Saw it this afternoon. loved it. Nice link to the original Ep4. Loved the more evil Grand Moff Tarkin, he always seemed a bit light on his loafers in the original. Nice epic space fight scene at the end. And yes – everyone had to die. I think there was a reference int he original films about the cost involved in getting the plans (will have to re-watch maybe), but I always thought the the task of getting the plans was costly in terms of lives lost.
I wish they has spent more time with the battle on the disabled Rebel flagship about getting the plans onto the Leah’s ship with more Vader kick ass action in lieu of alot of the stuff int he first half which I felt dragged on a little too much.
Lots of scenes in the trailers that were not in the main film which was a bit weird. I think I need to see it a couple more times to get the whole thing. What was all the faffing about with the pilot on the shuttle trying to hook up the shuttle to the network when the plans were transmitted via the big antenna?
Would have loved it if they had made it even darker. I know they’ve got to make the right classification so kids can see it, but a real dark version of the film would have been great.
Looking forward to seeing it again!