To be honest all the ‘sportive’ bikes seem to be much of a muchness, I spent a while geeking out over geometry charts and I’d swear the Synapse/Roubaix/Diverge/Datum/Defy are all the same (actually Defy might be a tiny bit lower now I think about it).
Giant do one called the Anyroad Comax. Looked like decent spec etc and quite upgradeable, not too sure about the looks though! It seemed the most performance oriented of the truly upright/short frames.
Other than the Anyroad I think you’d be looking at touring frames, I had a Salsa Vaya a while ago which felt great on long road rides (put in a couple of respectable hilly centuries on mine). Sold it eventually as it felt far more sluggish than my carbon Synapse (unsurprisingly!) but regret that decision now, could have been built up lighter with some nice tyres and made a great long distance bike.