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  • Rushup edge resurfacing
  • fasternotfatter
    Free Member

    Unbelievable! DCC are ruining an area of natural beauty to make it accessible for just how many disabled people??? At the expense of everybody else that uses the trail.

    Can we get a mod to put back as a sticky? I get the feeling that the fight to save our trails has only just begun. Where are DR going to strike next? The whole peak district is up for grabs!

    Full Member

    I think perhaps a more constructive approach would be to work with the DR to help them identify paths which we all agree could be developed.

    Free Member

    Pook has a good point and we have sent our response to DCC over to DR and asked if they would share theirs with us. Hope fully if we can both see where the other is coming from we can reach some form of compromise.

    At the LAF meeting they stressed that Rushup Edge / Chapel Gate is a BOAT and therefore a highway and should be surfaced accordingly. This negates the fact that there is far better highway, built by the Highways Authority 50m to the south. The problem seems to be as has been pointed out earlier, this is more of a failure of the designations to keep pace with the changing environment around Rushup Edge / Chapel Gate

    Full Member

    Parallel trails? The walkers already go up on the banks to get a better view when they walk, why not have a well packed down smoother trail to one side of the rockier trail? Not ideal in terms of visual impact, but would be great to have access for all paired with keeping interesting trail surfaces.

    Free Member

    Kelvin – that came up at the LAF meeting.
    There was general interest in that approach but…

    1. DCC are only interested in the highway, that’s the bit with the steps, the rest of the are to either side belongs to the landowner and using it is, technically, trespass.

    2. It would be PDNPA that would have to approach the landowner to explore the acceptability of doing this to their land as DCC are not interested.

    3. There would be a consideration of the change in nature of the landscape and that would probably not be supported by quite a few other user groups.

    4. We were advised at the meeting that there’s no cash available at the moment for something like this.

    Full Member

    So it all boils down to a motorised wheelchair that can’t cope with the terrain.Surely a better wheel chair is the answer.
    In the promo video it shows a lady using their Tramper on the beach. I can guarantee she will get stuck in the sand. People are expecting to be able to do what the adverts show them.
    Reality needs to kick in.

    Free Member

    +1 zippykona
    It appears the argument is that because this vehicle exists and is intended for a similar application, that the countryside should be adapted in order to allow it to be used in areas where it is not designed to be used.
    I’d like to drive my Ford Focus over houndkirk moor. Please could it be tarmaced?

    Free Member

    I’d like to drive my Ford Focus over houndkirk moor. Please could it be tarmaced?

    No, you can get out and walk like most other able bodied people

    Free Member

    Ha! Tell that to the convoy of quad bikes this morning.
    The point is that it’s the vehicle rather than the disability that seems to be deciding what the council do to the trail.
    How do we know they won’t bring out a #enduro tramper next year that can get up and down the steps with ease, rendering the repairs pointless?
    Horses for courses as they say. This is the wrong course for that horse.

    Full Member

    Agreed… a proper off-road mini vehicle is required. They must exist? If not, the world needs them.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Peak Horsepower were also asked to respond officially to Derbyshire County Council’s plans for Rushup Edge and have shared it with Peak District MTB. Added to the existing article on website or view it directly here.

    Full Member

    Have I entirely missed the point…. That reads to me like peak horsepower want the whole lot flattened as any other surface is dangerous to horses or carriages.
    Whilst they agree that the current work is unsuitable they seem to advocate a soft, smooth, permanant surface, like the chapel gate track…… That’s not ideal is it?????

    Full Member

    Have I entirely missed the point…. That reads to me like peak horsepower want the whole lot flattened as any other surface is dangerous to horses or carriages.
    Whilst they agree that the current work is unsuitable they seem to advocate a soft, smooth, permanant surface, like the chapel gate track…… That’s not ideal is it?????

    No, but you can’t really fault Peak Horsepower for representing the interests of its members any more than you can the disabled rambler guys for sticking up for their’s. I wonder how on earth you’d create a sustainable soft surface in what’s basically a whopping great drainage trough.

    And there seem to be a lot of unsupported assumptions about the original state of the track and whether exposed bedrock was part of it.

