Home Forums Chat Forum remember my thread about words typing backwards on my laptop?

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  • remember my thread about words typing backwards on my laptop?
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    Cougar your offer is truly generous however i can’t remember where the hidden porn folder is which is worrying!

    If you can’t find it, I won’t. In any case, you will be able to watch what I’m doing.

    Free Member

    someone posted this:

    other google suggestions are checking if you accidentally press ctrl-rightshift or ctrl-leftshift,

    recall setting up MIL’s PC so she could switch from English to Arabic (right to left text) text entry easily and just checked and in Win10 left Ctrl and shift is default hot key for English, right Ctrl and shift is default hotkey for Arabic style – no idea how to disable but if I was you I’d go looking… either that or change typing style

    Full Member

    Do you have spellcheck enabled? Switch that off.
    Do the words always appear backwards, or are they sometimes just jumbled up?
    When I’m working remotely sometimes it appears that I type quicker than the keyboard I/O can be displayed on the target machine, there is cursor lag and the letters get jumbled. Normally after typing a word there is a slight pause in typing which allows the machine to ‘catch up’ hence why the words after the mis-spelt word aren’t appearing before it.

    Full Member

    If it were an input problem I’d be amazed that it accidentally reversed the entire word, as opposed to a jumble of characters. It is like something that understands the word and is intentionally messing with it.

    If you are able to install a keylogger you could capture the keypresses just to rule out the random backwords words from your brain condition.

    Just out of interest if you are typing a work like considerable and you are a 2 finger typist, what happens if you look up part way through the word, is it half spelt backwards, or does something slow the print to screen out and reverse on fully typing the word?

    Free Member

    Ok ..one thing at a time ..keylogger installed ( although I have no idea whether this will record exactly what is typed directly from the keyboard or whether it’ll simply access the same that appears on the screen so could be misleading ) . hasn’t happened yet in firefox btw.
    all tips ideas are appreciated and will be implemented if no luck with my latest strategy.

    Free Member

    pretty sure when it happens it simply appears in the reverse order one letter at a time rather than the whole word being finished then reversed. It all happens so quickly and intermittently that it’s been hard to notice

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