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  • Rishi! Sunak!
  • dissonance
    Full Member

    You can’t do that and be fundamentally decent.

    I believe most of that was his wifes inherited wealth.

    Full Member

    I do hope the voters of Southampton North do the honours

    I’ll have a go 👎 – been solid tory since it was redrawn and does include some ver’ posh areas (nice for a road-bike ride!) but I don’t think she’s a shoo-in

    Free Member

    I’m sure he’s fundamentally a decent guy

    Sunak? Fundamentally decent? Sorry but after watching the petulant, spoiled little shit excusing the devastation that his party has rained down on so many and then thoroughly believing that they should get another does not paint a picture of someone fundamentally decent.

    Full Member

    I believe most of that was his wifes inherited wealth.

    Apart from the vast piles he made working for Goldman Sachs, and the Hedge Fund he moved to in 2006 and the one he created in 2010. You don’t get to marry into wealth unless you’re wealthy yourself.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    She’s just a grade A bullshitter. She’ll know nothing.

    Full Member

    When you launch Twitter with just a shell acct (like wot I have) and you click on an account like that, X will serve you up similar accts…The right-wing shill world is an awful awful place. Poor loves are literally terrified of everything.

    Full Member

    OMG… heard a second Sunak interview this morning… when asked about planning for rain… the exact same words… the same scary fake laugh… chilling.

    Full Member

    He just gets better and better. :)

    Full Member

    How do you post a link that shows a thumbnail, so people don’t have to visit that horrible cesspit to see what I linked?

    Full Member

    He just gets better and better. 🙂

    Talk to them about football Rishi, it’ll mark you out as a Man of the People.

    Football – what’s that?

    Oh it’s a game that commoners play – don’t worry about it.

    /tries to talk about football, finds himself out of depth instantly.

    Free Member

    GE launch still going well

    Pretty extraordinary scenes live on @skynews – political correspondent @darrenmccaffrey forcibly kicked out of a big Conservatives launch event live on air

    — Jack Parker (@JackParkr) May 22, 2024

    Can’t be dealing with those horrible oiks in the Lefty Murdoch empire.

    I’m sure he’s fundamentally a decent guy.

    I think he’s a product of his upbringing.

    He might be “nice” on a fundamental level, if you were a multimillionaire having a party he’d probably be a great person to chat about common interests with.  But his life experience is just so far divorced from the reality of everyday people that he just can’t empathize or relate with them.  Like the football thing. I couldn’t give a crap about football, but I have a vague idea that England qualified and Wales didn’t and that it’s going to be something that will end up being discussed in conversation and I’ll occasionally walk past someons desk with a half filled in Sun center spread knockout table pinned above it.

    To him it’s clearly been communicated to him that football is something that might give his polling a slight bounce if England do well, and he’s never known anyone from Wales so it didn’t occur to him that Welsh people aren’t English. So he’s gone in there for his man of the people photo-op confident that he’s rehearsed his talking points and fallen flat on his face.  Whenever he’s forced to talk to the public it’s like a GCSE oral exam “Ohh yes, I took my pet Iguana to the Football last weekend too”, just shallow lies in an effort to sound like what he thinks is normal.

    Free Member


    I think he’s a product of his upbringing.

    He might be “nice” on a fundamental level, if you were a multimillionaire having a party he’d probably be a great person to chat about common interests with.  But his life experience is just so far divorced from the reality of everyday people that he just can’t empathize or relate with them.

    I completely agree.

    Full Member

    This is the weird thing – isn’t he just the son of a pair of immigrant doctors?  Ok he went to a very good school but I can’t imagine he was on a level playing field with most of his peers while there.  He’s certainly “made good” and wasn’t born into the wealth that he currently enjoys. (Source Wiki – could all be BS)

    Free Member

    just the son of a pair of immigrant doctors?

    That’s a pretty privileged starting position IMO as the son of a dentist.

