Home Forums Chat Forum remember my thread about words typing backwards on my laptop?

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  • remember my thread about words typing backwards on my laptop?
  • kaiser
    Free Member

    I have had 2 threads over the years I think about an intermittent problem with words often appearing backwards when typed on my laptop ie bike would come out as ekib etc . It may be just 2 or 3 words in a sentence that do it ..then I look up , notice , stop a second and continue with all being OK. I’ve never found a solution despite scouring the web for suggestions and ideas and others have had similar experiences. Anyway ..my laptop runs W10 and I mainly use chrome as a browser. I came to the conclusion it could be one of the extensions but disabled them all and still got the trouble. I don’t know whether simply disabling them removes all effect or whether they’d have to be completely removed but disabling them didn’t fix it.
    The other day I was using my wife’s old W7 laptop and experienced the same problem ! She said she never noticed anything like that happening before but she always used firefox and I was using chrome As she is a technophobe I had set up her laptop and it uses many of the same extensions as on my own .
    Because of the intermittent nature it has proved impossible to fix so far and still remains an annoyance despite not being the end of the world. I guess I would have to remove all extensions not just disable them to find out whether that is the cause but I use them all the time so perhaps one at a time would be best or maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree. Help me get to the bottom of this and please don’t suggest my other thread about double vision is the reason ! cheers Bill

    Free Member


    Full Member

    skroW  no ym Padi

    Free Member

    doogyrev 😀

    Is this just on certain web sites? I’ve notice Facebook does some annoying things when typing where suddenly characters type before the others, though not exactly backwards. Tends to get stuck in a mess where you can’t delete characters either. It’ll be the scripts behind FB which do lots of things behind the scene as you type.

    Free Member

    tried to find the LOL emoji but don’t think there is an noitpo!

    Free Member

    it’s so sporadic I really haven’t noticed ..I must make a note. I did notice it happening on yahoo mail the other day . I’ll keep a list from now on. Because I rarely use standalone programs for word processing etc I haven’t determined whether it’s just a web related thing . Need to gather evidence!

    Full Member

    skroW no ym Padi



    Free Member

    Need to gather evidence!

    Of you not typing backwards…

    Free Member

    Can other people corroborate this? Is it not just your brain?

    Free Member

    I may not be the sharpest tool in the box and am certainly eccentric but unless I’ve really lost it I’m sure it’s happening in reality!

    Free Member

    Ask yourself
    Was it a cat I saw?
    I did, did I?


    Don’t nod

    Free Member

    My money is on a sporadic brainfart, or at least I believe that’s the medical term.

    Free Member

    just happened again when typing a reply on another thread on this forum!

    Full Member

    just happened again when typing a reply on another thread on this forum!

    I wouldn’t bother using this forum as a guide to comparing input and intention with output!

    Full Member

    Occam’s Razor is probably the answer here?

    Full Member

    Have you considered you may be possessed by demons?

    .ngis a saw sdrawkcab gnitirw erus m’I

    Free Member

    able was I ere I saw elba

    Free Member

    Are we not pure? “No sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man; a prisoner up to new era.

    Free Member

    Do not write a review of Park, the bike tool maker; you could be sued

    Full Member

    It’ll be you doing it. Nothing to do with the computer, the browser or any plugins.

    Free Member

    I may not be the sharpest tool in the box and am certainly eccentric but unless I’ve really lost it I’m sure it’s happening in reality!

    I was being serious. This is the kind of thing that you read about with small brain injuries or just brain related weirdness. Take a screenshot next time!

    Full Member

    I had this on a laptop, the left cursor button kept getting stuck down so forcing the cursor back all the time,giving the appearance of reverse typing. Worth a look anyway.

    Free Member

    It’s not the keyboard as it happened on two different laptops.I doubt it’s me as I wouldn’t know how to spell some of the words backwards even if was doing it without realising. Also if it were a brain quirk it would happen on other computers which weren’t mine + my phone which it doesn’t. Next time I’ll take a screenshot .

