Home Forums Bike Forum Rushup edge resurfacing

  • This topic has 1,256 replies, 205 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Pook.
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  • Rushup edge resurfacing
  • Pook
    Full Member

    hi folks,

    We can’t emphasise enough how much your input will [should!] shape this consultation. The work the guys at PDMTB have done is great and really useful in in informing your own response, likewise the message from @KoftheP. But they’ve only got in the room by having you behind them initially.

    11 days until it closes so get on board, get your friends on board, get your partner, your brother, your sister, your mum, your dad, your walking friends, your horse riding friends on board and let them know why it’s a load of tosh and why we’re fighting it.

    Here’s the detail, enjoy!

    – PDMTB details

    - KoftheP details/response[/url]

    - The consultation

    Free Member

    Will do

    Free Member

    Survey completed 🙂

    Free Member

    Got my wife and son to complete it

    Free Member

    Hopefully the officers will see sense get that material that was dumped there removed and do a proper job with stone pitching as per Roych.

    Full Member

    Added too the survey

    Full Member

    Cheers folks. Got to keep up the pressure!

    Free Member

    Done the survey, but disappointed how brief it was. Was going to point out that the proposals didn’t match the Bridleway design guide but unexpectedly reached the end (should have used the Back button, although they only give you 500 or 800 characters so need to be concise). For info, these are the questions:

    Are you responding as… [individual, organisation…]
    My primary interest in the route is as a … [walker, cyclist…]
    Please tell us how the scheme, if implemented, may affect your use and/or enjoyment of the route? [free text 500 characters]
    Do you support the scheme? yes/no
    if no, Please tell us why you do not support the scheme [free text 800 characters]
    Do you think the scheme could be improved? yes/no
    if yes, Please tell us how you think the scheme could be improved [free text 800 characters]
    Are you: Male/Female
    What was your age at your last birthday?
    [definition of disabled person] Do you consider yourself disabled?
    [if yes, Q9] what type of disability do you have?

    Full Member

    Survey completed.

    Full Member

    irony here.. dcc wants to do work on a byway that nobody wants done and yet at bamford clough the same dcc has closed the boat as it cant do the same work on a byway there that everybody wants done..

    Full Member

    Survey completed, hopefully this’ll get somewhere.

    Keep up all the good work PDMTB and KotP, it’s much appreciated.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Survey done, but just want to say what an excellent piece that was by KotP

    Free Member

    KotP served as a great reference while doing the survey.

    Free Member

    Good afternoon everyone,

    First of all, thank you very, very much for your support for this campaign. We – me, PDMTB, Friends of the Peak, the BMC, Ride Sheffield and many others have been working very, very hard over the past two years to get it to this stage.

    It may come to nought. DCC may choose to ignore everything we’ve said – despite us being by far the most vocal, representative and interested user group. We can only wait and see.

    I’ve logged on here to ask for one thing. Please, please respond to the consultation. We’ve only managed to get them to go to a second consultation thanks to your support; it won’t happen again.

    I’ve responded officially as you’ve seen (it has been included in the responses, I checked), but your comments and thoughts and feedback all do make a difference.

    Here’s my feedback to them and a link to their rather limiting consultation. PDMTB have also done some fantastic work on digging into the consultation and plan so their research is well worth a look. I’ve also seen a strong responses from Friends of the Peak along similar lines.

    Rushup Consultation -KoftheP response

    As a final word – thank you once again. Though we should never have had to fight this campaign something very good has come from it; a huge, like-minded community. It’s put us in a very strong position for anything we try to do in future. We’ve established ourselves as a very strong community now and that’s a real step forward.

    Free Member

    Stupid question: The survey is for ‘Work to the surface and drainage of Chapel-en-le-Frith byway’, however this work is already partially complete due to the rubble that they have dumped. If we oppose does this mean that we don’t want it rectified or does it mean that we don’t agree it should have taken place originally? Please advise, I don’t want to vote the wrong way!

    Full Member

    My advice would be to just be clear in your response on what exactly you want. Greybeard’s shared the questions up there so refine your answer before you click submit i guess.

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