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  • Rishi! Sunak!
  • dudeofdoom
    Full Member

    Winchester College is a big boost: not only is it presumably a very good education (he was a day pupil costing £36K this year!) but it establishes connections and relationships that almost certainly helped his next step to Oxford, his internship at Tory central office and his entry to finance at Goldman Sachs.  That got him into has Stanford MBA where he met his wife and even more fortune

    Yep, it’s the usual you are who you hang around with scenario.
    More opportunities if your besties parents work/own companies in the city.

    It’s a mix of getting the opportunities and running with them thou but his rewards for working hard are unlikely to be reproduced by Joe Public.

    My inner city school wasn’t exactly full of the children of merchant bankers although we did have someone who was a  successful music producer who worked with Madonna.

    Full Member

    Fundamentally decent’ bloke who lies to the face of the relative of a Manchester bombing victim, promising that legislation will be presented to Parliament before recess, all the time knowing he’s going to call an election that same day.

    And I’m guessing he won’t be presenting any legislation as promised for infected blood victims compensation.

    I think these points are the most poignant.

    Full Member

    I cast my mind back to Theresa May’s abysmal campaign, her shallow slogans, robotic delivery and zero personal skills and think: could Sunak measure down to that standard?

    Full Member

    Have I Got News For You laid into him on tonight’s show – and that was obviously recorded before the hilariously bad campaign trail went to the Titanic museum prompting all sorts of comparisons with sinking ships!

    Full Member

    I was a bit surprised that hignfy didn’t go harder.

    Ruth Davidson was amusing though,  she didn’t hesitate in putting the boot into sunak

    Full Member

    It’s a mix of getting the opportunities and running with them thou but his rewards for working hard are unlikely to be reproduced by Joe Public.

    Not as rare as you’d think. Only 20% of undergraduates at Cambridge went to private schools.

    MrsMC and I are slightly below average earners in the public sector. MCJnr went to the normal village primary, a failing secondary academy and a reasonable 6th form college. Went on the Oxbridge programme there, is just finishing his finals at Cambridge this month. Talent and hard work, with the right support from schools and family can succeed.

    We, as a society,  need to make sure all young people get the opportunities and support to achieve their potential, whether that’s Oxbridge or to be the best burger flipper McDonald’s has.

    Full Member

    Not sure who thought this photo was a good idea[\quote]

    The expression on the face of the guy on the right is that of someone for whom the shrooms are turning.

    Free Member

    We, as a society,  need to make sure all young people get the opportunities and support to achieve their potential, whether that’s Oxbridge or to be the best burger flipper McDonald’s has.

    Don’t disagree, apart from it sounding a bit American dream, but really can’t see that happening in a country where it has never happened due to all sorts of reasons.

    If you are lucky enough to be good at the school system and it’s form of measurement then you can easily go to a good university.  90% of my A level Chemistry class were making the choice between Oxford or Cambridge with their 9 As at O level and predicted 4 A’s at A level.  This was a Grammar school so full of middle class kids who had been there from 12 years old so certainly no Winchester but full of kids lucky enough to have parents who pushed them.

    Free Member

    I went to a Midlands secondary mod,  no-one got to Oxbridge but 4 of us got A levels that got us into uni. Facebook tells me that several more got to uni in their 40s or 50s, one in Australia. They had the ability but got sent out to work by their parents at 16.

    Junior on the other hand has one of the two profiles for Oxbridge or comparable entry, his parents aren’t rich but they’re teachers.

    Full Member

    Not as rare as you’d think. Only 20% of undergraduates at Cambridge went to private schools.

    Given around what 6% of kids go to fee paying schools…..

    Full Member

    I cast my mind back to Theresa May’s abysmal campaign, her shallow slogans, robotic delivery and zero personal skills and think: could Sunak measure down to that standard?

    He’s made a great start! You could see by his blank expression that when asked the painfully obvious (to everyone else) sinking ship question, he didn’t even get the reference. He then did what he always does… ignored the question completely and repeated his same soundbites like a malfunctioning droid

    Has everyone also noticed that it’s all about him too? ‘I’ did this, ‘I’ did that. It’s never ‘we’ or ‘the government’ or even ‘my government’ it’s always ‘me, me, ME’. He can’t help himself. I think he’s actually an even more extreme narcissist than Johnson

    Full Member

    Jenrick, Braverman, Badenoch & all the other culture warriors have suddenly gone uncharacteristicly quiet

    Distancing themselves from the clownshow of an election with eyes on being the next leader (of the opposition)

    Also can I get odds on Sunak quitting b4 the GE?

    Free Member

    Ahh well – he’s taken a day off today to recharge his batteries, perhaps he’ll learn from his recent errors, listen to good professional advice, take an interest in those around him going through hard times, start to build some kind of cohesive campaign message…….nah just writing his standing down speech. The little cowardly shitehawk.

    Free Member

    I hope he goes to the play off final, to pretend that he “supports” Southampton.

    He will get absolute pelters.

