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  • R.I.P. W.T.F?
  • Euro
    Free Member

    What’s the RIP thing all about?

    Unless you’re a religious sort you’ll agree that once you’re dead you’re dead. Rest in peace seems a bit of a silly thing to say/type. So why do people do it? (especially on here when i get the impression that most of the religious have been exorcised).

    How about DAM? (Dead and Missed)

    Free Member

    Rest in Peace doesn’t have to be about religion. It’s just respectful

    Plus it’s nice to think of a person being in a nice place.

    Also it’s not about you missing the person it’s about them being ok. Isn’t it?

    Full Member

    What place can they possibly be in? They are either in the ground or ashes somewhere
    They’re not OK. They are dead.

    Full Member

    What a funny thing to get worked up about

    Free Member

    Well if you want to think of the people you love rotting in the ground that’s fine. I know that’s what’s actually happening but I like the idea that they can rest in peace.

    It’s all opinion so doesn’t really matter. Obviously it winds you up though.

    Free Member

    If you look at it in very black and white terms then yes rest in peace is an odd saying for anybody that isn’t religious but it’s generally used as social shorthand in the way that MoseyMTB described above. I guess it has particularly poignancy for anyone that’s died after a troubled life or particularly painful illness as their suffering has come to an end.

    I have no belief in religion or god(s) of any sort but when we were going through difficult times and people told us they were praying for us I just took it as a kindness that in their own way they were thinking of us and wishing the best for us. Sometimes it’s more important to understand the undercurrent of what is being said rather than the literal meaning of the words.

    Full Member

    I thought it meant Rotting in Peat.

    Full Member

    Plus it’s nice to think of a person being in a nice place

    it is nice, but if you are a non believer seems a bit childish

    Free Member

    Sorry i don’t see how thinking of someone i love being in a better place than rotting in the ground is childish?

    It’s more about respect for them as my family than my own feelings.

    Does that rule then apply for Christmas etc? I don’t believe in the easter bunny but i still give my nephew an easter egg. Is that childish?

    Full Member

    rOcKeTdOg – Member

    it is nice, but if you are a non believer seems a bit childish

    I’m a non believer, but I’m perfectly happy to let people use a harmless turn of phrase as they see fit. To do otherwise is a bit Dawkins.

    Full Member

    How old is your nephew?

    Free Member

    3, not really the point though is it.

    I really don’t understand how the term ‘rest in peace’ is being put forward as a bad thing.

    Do we have to cover people saying ‘oh my god’ or ‘OMG’ then?

    Full Member

    Are you pretending to believe in the Easter Bunny for him, or for you? Can’t you see the difference?

    Full Member

    I’m not religious but I still say Bless You if somebody sneezes. RIP seems to be ore a term of affection for the person than anything else.

    Much bigger things in the world to worry about though. 🙄

    Free Member

    Are you pretending to believe in the Easter Bunny for him, or for you? Can’t you see the difference?

    For him, exactly like how i say RIP out of respect for the person not me. Don’t you see?

    Free Member

    Euro trolling, again.

    Free Member

    scotroutes, you haven’t actually explained why you have an issue with RIP?

    Free Member

    Pook – Member

    What a funny thing to get worked up about

    Don’t think anyone is getting worked up, although it’s hard to tell from here. I’ve always thought it was a strange thing to say but seeing it written down makes it even stranger. Yes it’s harmless and generally said with good intentions but i still find it an odd phrase considering.

    How old is your nephew?


    Full Member

    Dull. Must go and do something productive. Garage needs tidying.

    Free Member

    Euro trolling, again.

    If you want, but my opinion can be different from yours without trolling you know. And it looks like others think in a similar way. Trolls everywhere… 🙄

    Sorry, you’re right, lets talk about wheels again

    Free Member

    I wish this thread would RIP*.

    *The P stands for Poo! WTF…LOLz!

    Full Member

    I don’t have an issue with RIP. As has been said above, phrases like RIP, OMG and “Bless you” have simply become part of the language. I do, however, think it’s a bit strange to not have a believe in an afterlife of some sort and then to try to pretend that a loved one is somehow surviving there after death.

    Full Member

    Rip probably makes more sense than wtf

    Free Member

    I think you have mistaken what i meant, i don’t believe they are surviving at all. That is not my point.

    My belief is when your dead you are dead. I say RIP purely out of respect not religion or belief.

