber, what I look for to stick my foot or wheel is stability. Bedrock, big slabs and steps are perfect. What I don’t understand is this; where does the idea of covering bedrock with loose stuff come from? Who thinks that’s an improvement?

    We’re all used to walking up steps, why remove them?

    Makes riding up difficult. Running up or down a ankle turning nightmare.

    Makes riding down boring and fast – increasing the speed differential between walkers and riders. That’s nuts.
    They should be making it more technical, slow us riders down – they add lumps on roads and take them off ‘natural trails’!

    Full Member

    @derbyshirecc is the handle to use if you want to grab DCC’s attention

    They’re replying “Please email your concerns to eteprow@derbyshire.gov.uk and we’ll get back to you.” to any mention of Rushop Edge.

    Free Member

    Sending a private, quiet email is the last thing we want to do. Sounds like the social media Shit storm is starting to put the wind up them.

    Free Member

    Ok I’ve posted on their wall on FB.

    If it disapears can others repost?

    Free Member

    Don’t ride the PD much but it’s still pretty depressing. As above, the weird bit is that I enjoy hillwalking too and I would deliberately avoid such a boring and ugly path as they’ve created.

    Free Member

    MTB aside, the rocks were attractive to look at, and part of the natural landscape. That rubble looks like ****.

    Free Member

    cant imagine them doing this in the alps, or even scotland come to think of it

    Can’t speak for the alps, but I usually manage 2 Highlands trips a year…. and sadly it is also happening up there.

    That said, DCC seem to be working hard to firmly establish themselves as the least MTB-supportive council.

    Free Member

    it also looks from the pics now that its potentially filthy and muddy

    the beauty of that path was even in the wet it wasn’t muddy or boggy, winter hasn’t even struck yet and look at the bog/muddyness that’s been created already!

    just a huge huge gutting disappointment, I hope whomever made this decision (sitting on his perch in his ivory tower somewhere) endures a painful bonebreaking experience upon’st walking on this path!!!!!

    time to Chinese burn myself in frustration 8)

    Full Member

    MTB aside, the rocks were attractive to look at, and part of the natural landscape

    Exactly. But they’ve done exactly the same trick in the White Peak by surfacing with road planings. Looks delightful in a limestone setting!! 😡

    Full Member

    FFS. that is utterly horrendous…!

    time to re-plan the jacob’s ladder ride i was going on early next week.

    Free Member

    Anyone got any more direct email / twitter contacts? getting no response from either DCC or eteprow@derbyshire.gov.uk

    Free Member

    Munro, The road at the side of Geessons?

    Full Member

    Is that silt running into a watercourse?

    Free Member

    Just after there (after the next gatE) you used to be a lovely drop/jump you could pop off at speed into the next bit. When they destroyed that it put another nail in the coffin of the Kinder route for me. For me kicks now I’m focusing more and more on the footpaths in the area. Theres lots more to explore.

    Free Member

    Don’t judge the current surface, the workmen I met this morning specifically said that there would be some form of top dressing – what they may use is anyone’s guess.

    I ran up and down it because it was raining and it was very unstable, not loose like scree but absolutely lacking in any stable platform.

    A suggestion just made – it’s reached the small gate – we may be able to stop it going further if we keep up the noise levels – DCC, MPs, Parish Councils, everyone we can find, PDNPA – We really need a “No More! message to get through.

    Ok if we are all up for this, one of our members (who can make themselves known if they wish) has suggested that we try and get a pause in the work being done at the gate in order that we can try and discuss what is happening and possibly save the rest of the route over to Chapel Gate.

    If you want to do this then we all need to put pressure on DCC to pause and open a dialogue.

    So, tweet them on @DerbyshireCC
    Post on their FB wall – Derbyshire County Council
    Email them on : robert.greatorex@derbyshire.gov.uk
    and Peter.White@derbyshire.gov.uk
    Phone them on 01629 533190

    Keep up the noise, email the local media, if we have sufficient momentum then we may be able to do something. Over to you guys.

    Full Member

    Why aren’t local businesses up in arms? Some mtbers are tight arses but many travel and stay local and spend. We used to drive 3-4 hours to ride this loop and other local options! I live 20 mins away now and won’t be bothering again.

    Free Member

    I’ve commented (along with about 50 others) on DCC’s FB page.

    Full Member

    Just catching up with this. Very sad, but not surprising and only the latest (there will be more I’m sure) bit of trail destruction in the Peak and surrounding areas. To be honest I gave up on the area a long time ago and not just because I moved a short distance away. If this is a direct attempt by DCC and other local authorities to drive MTBers away then it’s working. Trouble is they’re now going to have an even bigger problem with people riding on FPs, and such is the militant attitude currently being fostered among many bikers that’s not just going to happen on dry midweek summer evenings but all year round and on weekends too.

    Would a mass ride over Kinder and down Williams Clough spark their attention I wonder?

    Free Member

    Gutted to see that. A great bit of trail that was, rocky enough to be interesting and could be ridden at a nice speed. It’s just vandalism.

    @vickpy that’s a good idea, will post something up too.

    Free Member

    Just seen that they’re spending £70K on it!

    Free Member

    If it adds anything I found this online:

    Link to report on Chapel Gate

    This may have something to do with it.

    Free Member

    Just getting an automated reply on FB now also

    Hi. Please email your comments to eteprow@derbyshire.gov.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

    Full Member

    Anyone else done a foi request to DCC

    I’m asking about total cost, consultation period, contractor etc.. There got 20 days!!

    Full Member

    As a cautious rider it was a favourite trail of mine to clean. Now I think I’d find it more dangerous (even with an extra top surface).

    It’s a trail I’ve been riding for over 13 years and it never changed, meaning there was no water damage/erosion. The only damage is to the footpath alongside it higher up. This was used by a few mtbers and I’m guessing will be used a lot more now that the rupp has been ruined.
    What a mess!

    Free Member

    I love this bit from the Scrutiny report:
    “This would have the benefit of making this road less of a magnet for the off-road thrill seekers – inc the large groups that come from Europe, esp Belgium”

    Full Member

    I’m guessing they’ve covered it in that loose shale. If you come off can you sue them as they have put an unsuitable surface on an official cycle way?
    Clarkson is surely our friend on this one. He would be as pissed off as we are that the countryside has a smoother surface than our diabolical roads.
    I would like to see the magazines a bit more involved. Phoned Singletrack years ago to see if they would do a feature. The guy I spoke to bleated on about access for wheel chairs etc.
    Obviously a 3 page spread about a guy filing some bits off his pedals was more important.

    Full Member

    My email comments are winging there way. Signed disgusted (inserted name here).

    Free Member

    Here’s your chance to show your support if you can make it.
    Been speaking this afternoon to the amazing Dr Esther Hobson who came up with this brilliant idea:

    Rushup Edge Picnic Protest

    Monday 27th October at 10am.
    Meet at the Mam Nick carpark at 10am or on the actually stretch at 10.30.
    We plan to ride down to the work and take a picnic, ride and generally walk about. We won’t disrupt the work or make anything unsafe but we need a visual show of our disapproval.

    If you want to sign up on the PDMTB FB page then just comment on the post, it’s pinned. We are contacting the press and local media – if we can support Esther and get a crowd up there we can really raise the game.

    Free Member

    zippykona: With truly ironic timing, there is a substantial feature in the next issue of the mag on Ride Sheffield and its success.

    Get involved with PDMTB and help them to do the same.

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