    Full Member

    When you can’t talk to the public, just pretend that a couple of your councillor mates are “public”.

    Did they learn nothing from the Lee Anderson incident where he was caught on open mic talking to his friend setting up the “I’m just the local candidate knocking on doors, pretend you know who I am but not that we’re mates”?

    FFS. Sooner this absolute shower of shysters can be voted into oblivion, the better.

    Free Member

    I mean he went to Winchester…..hardly a self made bloke is he!  I’ve got a few friends that are doctors, and they wouldn’t be able to afford Winchester!

    He really is just the most useless political campaigner imaginable. From not knowing how to use contactless, to asking a man in a homeless shelter if he works in finance through to his cringe attempts to appear normal. Seriously, it’s like some bizarre performance art. I suppose that it is almost like some form of public service. I would consider myself very privileged and middle class these days…..yet I was essentially unaware that people like Sunak, without any semblance of ability to understand everyday life, actually existed.

    Full Member

    I mean he went to Winchester…..hardly a self made bloke is he!  I’ve got a few friends that are doctors, and they wouldn’t be able to afford Winchester!

    That’s what I mean by weird – Winchester is what, £50k/year? That’s a lot of disposable, even for 2 doctors – something doesn’t add up in his biog.

    Full Member

    I’ve seen 4 tory (+1 Labour) MPs announcing they’re standing down today

    According to Osborne 40 people around Sunak knew this for about the last month


    He also reckons a 60 seat majority for labour, which is not what the polls say now!

    Full Member

    gotta call BS on this one, there’s no way 40 tories would have kept a secret for that long. Wasn’t even rumours of a July election as far as I can tell.

    Full Member

    They want to appear competent and trustworthy, so needed a made-up backstory to compensate for the fact they’re just a bunch of pathological narcissists with a stench of desperation as they don’t want their gravy train to grind to a halt.

    Full Member

    gotta call BS on this one, there’s no way 40 tories would have kept a secret for that long.

    If it was MPs not a chance but 40 people mostly consisting of staff, who may or may not be tories, I think would be possible.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’d say 40 people would be necessary really – even a shit show as disasterous as yesterday’s takes some serious planning.

    Full Member

    ‘Fundamentally decent’ bloke who lies to the face of the relative of a Manchester bombing victim, promising that legislation will be presented to Parliament before recess, all the time knowing he’s going to call an election that same day.

    And I’m guessing he won’t be presenting any legislation as promised for infected blood victims compensation.

    He lies as easily as he breathes.

    Full Member

    martinhutchFull Member
    ‘Fundamentally decent’ bloke who lies to the face of the relative of a Manchester bombing victim, promising that legislation will be presented to Parliament before recess, all the time knowing he’s going to call an election that same day.

    I think you give him too much credit for knowing he was going to call an election – had the feel of a toddler throwing their toys out of the pram how hastily it was put together.

    Full Member

    Jesus wept, he’s a rank amateur.

    Now say that in a Jonathan Woss voice

    Full Member

    I think you give him too much credit for knowing he was going to call an election – had the feel of a toddler throwing their toys out of the pram how hastily it was put together.

    Sometimes as a Prime Minister you wake up not knowing whether the day will end with you stitching up most of your party colleagues, random bereaved people, or just some refugees. Toughest job in the world.

    Full Member

    There’s no really good options for Rishi now though, waiting till Autumn, and you’re into conference season, and you need that to happen, because; Donors. Wait till Winter and the people you’re relying on to come out and vote won’t want to ’cause it’s cold and dark, Past Xmas is looks like you’re desperately hanging onto power, not even Rishi’s that desperate

    He bottled the May by-elections, so Summer it is.  As George says; nothing’s moving the dial; so here we are

    Full Member

    There has also been the suggestion that uncertainty over the King’s future health has introduced the possibility that any election campaign held after the summer might be disrupted.

