I have the knees of a 90yr old 🙁 My right knee snapped the patella tendon which resulted in all manner of issues making the arthritis pretty much a slight niggle.
The left knee is the one which now gives the most grief. I have arthritis in this one and the consultant has carried out the arthroscopy (sp) etc but to no avail. I haven’t been able to carry out anything I would remotely call exercise for about 2yrs now and am carrying a lot more lumber than ever before.
Reason I replied to this thread is that there has finally been some clarification in matters. My dad has a knee replacement, my two brothers have knee issues. One brother had an operation that seemed pretty horrific a year or so ago. Funnily enough the consultant at this latest meeting brought up the same topic.
Its this op http://www.cumbriankneeclinic.co.uk/distal-femoral-osteotomy.html
Basically I have knock knees. When xrayed my hips are outside of my knee line and as such all the weight is put on the outside of my knees. It has resulted in the arthritis and everything else on the outside of my knee being worn away. A knee replacement has been mentioned but I am not even 40 yet.
Check out the op I am having. Its a bit extreme but as the consultant said. If they keep patching it up I am just going to need a full knee replacement sooner rather than later. This gives me a chance of a normal knee, admittedly with a bit of pain