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  • Rockshox Maxle Ultimate lever snapped…
  • stcolin
    Free Member

    So, today I was doing some bike maintenance. Replaced rear hub bearings, forgetting to put in the inner axle sleeve after fitting new bearings. Not going so well. Next, tend to my stuck Reverb. Have bled it several times but always remains stuck down in the cold. Removed the entire dropper and found the hose has been rubbing inside the frame, and perhaps I have a leak – although no evidence. So, time to order a new reverb hose. Another job to do. Final job, remove my front forks as I am sending them off to TFTuned for a service next week. I have a Maxle Ultimate in my front wheel. Felt a bit stiff, and then ‘SNAP’ the lever snaps off in my hand. My axle is now stuck in my forks. There doesn’t seem to be a way to remove it with an allen key. Am I f#*ked?

    Free Member

    I’ve had that happen to me. If memory serves me right, the broken end should have a hexagon that you can hammer an Allen key in to remove it. I replaced mine with a maxle stealth and put plenty of grease on it, it’s been fine since.

    Full Member

    I’ve done that, seem to remember sticking a screw (the bodge materials that were available at the time) into the hole vacated by the broken bits of lever and winding it in (I broke it pre ride) and gaffer taping it in place. Just reversed the process to undo it. The axle is lunched though so you’ll need a new one. Apparently you’re not meant to crank them up so tight that the lever is hard to push down (for reasons you have found).

    Free Member

    Okay, thanks for the replies. In my panic I tried an allen key on it, but the metal is soft and I think I’ve damaged it 🙁 This looks like it might be a workshop job.

    Every time I touch my bike, something goes wrong. Trying my hardest to learn things at home, and every time it costs me as money as taking to a bike shop to be sorted.

    Free Member

    Speak to tf tuned. It probably happens a lot. They might offer to remove it for you? And replace it, for a price.

    Free Member

    Well, I’ve tried an allen key again and completely rounded the head 🙁 I have a bad feeling this will cost me new forks, wheel, and front brake.

    Full Member

    No, it shouldn’t come to that.

    I can’t remember what I did exactly when this happened to me – actually it seems I can, see below – but I have vague memories of tapping a thread into the inside of the tube at the opposite end to the lever then screwed in a suitable bolt and used that to start the Maxle moving.

    Edit: yeah, I borrowed a suitable tap and bolt from a mate who works in a Uni CNC engineering lab. Just screwing in the tap was actually enough to move the jammed Maxle, but if it hadn’t I was going to thread in the bolt and use the head of that to move it. Once it’s over the initial force to move it, should come out easy. You need to measure the internal diameter of the Maxle then source a suitable tap – local engineering shop should do it if you can’t find what you need.

    Free Member

    If the axle is still visible between the dropouts, have you tried grabbing it with some molegrips and twisting? From what you described if just the handle has gone, you might be lucky.

    Free Member

    Not possible to grab it with anything. The lever broke off along with the bar that connects inside the maxle. Have been in touch with a local bike shop who say they should be able to fix it, probably by tapping it and doing it that way. They saved a bottom brake shell a few years ago when I ruined the threads putting on an external cup.

    Should I use anti seize grease on thing like axles?

    Free Member

    I use copper grease on all axles after getting one stuck in an Orange 223 years ago

    Full Member

    Tapping the other end and screwing it out with a bolt is pretty straightforward and leaves the axle externally untouched, so it screws out just fine. The only issue is finding a tap that’s big enough / matching bolt, which is why I borrowed one from my mate.

    If you’re prone to over-tightening Maxle levers, get a Maxle Stealth or similar to replace it. Basically just a 15mm bolt tightened with an allen key. And yes, anti-seize isn’t a bad idea, though it won’t stop you breaking the lever in the first place 😉

    Full Member

    “I use copper grease on all axles after getting one stuck in an Orange 223 years ago”

    Come on, Orange haven’t been going that long. Cue joke about their designs being 223 years old.


    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies. The LBS has managed to remove it and has installed a stealth version.

    Full Member


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