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  • Rudy Juliani – Oh dear!
  • whitestone
    Free Member

    Looks like you might have to have some principles to be a lawyer after all – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57597551

    (I would have added this to the Trump thread but there seems to be a problem with the forum only showing the current page of threads)

    Full Member

    Was about to put this on the Trump thread myself – needs shouting about from the rooftops.

    Be interested to see how it’s being reported and received in the US

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    This is unprecedented as we believe that our client does not pose a present danger to the public interest. We believe that once the issues are fully explored at a hearing Mr Giuliani will be reinstated as a valued member of the legal profession that he has served so well in his many capacities for so many years.


    Free Member

    Brilliant. What a piece of ****

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    He’s a nutjob…

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    I’m sure, like Trump, he will be reinstated in August.

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    Here’s your best bits….

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    What does trump think about Giuliani’s treatment?

    Former President Trump on Thursday slammed the decision by a New York court to suspend his former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani’s license to practice law in the state, calling the former mayor “the Eliot Ness of his generation.”

    The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court announced earlier in the day that it is shelving Giuliani’s New York law license, after concluding that he made “demonstrably false and misleading statements” when he was representing Trump and his campaign in their failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election results.

    The court wrote that the seriousness of Giuliani’s “uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated.”

    Trump, in a statement hours later, likened Giuliani to Ness, one of law enforcement’s most acclaimed federal agents whose group the Untouchables is credited with busting the illicit operations of Prohibition-era gangster Al Capone.

    “The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City, the Eliot Ness of his generation, one of the greatest crime fighters our Country has ever known, and this is what the Radical Left does to him,” Trump wrote.

    Trump denounced the court’s decision while again calling into question the results of the November election, even though a slew of courts, state governments and even former Trump administration officials have determined the vote was fair and free of widespread fraud.

    “Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy Giuliani, a great American Patriot, of his law license because he has been fighting what has already been proven to be a Fraudulent Election?” Trump asked.

    Those unsubstantiated claims of election fraud, however, are what caused the New York court to suspend Giuliani’s license.

    “These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client. We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law,” the court wrote.

    Giuliani, in the days and weeks following last year’s vote, was one of the attorneys overseeing Trump’s legal challenges to the electoral results in a number of states. He repeatedly made claims that the election was stolen and muddied by fraud, despite the lack of corroborating evidence.

    The court also cited the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol in the license suspension, writing that his false statements are “corrosive” to the public’s trust in elections.

    It said Giuliani’s misconduct “directly inflamed tensions that bubbled over into the events of January 6, 2021 in this nation’s Capitol.”

    “One only has to look at the ongoing present public discord over the 2020 election, which erupted into violence, insurrection and death on January 6, 2021 at the U.S. Capitol, to understand the extent of the damage that can be done when the public is misled by false information about the elections,” the court wrote.

    Giuliani reportedly claimed that there was “no causal nexus” that linked his conduct to the Jan. 6 riots.

    The court, however, contended that it does not have to illustrate a direct connection between the two to “understand that the falsehoods themselves cause harm,” concluding that the insurrection showed the negative influence false statements can have on public trust in elections.

    “This event only emphasizes the larger point that the broad dissemination of false statements, casting doubt on the legitimacy of thousands of validly cast votes, is corrosive to the public’s trust in our most important democratic institutions,” the court wrote.

    Full Member

    Worth putting this up again…

    Free Member

    “the Eliot Ness of his generation.”

    Didn’t the guy who the lawman was after get taken down because of his loose view of paying taxes?

    Maybe not a good idea to liken him to Elliot Ness and more like the guy in white who goes off a roof

    (although he had more hair)

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    He may have been a craven bootlicker happy to undermine the very fabric of American democracy in return for pats on the head from a ronsealed psychopath but…

    He did give us the Four Seasons Total Landscaping incident and for that slice of absurdist comedy perfection I remain forever in his debt.

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    Sufficient time has now passed that I do wonder if Trump and his clingon clagnuts was actually a dream.

    Free Member

    We are still living the equivalent in the UK 😩

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    Full Member

    We are still living the equivalent in the UK 😩

    Does that mean Cummings will be farting while holding a press conference in a Liverpool scrapyard next month?

    Full Member

    Does that mean Cummings will be farting while holding a press conference in a Liverpool scrapyard next month?

    be more dignified than what’s been going on so far.

    Free Member

    Wow I am Impressed they have raised this much so quickly for the Rudy defense fund.


    Free Member

    Dont forget the Borat Movie incident….

    Full Member

    Wow I am Impressed they have raised this much so quickly for the Rudy defense fund.

    Is that some sort of joke? Giuliani was charging Trump more than that per hour, or at least attempting to.


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    Trump famously too tight to pay anyone

    Rudy may be in trouble

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    Unfortunately that tweet has helped boost the fund, 97 donors and $9500 dollars, which means about $100 dollars, (£72) per person! US political funding is really weird, I can’t ever see myself bunging that kind of cash to a rich person for political reasons, however much I believed in their cause.

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    Vlad, your link isn’t loading on Firefox. I’ll try again tomorrow.

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    I don’t know quite what the legal definitions would be, but her accusations sound like a lot more than just harassment to me.

    Free Member

    Donald Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani is being sued for sexual harassment by an ex-employee.

    The $10m (£8m) civil case claims he coerced her into sex acts, making her work naked, and launched into “alcohol-drenched” and racist rants at work.

    It claims he frequently exposed himself, took Viagra “constantly” and told Noelle Dunphy satisfying his sexual demands was a job requirement.

    Mr Giuliani “vehemently” denied the allegations though a spokesperson.

    I mean…… thats not going to be able to be dismissed as “locker room bantz” is it?

    Rudy is d o n e obviously, real question is how much this damages the Donald by association. I’d guess not much.

    Free Member

    took Viagra “constantly”

    Trump snorting Adderall, Rudy banging little blue pills…They’re busy boys

    Free Member

    Also in the lawsuit, Trump selling presidential pardons for $2m with Juliani sharing the money.

    Full Member

    nominative determinism?

    Full Member

    nominative determinism?

    That made me wonder what “Guliani” could possibly mean (after I googled it coz I don’t speak Latin) This is what I came up with :


    So it turns out that it has a connection with the bodily function of farting. Which is weird as the former US president’s name also has.

    Free Member

    Trump selling presidential pardons for $2m with Juliani sharing the money.

    This is obviously bullshit. When has Trump ever offered to share anything?

    Full Member

    This is obviously bullshit. When has Trump ever offered to share anything?

    Hundreds of times I’d wager. The problems arise when he is called upon to live up to those promises.

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    I missed that Eminem video first time round. It is wonderful.

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    Its all getting very confusing. OR maybe thats how they intend it to go. Nobody will be able to make any sense of it all. We’ll have unsubstantiated statements and theories, no real evidence, or evidence that could be true if there was evidence of the evidence. But call me a cynic, but I really don’t see Trump ending up in jail, jail is for the little people.

    Or maybe Trumps lawyers will drag this out and Trump will go for a presidential win, so he can pardon himself.

    Full Member

    Rudy is d o n e obviously, real question is how much this damages the Donald by association. I’d guess not much.

    That’s a trick question, obviously.

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