    I’m still convinced he has “sleepers” in his comms team, no-one can be that stupid and unaware.

    Full Member

    I’m still convinced he has “sleepers” in his comms team, no-one can be that stupid and unaware.

    Oh I’ve said it before, I’m convinced his Comms Team are on some sort of wild ongoing dare as to how stupid they can make the PM look without him realising it. I reckon it’s been one long game since the days of Boris Johnson but BJ managed to carry off looking stupid as a personality trait.

    May was just awkward while trying to be cool, Truss was far too thick to ever realise anything and now Sunak is trying his best to go with what they’re suggesting because he cannot relate to anyone outside of the uber-wealthy – meanwhile the advisors are in the pub every night screaming with laughter at their latest gag.

    “So – get this – we took him to the TITANIC Museum! Oh the sinking ship gags, the complete lack of understanding, wow you should have seen it!”

    “What a great result, everyone buy John a round of drinks for that gag. Right, who’s got another great idea?”

    Full Member

    I hope he goes to the play off final, to pretend that he “supports” Southampton.

    He will get absolute pelters.

    A stadium full of actual fans singing Things Can Only Get Better….  would absolutely finish him off

    Full Member

    You know who he reminds me of?

    The Prince Regent from Blackadder. In fact I reckon his advisors have taken some ideas from the two actors who are called in to help him with his public speaking.

    Now your true hero stands thus
    /power stance

    Full Member

    A stadium full of actual fans singing Things Can Only Get Better….  would absolutely finish him off

    Given that it’ll be thousands of Leeds fans I suspect they might have a somewhat fruitier repertoire awaiting the little fella

    Here’s to a repeat of that beautiful moment at the Olympics ceremony where George Osbournes face drops as he realised just how despised he actually is…

    Free Member

    This is an actual press photo from his flight back from NI.

    2 exit signs!

    Full Member

    Has everyone also noticed that it’s all about him too? ‘I’ did this, ‘I’ did that. It’s never ‘we’ or ‘the government’ or even ‘my government’ it’s always ‘me, me, ME’. He can’t help himself

    He has always been that way. Back in the good old days when he was chancellor there were complaints from some tories that some of the pandemic relief stuff was being branded as “Rishi” rather than the tory party.

    Free Member

    “And I’m guessing he won’t be presenting any legislation as promised for infected blood victims compensation.”

    AFAIAA, this was passed yesterday, and is now Law:

    Full Member

    Bringing back national service. Another lame attempt to appease the Daily Mail reading gammons. It’s gone past pathetic now.

    Full Member

    At this point he can promise he’s going to fire a refugee into the sun with a steam catapult every 60 seconds, because he knows he’ll never have to implement it as he’ll be in California, staring lovingly up at Elon

    Full Member

    I’ve seen it suggested that some within the Conservative Party possibly want a campaign that puts Rishi front-and-centre and is heavy with nonsense policies. They know they’re going to lose anyway, and want to get as quickly as possible to a point where they can ditch an unpopular leader and pretend that the loss is because of his bad leadership and a poor campaign, and not because of 14 years of presiding over unprecedented decline in living standards and opportunity for the electorate.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Blimey that aeroplane image looks like painting-by-numbers. Maybe they’re trying to emphasise exiting.

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    Full Member

    I think his parliamentary seat is quite safe.

    Full Member

    Hadn’t it got a lot of army barracks?

    Full Member

    Richmond and the surrounding area has a large military presence.

    He’s a dead man walking now

    Imagine being an elderly Tory voter who had family killed or injured in WW2? They might be reconsidering who to vote for

    Full Member

    He got 64% of the vote last general election, Labour got 16% !

    I know things look bad for the Tories but let’s not get carried away!

    Full Member

    Must admit I’m enjoying watching the car crash that is Sunak trying to play at being a politician. He’s terrible at it, unbelievably so!

    Catterick Garrison is in his constituency. Can’t imagine it’ll go down well there.

    Full Member

    So the apology is issued on Twitter.


    Full Member

    So in a few days he has managed to draw most of Conservatives into joining in a lie about £2k tax.
    Now has offended most of Europe by not realising that one of the privileges of office is to remember and respect those who served.
    What does the weekend hold in store?

    Full Member

    What does the weekend hold in store?

    Molesting a goat?

    Full Member

    I am more hoping for a toddler like meltdown from the spoiled brat who thinks he knows more, followed by a storming off and hailing a plane ride to California…. Ideally live on TV.

    Full Member

    There was bit too much unfounded swooning with Sunak when he came to power – just ‘cos he did an average job handing some money out (which every major economy did during the pandemic.)

    Remember the crappy BBC superman gfx plate?

    The Tories have thrived on failure for too long.

    Full Member

    The weird thing is that at the height of a general election campaign you would expect Sunak to be totally surrounded by advisors telling him exactly what he should do including what tie he should wear.

    Have they really let him loose to do whatever he fancies?

    Or is it just a reflection of how deep the Tory disconnection with voters is?

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