    Free Member

    I do, however, think it’s a bit strange to not have a believe in an afterlife of some sort and then to try to pretend that a loved one is somehow surviving there after death.

    It’s not a phrase I would ever use despite the ease with which it conveys a kindness during an often sensitive time. But equally i wouldn’t pull someone up on using the phrase either.

    If they believe it to be true then they are offering you a genuine kindness regardless of your beliefs and if they don’t have that faith then maybe they just have trouble articulating their feelings and are falling back on social convention in order to express their sympathy. Neither of which are a bad thing.

    Free Member

    what would you prefer ah well they will be a rotting putrefied corpse by now as the maggots slowly eat them? Still at least they had a good life
    Its factually accurate if not a tad insensitive
    Suffer in eternal torment is also just as meaningless as they are just dead.
    If you cannot see why this is not done then I cannot help you
    FWIW the phrase does not strike me as particularly religious as that would be rest in gods love for ever in heaven where you have been saved etc.
    I think you may need to learn some tact and diplomacy. Till you acquire this why not put your bluntness/insensitivity to work on STW 😉

    Full Member

    I think that regardless of religious or spiritual belief the idea that someone’s mortal remains are laying undisturbed is comforting. I’d rather be resting in peace than be buggered about with after my funeral!

    Free Member

    Well i think they are great,


    No? Oh sorry I thought you meant the bikes, what with this post being in the BIKE FORUM!

    Full Member

    Sorry i don’t see how thinking of someone i love being in a better place than rotting in the ground is childish?

    Sorry, you misunderstood, I respect your right to say or believe what you want, I don’t believe in religion or life after death so I do see it as misguided and childish, please accept my apologies & my condolencies if someone you love has died

    Free Member

    Rocketdog, this is a topic where posts are so easy to be misinterpreted. No need to apologise at all.

    Like you I’m not religious, like you I whatever makes someone feel better is fine by me.

    I only say rest in peace as I guess I know nothing else. It’s become the standard go to in a death situation.

    Free Member

    http://youtu.be/XEEPXMlqxJ0 Amen Brother enuff said

    Full Member

    MoseyMTB » Rest in Peace doesn’t have to be about religion. It’s just respectful

    It is respectful, but I would also add that in my opinion it indicates a wish to respect the fact this person is dead and cannot defend themselves or make amends for anything they may be accused of. RIP in this context, to me, means don’t go raking over the past or throwing accusations at folk who can’t possibly disprove or defend themselves.

    That said, Not everyone deserves to RIP..!

    Free Member

    Even if you don’t believe in god, surely when you are dead you are at peace anyway.

    Nothing to worry about anymore.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure if this has been mooted as I’ve not read all the posts, but if you have watched someone live with a long and increasingly painful terminal illness then the notion of them finding peace in death is poignant.

    I don’t think R.I.P. is mentioned in the Bible, but it is a long while since I even opened a copy. I don’t think there is anything in the scriptures about cleanliness being next to Godliness, either. Are they not phrases coined by the Victorians?

    Free Member

    Rest in peace is fine by me.

    RIP, however, makes me cringe a bit. It’s like something you’d see scrawled on a wall in Belfast after a prominent republicans/loyalists name.

    Free Member

    Rest in Peace your YES vote Druidh! lol 😀

    Free Member

    I’m guessing this is due to my R.I.P thread for JMC?
    Wasn’t quite the reaction I expected euro!
    I’m not religious in any way it’s just a mark of respect
    If it winds you up that much you may have issues!!!

    Free Member

    Well i have always thought it is a strange think to write.
    But then again i like to think people have turned into something else maybe they are a eagle now or a polar bear so they are not dead only in the human form.If you see what i mean!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Me too dobie. I like CBAAF (come back as a fish) 😀

    If it winds you up that much you may have issues!!!

    I’m ****ing raging here!! Foam and everything!!! Or not. 😀

    You’re thread did bring it to mind, but it’s something i’ve always wondered about. Like plenty of other phrases i guess. To me it will always have a religious tone (raised a catholic and schooled by nuns)but i stopped believing at a young age and i don’t think i’ve ever said or written it. I meant no disrespect fella.

    Anyway, what about them wheels

    Free Member

    I dont think 26″wheels will rest in peace.Mine are not going too 😀
    They are going to stay jumping and sliding foreverrrrrrrrrrr.

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