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  • Rishi! Sunak!
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    Yes. The mayoral is simple FPTP across London. The assembly election has proportionality, but not being a resident, I’m not sure what system is used.

    Full Member

    is the London contest a simple most votes overall?


    Btw Khan has won in West Central which includes Kensington and Chelsea and an area which the Tories won last mayoral election.

    Full Member

    Labour declaring victory now, apparently.  Decisively would be nice, but a win’s a win.


    Projected 46-32, which will do nicely. Let’s go live to Conservative HQ to feast on their sweet, sweet tears.

    Full Member

    Yes, HMG changed it from 1st pref/2nd pref to FPTP as this benefits the Tories, or would have done if they’d not chosen a total stinker of a candidate (bearing in mind that the candidate selection was sewn up to be CCO’s choice vs two no-hopers, then the CCO choice had to back out due to allegations of impropriety). FPTP might save Andy Street’s neck though.

    Is it not the usual AMS as used for Scotland and Wales?

    Full Member

    Where does this leave the anti-ULEZ people?

    Full Member

    I’m well aware that locals don’t translate directy to GE votes*…but it’s nice to see the tories pushed back into 3rd place, a sound thrashing by labour and the Liberal democrats.

    *although I think it would be unwise to assume a lot of people will also vote the same in a GE…. I think a good portion do, so these are very encouraging figures for anyone who isn’t a conservative!

    The Lib-Dems have made relativley huge gains!

    Full Member

    @oldnpastit Campaigning against the Manchester CAZ by the look of it.

    (Being slightly flippant here but I suspect it’s the same combo of misinformation and astroturfing that’s meant the Manchester CAZ is paralysed)

    Free Member

    Can someone tell me why bexhill and Bromley went the way it did?


    Full Member

    FPTP might save Andy Street’s neck though.

    And if it doesn’t, according to one senior source, it will all be Hama’s fault. .

    “Once again Hamas are the real villains.”

    Hamas certainly have a lot to answer for.

    Full Member

    And if it doesn’t, according to one senior source, it will all be Hama’s fault. .

    “Once again Hamas are the real villains.”

    Labour says it needs to rebuild the trust of Muslim voters

    I think Labour needs to get its head out of n********o’s arse if it expects to rebuild the trust

    Full Member

    With 11 of the 14 constituencies in London now declared, polls are predicting a fairly comfortable win for Khan with about 44% of the votes vs 33% for Hall. Final count estimated within the next hour.

    Words cannot express the relief I feel for that – I don’t think some people realise the depths of disaster she’d have been as Mayor.

    Edit: result already

    Absolute relief!

    Full Member

    There wasn’t a single opinion poll which didn’t say that Khan would comfortably win the mayoral election.

    The idea that the Tories could take London from Labour, under the present political climate, was frankly ridiculous.

    Full Member

    Btw the result reflects the lack of popularity that Khan has, a poll by YouGov a few days ago put Labour’s share of the vote in London, in the event of a general election, at 54% to the Tories’s 17%

    Full Member

    Even when you know something is practically impossible, whatever ‘rumours’ Kuensberg is promoting for the Tories, the nagging doubt – and pure fear of someone like Hall getting elected – is hard to shake.

    Full Member

    Even when you know something is practically impossible, whatever ‘rumours’ Kuensberg is promoting for the Tories, the nagging doubt – and pure fear of someone like Hall getting elected – is hard to shake.

    The Twitter feed of Kuenssberg’s facial contortions as she read out/commented on the tories demise was brilliant, I would post my favourites but I feel I’d get banned as they contain some rather choice remarks

    Full Member

    Even when you know something is practically impossible, whatever ‘rumours’ Kuensberg is promoting for the Tories, the nagging doubt – and pure fear of someone like Hall getting elected – is hard to shake.

    This is exactly what I was suffering from!

    West Midlands mayoral race is looking genuinely close.

    Free Member

    Can someone tell me why bexhill and Bromley went the way it did?

    Hall: 111,216 votes, Khan: 48,952 votes in Bexley and Bromley.

    More prosperous, older, whiter, green and leafy, more car-owning than the London average. This should be a Tory heartland PLUS they’ve just come into ULEZ PLUS they don’t have any tubes so aren’t going to be won over by TfL’s track record.