    Full Member

    i had a quick google and it looks quite common actually, but nobody seems to have supplied an answer.

    one thing to try that keeps being suggested is that sporadically you may be brushing the touchpad as you type? can you rule that out?

    Free Member

    Thanks Sadex.. Your a star ..I have a headache and am know doubting my sanity! Yes it’s certainly possible I could be brushing the touchpad as I often use the laptop in unergonomic positions such as in bed and when I reach for the characters further away my fleece/whatever cuff could be doing that. In fact it makes more sense as it’s happening even more recently than in the summer when I’m short sleeved most of the time . I wonder and suspect you may well have the answer …if so I’ll be over the moon ! For the rest of this evening I’ll roll up my sleeves and see what happens.
    Could you possibly point me towards where you saw that suggestion as I had looked beforehand but not seen that idea ?
    I shall report back I promise …

    Free Member

    well ..to test the theory I tried typing whilst at the same time moving the cursor all over with the touchpad . It seemed to have no effect on the typing at all so sadly maybe it’s not that after all. I’m going to install “touchfreeze” a freeware utility which disables the touchpad whilst typing and see if that makes any difference.

    Full Member

    Do not write a review of Park, the bike tool maker; you could be sued

    Would have to replace the “k” with a “c” as well though 🙂

    Full Member

    Can other people corroborate this?

    Yup. I get it a couple of times a month. I have no idea what causes it, but it’s definitely a thing.

    I remember your last thread but had no answer as to why it happens. I’ve since tried to think what I must have just done when it happened again, and again, so I could help you with an answer – but the best I can come up with is I must have dragged my hand against the trackpad/simultaneously clicked on something. At no time have I noticed a pattern though.

    Only happens on Google though, not that I’m a prolific user of word/excel on home laptop. Never happens on my POS work Surface Pro, which has a relatively small trackpad.

    driew yreV

    Interestingly, just as I was editing this reply another occasional oddity just happened – when you managed to turn your flashing cursor into a cursor that will only select a character in blue and not let you click off it – so if you type, it mercilessly deletes any characters in its way.

    Full Member

    Could you possibly point me towards where you saw that suggestion as I had looked beforehand but not seen that idea ?

    this was one of the links but i just put ‘typing words backwards’ into google and followed a few links from the microsoft forum….


    Free Member

    Cheers Sadex …Tried to install touchfreeze but it wouldn’t work so now have free touchpad blocker which seems to be working well at disabling touchpad when typing. Will Update

    Full Member

    Occam’s Razor is probably the answer here.

    More likely Hanlon’s Razor
    ‘Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect.’
    Or, as Napoleon Bonaparte once said:
    ‘Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.’

    Free Member

    Free Member

    could all the intellectuals using their philosophical razors to point to the answer please just tell me it .. It would be much more helpful!

    Full Member

    have you tried only using chrome in incognito mode? see if it still happens?

    Full Member

    A while ago I had a bad headache after lunch at work and then my words were all messed up when typing emails. I concluded that I had had a stroke and would certainly die to death. A few minutes later I realised some of my baguette crumbs had fallen into my keyboard and were causing missed leters in words.

    Full Member

    ˙sǝɯıʇǝɯos suǝddɐɥ ʇsnɾ ʇI

    Free Member

    Bollocks ..it’s still happening with the touchpad disabled so that theory is out of the window. Just took a snip to show the skeptics . Typed ” di2 alfine ” in the google search box then looked up : [/url]anonymous photo sharing[/url] I haven’t tried incognito mode as often it’s a rare occurrence although not today.

    Free Member

    Interestingly, just as I was editing this reply another occasional oddity just happened – when you managed to turn your flashing cursor into a cursor that will only select a character in blue and not let you click off it – so if you type, it mercilessly deletes any characters in its way.

    Did you press ‘insert’ by mistake?

    Just took a snip to show the skeptics

    Looks fine to me.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    So, two things,

    1) Are you sure it’s not just you? Two different laptops, your missus isn’t affected, there’s only one common denominator here.

    2) Learn to touch-type. Or ask your wife / someone to observe you. Watch what happens on-screen.

    (Ironically, I just typed “no-screen” there…)

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