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  • runners – heavy legs 1 weeek before marathon
  • cynic-al
    Free Member

    Did my last long run (20m) 4 weeks before the big day, done 4 short runs since, stopped drinking, but legs just feeling rubbish, dead, and hint of shinsplints seems to be getting worse, despite self massage and stretching.

    New shoes ordered but I’ll only have them 5 days before the race.

    Not sure if there’s anything I can do now?…bar a few light runs, stretching/rollering and eating & drinking well…no idea whether to take the new shoes (same brand, just a cheaper model).

    Probably no obvious answers but I thought I’d ask….

    Free Member

    Long time since I ran any, but as a general rule for me, that taper period sounds too long. I’d be tempted to look back at the way you felt while training and aim to carry on running hard until the point at which you know you will have recovered and taper off then. Probably goes against the latest advice, but worked better for me, certainly from a psychological pov.

    Free Member

    Have you only done 5 runs in 4 weeks? I think this will be the answer, you should still be running during the taper just decreasing effort/distance. I’ve felt the same, hit the taper period and miss a load of sessions, you do feel sluggish, FWIW once you get going you should feel better. Why not try picking up the final week of a marathon taper program.

    Most advice would be not to run in new shoes either, are they the same as your existing ones?

    Free Member

    DON’T use new trainers for the day, you will need to break these in over several runs putting atleast 50 miles into them. I would suggest getting a sports massage on your legs. I had this done before a half marathon last year after lots of training and it felt like I had a new pair of legs, went out for a bike ride and absolutely destroyed my mates without even trying.

    Free Member

    It’s just psychological, and you’ll feel even worse an hour before the start. But after a mile or two you’ll be flying.

    (Personally I wouldn’t go too hard on the foam roller or get a massage, as i find they both take a bit of recovery from. But to each their own()

    Free Member

    Have you only done 5 runs in 4 weeks? I think this will be the answer, you should still be running during the taper just decreasing effort/distance. I’ve felt the same, hit the taper period and miss a load of sessions, you do feel sluggish

    what he said.

    you’ve trained yourself upto 20 miles. i’m guessing this meant running hard, twice a week, and now you’ve practically stopped.

    i feel crap if i don’t exercise for a few days, maybe it’s the same sort of thing.

    Free Member

    I’m hoping it’s nothing, and am aware that may well be the case.

    I may tend towards a longer taper than most, but I’ve always found that worked for me for bike races, and I find running so hard on my body, it seemed to make sense to lengthen it (worked last year, I felt well fresh after 2 weeks of hardly any runs), also the 20m run left me pretty ****ed.

    I was gonna get a massage but my masseur seems to be on holiday, I may try someone else.

    Free Member

    Hmmm….I can get a massage tomorrow night…tempted.

    Full Member

    Are your old shoes minced?
    Is this your first marathon?

    I would just carry on with a bit of stretching and some gentle short runs to keep your legs moving.

    Don’t stress it to much ,set off slower than you normally would and see how it feels as the miles go by.

    Free Member

    2nd marathon, not sure my shoes are minced but there’s a bit of shinsplints that could be down to them or doing a bit too much (3 easy weeks and it’s still there, mileage on shoes is prob around 4-500)…your strategy is pretty much what I was planning, just wondering if a rub-down is worth a try.

    Free Member

    As above – stopping running is a classic reason for heavy legs. Personally after 20 years of very serious training I’ve now got to the point where if I don’t exercise regularly I really stiffen up after a few days (which makes resting to recover from injuries a real pain!)

    Free Member

    OK so do a couple of easyish 40m runs with some fartlek this week?

    Full Member

    Never had a sports massage ( I am sure they are great) ,always been more in to warm downs and stretching.
    It’s a shame that you have ran(excuse the pun) out of time,I tried that Chi running style and found it helped me with any shinsplint type feelings.
    Is there 3 hours running left in your shoes? 😉 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m thinking I may try the new shoes…seems the old ones will def hurt!

    I don’t mind some recoverable injury from the day, but TBH if I feel crap/not enjoying it I’ll be on the metro back to base!

    Free Member

    There’s no reason not to keep some speed in your taper, even if it’s just a few quick 200 or 400m bursts in a gentle four miler.

    Don’t wear new shoes on the day.

    Free Member

    OK so do a couple of easyish 40m runs with some fartlek this week?

    40 metres sounds a bit short 😉

    If you were meaning 40 minutes, then that’s a bit long for the week before a marathon given what I understand of your training background. No real need to be out for that long – 20 minutes, or even 15 is enough to get things moving. You’re not trying to train here, just remind your muscles about how to run. The fartlek is definitely a good idea, but don’t overdo it – the aim is to finish these runs feeling like you want to carry on and do more.

    Free Member


    I should get to do 2 runs in the new shoes this week.

    Free Member

    Are the shoes the same model?

    Free Member

    despite self massage

    snigger 😆

    Free Member

    Are the shoes the same model?

    This can be a huge factor, as I have just changed trainer type and I’m having all sorts of niggles since. If they are exactly the same then putting a few hours of running into them should see you ok on the day as you need to break them in so not to get blisters etc.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    new shoes (same brand, just a cheaper model).

    Free Member

    +1 what Higgo said, I always like to keep some speed, even into the last week.

    I’d give those shoes plenty of wear before the event, even if it’s just wandering about.


    Free Member

    Thanks to those on this and my other running threads.

    I got a 3:30, so I can’t have shinsplints, tho it was pretty sore and I only got 6m off my last time, best news is I beat my mate for the first time…by 6s 😀

    Now deciding on my next one!

    Free Member

    Congrats, Al.

    Even though, what with you being such a big hitter, I would have expected a faster time 8)

    Free Member

    The true Big Hitter is an utter failure in real life!

    Free Member

    They do say you should never meet your heroes….

    Free Member

    Great result Al. Where there any spoons involved?

    Full Member

    Well done Al .
    I was wondering how you got on.

    Free Member

    Thanks peeps 😀

    I wanted to announce it/pass on thanks, but not in a ME ME ME way…

    I have tho started 2 other related threads since!

    Free Member

    Well done you, another good time! 😀 I was thinking of you on sunday as we caught the end of another mara on eurosport where the eltie runners were running through huge puddles and hoped the weather was better for you. Shin/shoes ok?

    Free Member

    Aye DG, shoes fine (apart from a few blisters, toenails still intact) and legs sore, esp from the half way point, but clearly not shinsplints!

    Oh I need to do Andy’s wheels… 😳

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    I beat my mate for the first time…by 6s

    It was a race then?

    Was everyone racing, or just a few?

    Free Member

    Glad its not shinsplints 🙂 Aiming to beat your time in the Embra one then?

    What was it you said was wrong with my rear mech again btw, i have forgotten… 😳 We brought back some wine for you, and i have leffe for the work you did on my Lisa too 🙂

    Free Member

    I did beat my Burgh time by 6m 😀

    Your top pivot was seized, happy to receive beer, I can haVE A GO AT THE MECH TOO IF YOU LIKE damn CL.

    druid, I was racing, plenty others too. Prob more like a sportiv than a road race though, given the number of folk there to have fun/complete only. I don’t think it’s comparable to your favourite “leaves the rest of us without the will to live” Sportiv/Road race debate though.

    Free Member

    Oh good work. I was going to say that taper’s too long, but you probably shouldn’t grumble at 3h30. Always start a big race with rubbish legs and feeling a bit low.

    Free Member

    Just spotted this from the other thread. Congratulations Cynic-al!
    Hope the foot mends soon.

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