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  • Right. That’s it; I’ve had enough. BT Must Be Destroyed.
  • RudeBoy
    Free Member

    Are they the most useless company in the history of the World?

    Just received a letter from a debt collection agency, demanding payment of an ‘outstanding amount’ that I ‘owe’ BT.

    I don’t owe BT a penny, and recently received a final bill of £0.00. After canceling my contract with them, they agreed that there had been a failure to provide a service as advertised/promised, and that I was, as according to my legal rights, entitled to cancel the contract without incurring any further penalties or charges. This has ben agreed, and I have statements from BT, confirming this.

    Once again, the incredible incompetence of this useless shower of shit has caused me grief. I now have to contact BT AGAIN, to inform them of their error, send copies of my final bill etc to the DC agency, basically waste even more time trying to sort out their mess. I was toying with the idea of letting it all go to court, then having the last laugh, as it is proved that I don’t in fact owe them anything, and seeing them have to pay all the costs, but that would just waste the court’s time.

    Why are companies allowed to be so shit? And we wonder why the country’s economy is in such a mess? Why can’t anyone do a **** decent job any more? Is it really too much to ask, that you can get a decent, reliable, trouble free service from anyone? Is there a single utility or telecoms provider that actually operates as they should be expected to?

    If I am late with a payment or something, my bank will charge me £30 or whatever. Ok, fair enough. But is it not time, that we should all be able to charge these **** a similar amount, every time they cock something up? BT would owe me hundreds, by now!

    Meanwhile, BT bosses continue to get their bonuses, and the shareholders, their dividends.

    Re-nationalise the **** lot. And use the profits to make it better, not service greed.

    If I slash the tyres on a BT vayn, would that be disproportionate? After all, they’ve inconvenienced me enough.

    Bastards. If I properly lose it, and run amok in a telephone exchange, with a pair of wire-cutters, then don’t be surprised.


    Full Member

    Re-nationalise the **** lot.

    Not that I want to start this again, but when they were part of the GPO they were rubbish, when they were split out as BT they were rubbish, and since they were privatised they’ve been rubbish. I don’t know where you get this idea that state-owned companies are somehow more efficient.

    I’m with you that BT are rubbish though.

    Free Member

    Anger issues ? Yesterday you wanted to castrate me or whatever for trying to moderate the A&A thread. Calm down and take a chill pill.

    Free Member

    State-owned companies needunt be rubbish; if the profits are ploughed back into making them better, rather than being squandered by greed politicians, then there’s every chance they can be efficient and profitable. Plenty of state-owned companies on the continent, which run perfectly well.

    BT are utter, utter useless bastards.

    And TBH, they weren’t actually too bad, before privatisation. A shit load better than they are now.

    You’re right, SFB, but they’ve pushed me too far. I’ve had enough.


    Free Member

    Pre privatisation they were actually pretty good. Apparently. According to someone who has worked in BT/GPO since those early days.

    Incidentally I’ve never had a problem at all with BT, in fact they’re the only company that has ever a) known how to fix a fault and b) apologised for not beign the cheapest and given me extra money back when i cancelled.

    Full Member

    State-owned companies needunt be rubbish; if the profits are ploughed back into making them better, rather than being squandered by greed politicians, then there’s every chance they can be efficient and profitable.

    True, true. It’s a big if though.

    Plenty of state-owned companies on the continent, which run perfectly well.

    Again, true. However, you’ll do well to find a British example. I personally think it’s to do with the (lack of a) British work ethic.

    Free Member

    But it’s not just BT, though. Far too many companies are getting away with incredibly poor service. I can understand it in a way; people don’t have much motivation to do a decent job; many simply do the minimum required, pick up their wages at the end of the month, and don’t really care. Seems we’ve all become so selfish, we don’t really care that it might need a little bit of extra effort, to help someone out. Nettles; you’re spot on re the British work-ethic.

    It’s just so exasperating. With the work I do, I have to produce the best I can, or it’s simply not good enough. And those are standards I impose on myself. If a job’s worth doing, then it’s worth doing propply.

    I wish the likes of BT would adopt such an attitude.

    Free Member

    I was toying with the idea of letting it all go to court, then having the last laugh

    I’d be sorely tempted too….Although I do see your point about wasting the Court’s time.

    If I was 100% sure of my facts, I’d call their bluff
    I’d write one letter to BT, one to the Baliffs, explaining the facts and enclosing the proof. Send both recorded delivery and explain that you won’t be answering any more correspondance from either of them because it’s a waste of your time and you don’t owe any money. Enclose a bill for your time and the postal charges. Then sit back and wait.

    Free Member

    I would, if I could be bothered, PP. Waste of time and energy though, tbh.

    I don’t want to have to moan about them. I just want these companies to deliver a decent, reliable service. Considering the huge profits they keep making, is this too difficult?

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