    But it seems more plausible that he did it as an ‘f you’ to the colleagues preparing to depose him. The last decade has been marked by some of the pettiest politics we’ve ever had.

    Full Member

    uncertainty over the King’s future health has introduced the possibility that any election campaign held after the summer might be disrupted.

    A new and young king ascending to the throne? What a great time for the Tories to hold a general election!

    Or a sick and dying monarch? What a great distraction from the failures of the last 14 years.

    Full Member

    More that an enforced period of mourning slap bang in the middle of an election campaign is inconvenient, and I’m sure those most likely to find it a bit of a downer are also most likely to be older, Tory, voters.

    Full Member

    Got around to listening to Nick Robinson:

    “There were three PMs in a year, four different chancellors, a home Home sec sacked for just six days, and re-hired, and then sacked a year later, a PM forced out of office because he’s a lying piece of shit* and another who even you think crashed the economy, why should the public give the Conservatives another turn..?”

    * not accurate transcription, but you get the drift

    Full Member

    Think I might buy some beer from that Welsh brewery – that level of contempt should be rewarded 🤣

    Full Member

    Remember that someone from the brewery will have agreed to host the bloke, even if the employees aren’t too chuffed about it.

    Full Member

    yeah, crossed my mind too but on balance I’m happy

    Free Member

    This is the weird thing – isn’t he just the son of a pair of immigrant doctors?  Ok he went to a very good school but I can’t imagine he was on a level playing field with most of his peers while there.  He’s certainly “made good” and wasn’t born into the wealth that he currently enjoys. (Source Wiki – could all be BS)

    Dad was a GP.  Mum was a Pharmacist.  She owned a pharmacy for about 20 years.  They weren’t immigrants scraping together money to pay a trafficker, they were affluent even before they arrived.   My experience of ecconomic migrants is they often are more “ambitious” for their off-spring than bits of the native populations who have been downtrodden for generation after generation.  Just having parents that care is a good start in the UK.  Having ambitious parents is a shove up.  Having ambitious parents with money is an extra boost.  The tory trap is to believe that this means Rishi (or many others like him who have done even moderately well in life) have done so because of their own efforts and that those who don’t match him must be lazy/stupid/inferior.   They believe their luck is because of their upbringing and everyone else can be that lucky if they really want to be.

    When parents’ wealth (and to be fair sacrifices) mean a child can get a better education you would expect them to do better than their peers who don’t get that boost.  Winchester College is a big boost: not only is it presumably a very good education (he was a day pupil costing £36K this year!) but it establishes connections and relationships that almost certainly helped his next step to Oxford, his internship at Tory central office and his entry to finance at Goldman Sachs.  That got him into has Stanford MBA where he met his wife and even more fortune!  Don’t get me wrong every step of the way there will have been other kids who got a similar step up and failed.  Perhaps they were snorting too much cocaine, just not academically smart enough, had too much of a financial safety blanket so didn’t need to succeed etc.  But I think we can be pretty sure that had he been the son of immigrants working for TfL and a in a care home there would be zero prospect of him having ultimately ended up where he did.

    It’s easy to say his parents bought him success with the Winchester education (I’m not sure if he got any scholarships etc or his siblings got the same benefit?) but the reality is at least half the parents on this forum will have done something similar but on a smaller scale: private education, buy a house in a good catchment area, pay for a tutor, etc.  And ofcourse Sir Keir has had a lot of lucky breaks too – his parents weren’t doctors but they both has reasonable jobs which werent the victim of the thatcher reforms, he got into a selective school, which turned into a private school whilst he was there but he didn’t have to pay fees, he got a tution fee-free degree and probably a grant, his law degree led him to become a barrister in the era when fees in human rights and criminal law were healthy.

    Free Member

    Sunak’s warehouse ‘presentation’ – he believes that Tory voters are stupid, any of you going to prove him right?

    Free Member

    Public School fees weren’t so expensive (relatively) 30 years ago.

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