    Free Member

    @pca 👍

    Full Member

    The Green Party’s share of the vote in the London mayoral election bucked the national trend and fell by 2%, I think we can safely assume that was due to the dropping of the second choice and the fear a lot of people had that Susan Hall might somehow win.

    The Britian First candidate managed to get 0.8% of the vote.

    Free Member

    the Tories are in a death spiral, who the **** in CCHQ thought I know let’s have that NF lite nutter Susan Hall as our candidate for London Mayor, it really beggars belief the lack of any thinking is mind boggling.

    Full Member

    spent the day fixing fencing in the sun, so this has rounded things off nicely!

    Full Member

    More prosperous, older, whiter, green and leafy, more car-owning than the London average. 

    And much less likely to have a non-compliant car. They aren’t the only area without the tube, plus we generously allow them to access Croydon trams, which was the brainchild of the Labour Party in Croydon.

    I suspect that the real problem with Bexley and Bromley residents is that they don’t like the jihadists running London.

    Full Member

    The Britian First candidate managed to get 0.8% of the vote.

    The loathsome Reform guy, Howard Cox (the fruitloop behind Fair Fuel UK and a couple of other pro-driver astroturfing Twitter feeds) got 3.2%.

    A lot of analysis saying that the Tories basically ran an anti-Khan campaign rather than a pro-Tory one and there’s a limit to how far you can go with that. Hall got reported to the Electoral Commission more than once for outright lies during her campaign although I’m not sure they ever did anything about it.

    Full Member

    Even when you know something is practically impossible

    I went to bed on 23/6/16 and again on 8/11/16 knowing something was practically impossible.

    Free Member

    Even the Fail are describing it as a trouncing! though the brexit bugle are going with Hall flops despite huge ULEZ backlash 😕

    Free Member

    whatever ‘rumours’ Kuensberg is promoting for the Tories,

    You need to get over the paranoia. Every news outlet was reporting a last minute panic in Labour

    Full Member

    Yeah,  but no-one shills for the tories quite like a Kuenssberg backed into a corner

    Full Member

    Andy comfortably re-elected for a third term in Manchester with another huge majority, 63% of the vote. Steve Rotherham the same in Liverpool.

    Looks like Andy Street is about to lose in the West Midlands too. This just gets worse and worse for the Lil Fella, bless him 😂

    Full Member

    Good to see that all the Mayoral candidates who made “car is king “ a key issue in their campaign (including in my North East) has come a complete cropper.

    Free Member

    If Starmer’s relationship with Khan is affecting Khan’s popularity with Londoners it is likely to be because Khan is seen as being too close to Starmer.

    I don’t have an opinion on that, I just think that Starmer might show Khan the loyalty he seems to demand from everyone else.

    Free Member

    I live about as far away from London as you can without getting on a boat, and I’m surprisingly chipper this evening. So much so I’ve just had a three scoop ice cream to celebrate.

    Full Member

    I think if Andy Street loses it might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back as far as MPs backing Rishi is concerned. Ben Houchen winning and hanging onto Harlow Council is not enough good news to take back to the troops.

    Free Member

    Looks like Street might just sneak it in West Midlands……given that he openly dropped ‘Conservatives’ from his brand then it’s hardly much of a win for the Tories.

    Full Member

    Khan made some barbed references to the continual negative campaigning against him in his winning speech.

    I wonder what the spin will be during the next week on these results…

    Full Member

    @neilthewheel It looks like almost everyone who stood on an explicitly anti-LTN/anti-cycling infra didn’t benefit – either no rise in support or lost. Reinforces the message that supporting this stuff isn’t a vote loser (and someone in S Manchester who stood on an explicitly pro-LTN platform doubled his vote).

    Free Member

    Ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!

    Back of the **** net!!

    Free Member

    Has Parker beaten Street? Not seen anything official yet?

    Full Member

    Akhmed Yakoob came third and took over 8k votes

    It’s Hamas what dunnit.

    Free Member

    Has Parker beaten Street? Not seen anything official yet

    Oh yes

    So many chickens, so many roosts

    Full Member

    So in London, the Tories based their whole campaign on their surprise holding of that seat in a by election that was put down to an anti ULEZ vote.

    Oh dear.

    This does however give you an idea of how nasty the GE campaign will be. I’ll be staying away from everything online apart from here and the Beeb.

    I am still predicting violence over the GE.

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