    One thing that does seem mildly insane is the idea that DCC is responsible for the upkeep of the track because it’s technically a road. But motorised traffic is now banned from it. You couldn’t make it up.

    Full Member

    That’s a point I’ve made throughout john. They are applying a set of rules on the strength of technicality to force their plan through.

    Full Member

    It’s all mad. Like getting the SAS in because there’s mouse in your back garden… 😉

    Free Member

    For the route to be useable by horse-drawn carriages

    Who has ever seen a horse drawn carriage on a BW in the Peak?

    Free Member

    I have lived in Derbyshire all my life and in the Peak District for the last 13 years and the only horse and carriages I have seen were on the A6 near Bakewell never off road

    Free Member

    Who has ever seen a horse drawn carriage on a BW in the Peak?

    We moved our committee meetings to a new, more convenient venue pub and were talking to the landlady about all this. Guess what…she was a carriage driver 🙂

    She commented that she really doesn’t have a huge choice of places to ride. Often she has right of way but is physically unable to get the carriage onto the route and ends up riding on the road. Maybe the reason that rare sightings of carriage drivers are on the road is because they have so little choice to ride off-road.

    Free Member

    So peak horsepower want to smooth the surface of the entire route? Mountain bikes will be going down it at light-speed, they are basically suggesting turning the peak district into a trail centre.

    You know when that horse meat scandal came out, I wasn’t really that bothered. Just saying like 😈

    Full Member

    Just hope they berm the corners up a bit.

    Full Member

    be afarid very afraid fo peak horsepower.. massive support/backing and its them first and blow everyone else..

    Full Member

    Just a thought. Wheelchair users are allowed to use their electric conveyances on footpaths.
    Should there be a programme of making rural footpaths accessible to them? It might mean removing stiles and such but why should they be restricted to bridle ways?

    Free Member

    It’s all gone quiet, any more news?

    Free Member

    Most of the sunken road section is covered in snow currently as it’s in the shade it’s stayed on the ground.

    No idea what the discussions have produced folate though

    Full Member

    Mr Peter White, our friend at DCC, tells me that he is currently collating responses with the intention of passing his findings from consultation to the councillors in March.

    Free Member

    Just a thought. Wheelchair users are allowed to use their electric conveyances on footpaths.
    Should there be a programme of making rural footpaths accessible to them? It might mean removing stiles and such but why should they be restricted to bridle ways?

    There is a lot of work to do this. Stiles can also be replaced with gates with radar keys (the type of key that also opens disabled toilets). Accessible Derbyshire are looking at which areas would be sensible to do things like that in Derbyshire. It’s not just wheelchairs: think people with dodgy arms or legs, pushchairs, scooters, buggies don’t like stiles either. There are plenty of places where this could be a great idea: think Longshaw estate, Curbar edge, Chatsworth. They also have ideas for Barbrook Valley but they’ve been up there recently and realised it’s a bit wild for a lot of people with disabilities and are looking at getting people who are a bit more adventurous out there on trikes.

    Free Member

    So Barbrook valley is a bit wild, but they’re looking to make Rushup Edge accesible??

    Free Member

    Just heard that notices have gone up on the bakewell golf course decent. Are we already defending this one?

    Free Member

    ? Whats happening to that descent?

    Free Member

    BBC Countryfile Sunday, from the Peaks, items include ‘making the countryside accessible for the disabled.’

    Free Member

    Has anyone contacted pdmtb about it? Do we get to voice our opinion.

    Free Member

    Literally just seen it in the TV mag. I don’t recall any mention of anything Countryfile related anywhere, so I’m guessing it’s just a one sided ‘positive spin’ piece.

    Free Member

    http://ht.ly/M35IO @CraigGrimes

    It’s at Dove Stones. This doesn’t look remotely controversial. PD MTB are actually forming great relations with Accessible Derbyshire, the local group: watch this space for more details later in the year…

    Free Member

    My sources tell me Accessible Derbyshire is also on. Great stuff.

    Full Member

    Accessible Derbyshire are the sensible folks. Good to know they’re involved

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Roman road is going to get blitzed!

    OMG! Not content with ruining the rest of the peak district DCC are planning more devastation.

    Full Member

    heavy heavy sigh

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