That DCC “Consultation Plan” isn’t a plan, it’s a chuffing ideas board! This is what you produce when you’re thrashing ideas about trying to come up with a solution, not a solution itself!
A plan should show the locations and extent of the propsed surfacing (not just “we’ll do the whole lot however we feel like”) have sections demonstrating the differing surfcing approaches being applied, an overall section showing the elevation change and any key features along the length, lcoation of drainage etc etc etc…
Looking at the “existing” photos on the drawing, I can’t see what’s wrong with it. Also, a “Type 1” surface isn’t really suiatable as it is angluar (ie: sharp, bad for horses) stones at <40mm. It’s not really a suitable surfacing material… It’s meant to go under tarmac roads, and is comparably expensive due to it’s testing/assessment requirements (grading, repose angles, frost/heave characteristics) which aren;t that applicable it it’s not under 150mm of tarmac!
My consultation response is going to be suitably critical….
Also, “Note 1” on the drawing requires that the drawing be read in conjunction with all other relevant documentation, but I can’t see anywhere saying what other documentation is relevant….
[Editied for a large number of typos…]